Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 299 6.47 Shilin County and

The English Islands are composed of four large islands.

Among them, Wessex, relying on its strong national strength, occupies the best position.

This "best position" is the English Channel located in the extreme south of the archipelago.

Looking at the entire western continent, the English Islands are an isolated island independent of the continent. The connecting area between this island and the inland is the narrow English Channel.

The narrowest part of the strait is only 34 kilometers, and this distance can even be crossed by swimming for the sturdy Viking sea dwellers.

On the other side of the strait are the powerful Duchy of France, the Free City-State of Visigoths, and the "Bavaria Region" and "Lombardy Region".

All goods exported by the seven countries of the English Islands must be transported to other countries in the western continent through the English Channel.

And other commodities needed by the seven countries, such as ironware, minerals, glass, and tea, all rely on ferries on the English Channel to Wessex, and then cross the border of Wessex to Mercia, Wales, and Northumbria deeper in the archipelago.

The English Channel belongs to Wessex.

For all ships trying to cross the strait, whether they are buyers or sellers, Wessex has various ways to control prices or impose tariffs. Relying on its strong national strength, they can easily hoard goods within the borders, causing shortages in the other six countries, and then take the opportunity to sell them at high prices.

Or contact all purchasing merchants through the Chamber of Commerce to collectively lower the purchase price.

The other six countries are angry but dare not speak out against the powerful Wessex. Because they know that the reason why this country dares to be so bold is that they have the more powerful "Duke of France" behind them.

It is precisely because of this cooperative relationship that the rulers of France, the "Plantage Family", are willing to teach the "Dragon Language" to the dragon knights of Wessex.

Even if the rulers of the six countries dare to provoke Wessex, they will never provoke the powerful France, which is now ruled by the "Plantage Family" on the other side of the strait.

Because the dragon knights in this country are not 10, but nearly 500!

Not to mention, they also have the "Pegasus Cavalry Regiment", "Griffin Cavalry Regiment", and hundreds of "Battle Angels".

After crossing the border, Loki's army stood on the edge of a steep cliff, which was called the "Mercean Steps" and was nearly 100 meters high.

Below the steps was the first province of Mercia and Wessex, the Stone Forest County. This place is famous for its rugged mountain roads and towering stone mountains that seem to grow upright.


A thousand years ago, when the Saxons had not yet crossed the other side of the English Channel, the English Isles were still the land of the barbaric "Celts". The Celts, who believed in Shennong "Massenuk" and tree demons, and the Druid culture, had magical powers.

They could make all things in the world grow through "natural magic".

This included not only animals and plants. The druids under the "Massenuk" temple could even "modify" the immovable mountains and rivers, and even the stubborn stone hills into what they wanted. Under the blessing of this divine power, the English Isles, which were blessed with good weather and good harvests, were transformed by them into a paradise with lush trees and extremely favorable geographical conditions.

Unfortunately, they eventually attracted the migrants from the south of the English Channel.

According to the "natural faith" cultivated for a long time, the Druids believed that "life" was the most precious gift given to mankind by the god of agriculture. "Killing one's own kind" was considered disrespectful by the Celtic people, so the number of warriors among the tribe was extremely rare.

After just a few decades of war, they lost all their homeland and were driven to the cold plateau in the far north of the English Isles.

Because of the high dimension, it was a wasteland that was as barren as the Scandinavian Peninsula. None of the seven kings looked down on that piece of land, so they let the Celts fend for themselves.

The magnificent stone mountains and stalagmites left in the seven countries, as well as the winding rivers full of natural beauty, became the proof of their existence.

This includes the magnificent "Stone Forest City".

Unlike the huge castles built by giants on the Scandinavian Peninsula with amazing scale, and the "Sea Fortress" built with the full human craftsmanship, the "Stone Forest City" is a city located on thick stone pillars of different heights.

The main urban area of ​​the city, "Falling Rain Heights", is a flat stone pile raised from the ground, with an area of ​​about 2 square kilometers. Connecting "Falling Rain Heights" and "Mercia Stairs" is a flat stone bridge 12 meters wide and 400 meters long.

According to Ulysses Elan, the Celts thousands of years ago also made the lifeless stalagmites "grow" a bridge that can be used for connection through the unremitting efforts of several generations.

Before the appearance of this bridge, the towering Wall of Mercia stood on the north side of Shilin County like a huge wall! Camel caravans who wanted to enter Mercia from Wessex could only sail in the sea and go around the coastline.

Since the Celts used natural magic to "grow" this stone bridge, caravans can climb to the Falling Rain Heights through the stairs built around the stalagmites, and then climb the stone bridge to enjoy the magnificent landforms of Shilin County while entering the Mercia Plateau.

When Rocky stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the deep canyon and the winding karst landforms in front of him, he sighed softly. The vertical height of the cliff was nearly 100 meters. If his army wanted to avoid walking on the stone bridge which was only 12 meters wide,

He could only climb down the cliff and enter the dark gaps in the stone forest.

Anyone with any sense knows that this is a dangerous move. On a 100-meter-high cliff, the English would throw down some gravel at will, and when it landed, it would cause considerable damage due to the terrifying acceleration.

Not to mention that if they used gunpowder to blow up the stalagmites, it would be a disaster at the bottom of the canyon.

In this case, he must try to pass this arch bridge.

However, the Wessex people were not fools. In the middle of the arch bridge, visible to the naked eye, seven or eight huge wooden barrels were tightly tied to the bottom of the arch bridge. It is conceivable that the contents in these barrels are definitely not wine or spices.

Nine times out of ten, these are barrels of black powder from the Eastern Tang Dynasty!

The Viking army is pressing down on the territory. Compared with the wealthy castles and nobles in the Kingdom of Wessex, a stone bridge can be completely abandoned. It is certain that as long as Loki dares to lead his troops onto the stone bridge, they will definitely blow the bridge made of fragile rocks into two pieces.

Looking intently at this dangerous stone bridge, Loki began to think rapidly.

You must not go to the sea.

The Kingdom of Wessex must not have used all their sea power, so once entering a naval battle, the Viking longships had no possibility of winning.

Climbing down the valley is not realistic either.

The Wessex people tied the barrels to the bottom of the stone bridge without hesitation in order to force him into the deep canyons.

"Okay, it's really good!"

After waving slightly, Sartre, who had followed Loki silently the whole time, stepped forward and slammed the blood-colored stone statue on his back to the ground.

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