Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 280 6.28 Night Attack

The apple plantation is not far from Wanghai Fortress. After sneaking out of the busy construction site warehouse, no one paid attention to them along the way.

Several people took off their mud-stained coats and walked on the dark country road. They didn't even see a patrol along the way.

Just an hour later, they had arrived at the outskirts of an exquisite manor.

"Yes, it should be right here because I saw many soldiers patrolling around the manor!"

"And if I read correctly, most of these people should be the chosen ones who belong to the Holy Bishop! I saw the white light emanating from them!"

Gulaur's eyes shone with excitement, and even Sartre couldn't restrain his violent muscles and thought about rushing into the manor immediately.

The Vikings' favorite enemies were the equally barbaric Slavs on the other side of the Baltic Sea.

In the battle with the Slavs, both sides roared and picked up their weapons and attacked each other. The winner of a battle was often decided within 10 minutes. Those who can still breathe roar with victory, while those who have lost their breath happily go to see Odin.

Simple, exciting and direct.

In the lives of most Vikings, which were not long, they had never fought such a frustrating battle in the past few days.

In the absence of long-range attack methods and the inability to break out of the fortress, they could only watch helplessly as the English engineering team built the fortifications to the edge of the city wall.

With a city wall that was 30 meters high, they could only watch helplessly as these guys showed off their power under the city wall.

But Loki issued an order that no one could leave the city.

Until now, half a month has passed. They finally got another chance to smash the ax into the enemy's skull.

But this opportunity is not available to everyone.

"Once again, the main purpose of this operation is to capture the leaders and generals of the English coalition forces, princes!"

"The weapons you rely on are not hand axes, but these sacks!

Before setting off, I have told you in detail what an English noble would look like - a fat pig with a fat head and a trembling body when running!

There are also guys whose hair has been permed into curls, who look neither male nor female, and who smell like makeup!

Soldiers with such virtuous qualities are simply not conscripted into the army, so on the battlefield, those who look like this must be English nobles!

Whenever you see this kind of person, you don’t need to ask so many questions, just put it in a sack and carry it away for me! With these fat sheep under control, not to mention polluting the water source, even if we run out of food, these English gentlemen outside the city will have to send food in for us.

Do you understand? Only by catching a group of fat sheep will we have the capital to continue spending! "

"We must catch them alive!"

"Dead people are worthless!"

After laying out the entire battle plan, Loki assigned half of his troops to guard the perimeter of the manor. After hacking to death the groom on duty in the stable, three Viking berserkers were responsible for guarding the stable full of pure-blooded BMWs and the horses. A luxurious carriage outside the house.

After completing all preparations, the Viking warriors no longer hid their figures. Sartre blew the horn, and his men drew their hand axes and roared towards the Holy Bishop's guards guarding the gate.

Dazzling fire and thunder surged out of their bodies. Facing an enemy that was almost ten times their own number, the Viking warriors were not afraid at all.

During the siege of Wanghai Fortress half a month ago, they had already discovered that the English soldiers were very fragile in terms of combat capabilities.

If it weren't for high-sequence warriors like Jerome and Lawrence, most of the English soldiers wouldn't even be able to withstand the berserker's slashing move.

Amidst the harsh cries and thick rain of blood, Loki strolled leisurely in the manor, and even reached out to take out a bottle of wine from the tea room and took a few sips.

The door was blocked, and the nobles who had no way to escape jumped out of the high windows. But they are immediately captured by Viking warriors guarding the perimeter of the estate. The sacks were not enough, so the pirates even used the ancient method of the Vikings, breaking all their limbs and joints, binding them with ropes at their ankles, and dragging the nobles behind them like salted fish.

"Brothers, we only have one hour! After one hour, everyone must evacuate from the manor because their reinforcements may arrive."

"Don't just kill people, remember to kidnap people!

Especially find me this guy named Ecbert! His family crest is a two-headed gryphon! As long as this old guy really falls into our hands, this war may even end within 10 days! "

Frankly speaking, Loki is not a murderer. Occasionally, one or two knights wearing open armor popped out of the rooms on both sides of him. These guys who had no kidnapping value were all knocked unconscious by him with his fists.

Ever since he drank the golden potion and obtained this body with the "bloodline of the Viking ancestors", all his technical and tactical abilities have become primitive.

As the Frost Giant King said, humans are also not a species born on this planet. The reason why humans are what they are today is because humans have been inexplicably degenerating over millions of years.

The Viking ancestors were able to drive the frost giants away from the Viking land without relying on any external gods.

Nuwa and Fuxi on the Eastern Continent can refine stones to mend the sky and block the passage for foreign gods to enter the earth.

They have degenerated from powerful foreign gods to needing to rely on foreign gods. The ancient gods imparted power to survive, and now, even the 'new gods' born from humans can control their thoughts.

This only happens within ten thousand years.

Loki, who drank the golden potion and activated the bloodline of the ancestors, discovered that this body had no sequence path or sequence level.

He can't use magical powers such as breathing fire and drawing thunder, transforming and divination, but the power of this body is primitive and direct.

In Asgard, he can chase any beast on foot. At this time, facing the English soldiers who were charging towards him with their swords drawn, he could knock them away with one punch.

After entering the combat state, everything around him will automatically slow down in front of his eyes.

And as long as he falls into an angry mood, his body surface will heat up, which will bring thick white steam. In this state, his strength will increase several times, and he can even smash the steel armor of English knights with his bare hands.

What the golden-armored giant said was correct. In terms of physical strength alone, the boiling blood of the Viking ancestors was no weaker than the bodies transformed by the Scarlet Creator.

Just as humans would not get angry at the kittens, puppies, or impurities in books around them, after several battles with gods, ordinary humans would no longer be a powerful enemy that could threaten their lives in his eyes.

While strolling around, he walked all the way to the top floor of the manor.

Here, standing in the wind, was a girl wearing a linen robe.

A raging fire was already burning in the apple orchard, and the manor was filled with screams and screams of murder. In the scene of hell, a girl stood on the top floor of the manor with her hands clasped behind her hands.

The bright moonlight shines on her simple robe, which looks extremely sacred against the thick smoke behind her.

"My people have already invaded, and everyone else in this manor is running away."

"Why don't you run?"

Loki slowly walked to her side and stood side by side with her.

The girl didn't talk to her, nor did she look back.

Judging from this outfit, there is absolutely no connection between this girl and the word "noble". But a person's external temperament cannot be hidden.

Although Loki has spent half the winter with the Viking princess Mehlantine, this aristocratic princess from Constantinople always has a strong businessman's atmosphere.

But the person in front of me is as innocent as an orchid in the empty valley.

Until now, I am clasping my hands and praying for the gardeners running for their lives downstairs.

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