Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 279 6.27 Underground Offensive

"Quick! Brothers, work harder!"

"Have you seen the sand in front of us? The sand is obviously wet, which means the well is right ahead!"

The person responsible for digging this tunnel was the director of a copper mine in the "Shattered Iron Mountains" of the Kingdom of Mercia. He spent almost all of his 50-plus years digging underground, so Prince Lancelot gave him this arduous task.

And the mine manager certainly lived up to expectations.

Based on the soldiers' rough description of the location of the well and their precise control of the soil moisture in the dark underground. He led the excavation team to accurately find the well, which was only 3 meters in diameter.

Now, he was infinitely close to the well wall made of strips of stone.

"Come on, come on, do you see this wet soil? We are very close!"

"Hurry up and finish this task. Prince Lancelot has already spoken. As long as we dig this passage, my brothers will have completed their military service!

You have to go home quickly!

Spring has arrived. If you don’t go home and help the family plant seeds, you will have to spend money to buy grain again this year! "

Filled with righteous indignation, the mine manager couldn't help but speed up his shovel swing, eager to dig through the hole right away.

"Isn't it?" the subordinate who followed him said, "I worked hard all year round to mine, and the silver coins I got in exchange for it finally made it cheaper for those vampire-like French businessmen. Haha, I really don't know why the Holy Lord Christ would give Such a rich land for the French!"

"Boss, did you know? On the French land, skilled wheat farmers can produce three crops of wheat a year! Simply relying on the land, their output is three times that of ours!

I really don’t know how much blessing these beasts have achieved in their previous lives! "

They chatted about topics they complained about almost every day, but the workers digging the tunnels divided their labor in an orderly manner. Four people were excavating side by side in front, and three people were following behind to put up iron frames to prevent the tunnel from collapsing. There were more than a dozen people in the rear who were responsible for carting away the excavated soil.

This small team of nearly 20 people has experienced long-term cooperation. The discipline formed has been engraved in the bone marrow. Several people advanced quickly underground. As the water vapor contained in the soil ahead became larger and larger, the captain standing at the front waving the shovel gradually slowed down the frequency of swinging the shovel.

He raised the kerosene lamp and slowly stretched the pig iron in his hand forward. Gently scrape off the last layer of dirt that adheres to the stone tiles. When the layer of blue-gray stone bricks appeared under the illumination of the kerosene lamp, everyone behind the captain let out a low cry.

"Everyone, please keep your voice down! You must know that the Vikings are not far above our heads!"

"Haha, don't worry, our excavation depth is 20 meters! It's so deep underground, no one can hear us even if we sing an opera here!"

Dang, Dang, Dang, he tapped the green bricks in front of him with the shovel in his hand.

"Hurry up and mark the tunnel and reinforce the tunnel!"

"Those in the back, hurry up and transport the dirt away! By this time tomorrow, we should be on our way home."

After the excited captain said these words, he originally expected to be greeted by cheers from his companions behind him. But as he turned around holding the kerosene lamp high, he found that all the team members were looking at him with extremely frightened eyes.



When he turned around, a big black hand stretched out from the cracks in the bricks, and now it appeared in front of the excavation captain!

Accompanied by the sound of cracking brick walls, several big Viking men took the initiative to tear open the wall of the well. Like evil ghosts crawling out of hell, they suddenly appeared in front of the Mercian miners.

"Hey, dear friend from England, I need you to hold your breath right now."


Before the captain could react, the Viking man in front of him grabbed him by the collar and threw him into a deep well. Several workers who were following him immediately fled back when they saw this. However, a narrow mine has never been a conducive place for escape.

The Slavic hunter took out the hook and lock and tied them tightly. Loki sideways placed them one by one on the hanging platform in the shaft, and sent a signal to let the Viking warriors guarding the entrance of the shaft pull them up.

In medieval times, a tunnel could be dug underneath to reach a well. There is no such talent in the entire valley.

For such precious skilled workers, as long as their lives can be saved, Loki will definitely try his best to save them.

"Brothers above the wellhead, there is another unlucky guy who fell to the bottom of the well. If you can, don't forget to rescue him!"

After saying that, he walked into the mine tunnel with 10 carefully selected Viking warriors including Gulaur and Sartre.


In the mine tunnel, Rocky, who was walking at the front holding a kerosene lamp high, marveled at the exquisite craftsmanship of the English miners.

You know, in the underground world where you can't see your fingers, it is extremely difficult to accurately find the "horizontal direction".

However, while walking in the tunnel, he found that the tunnel was dug very smoothly. A strong frame made of solid wood and steel nails is erected every three meters in the mine. This ensures that the entire passage will not collapse under strong support.

Even their feet were laid with a round sleeper to prevent slipping.

“I really didn’t expect that a tunnel used for poisoning would be built so neatly.”

From this point of view, after the vigorous development of Ulysses, the Kingdom of Mercia has even developed the prototype of "industrialization" and "standardization" in all walks of life.

The old man who was imprisoned in the castle by himself was obviously an expert in business.

Moving along the passage, a few people killed several transport teams pushing carts to transport soil out of the mine. By the time we approached the exit of the mine, it was already late at night.

In order to keep the action secret, Loki and the others put on miners' clothes and pushed a cart of soil out of the mine.

I originally thought there would be guards questioning me at the entrance of the mine. However, after walking out of the mine, the construction site shrouded in the night sky was extremely noisy.

The other end of the cave entrance is connected to a warehouse built not far from the castle.

Large quantities of lumber, steel and construction materials are stored here. Even though it was late at night, there were still craftsmen working overtime pushing cart after cart of materials.

Everyone looked solemn and walked in a hurry.

No one paid any attention to Loki and the others who were pushing a cart of dirt.

"According to my chat with Mr. Ulysses a few days ago, he said that if Wanghai Fortress falls, the headquarters of the English Allied Forces will most likely be set up in an apple plantation not far outside the city."

"Brothers, let's unload these two carts of soil and catch some of his fat sheep before the night goes away!

Now we have only one Ulysses Elam. This chip is too small.

Today, we will capture at least three or four of his princes!

Let’s see if they still have the guts to poison the well! "

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