Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 300 6.48 Duke Luke’s hesitation

"Oh shit!"

"What a fucking evil! Where have these viking bastards gone?!"

“Oh, pardon my French”

The sun was setting in the west, dusk had arrived, and when the sky and the earth were shrouded in deep blue twilight, Fabian Luke, the Duke of Stonewood County, stood on the spire of the cathedral of "Rainfall Heights", holding a telescope studded with gems. , looking across the stone bridge.

He clearly remembered that just half an hour ago, when the sun cast its last rays of light on the ground, he saw a large, dark mass of Viking troops across the stone bridge.

Just when I turned around and took a sip of tea, the sun set

There was no one on the other side.

"Duke Luke, for the sake of safety, we should make an immediate decision to protect Stone Forest City and blow up the bridge!"

The person who spoke was Fabian's chief aide, a polymath from "Bavaria". The unique seriousness of the Germans makes him always as precise as a stick of law.

Duke Fabian pinched his two finely trimmed beards, knowing that he had to make a decision immediately.

The arch bridge connecting the "Rainfall Plateau" and the "Mercian Stairs" was created seven hundred years ago by Celtic druids using natural magic.

It is said that more than a hundred druids live in the Falling Rain Highlands and the Wall of Mercia, raising their hands to pray to the gods every day. It took three generations to make this flat stone bridge grow from the rock.

It's easy to blow up this bridge.

He only needs to send a moa knight, shoot a rocket from the air to ignite the explosive, and the stone bridge will be immediately shattered by the black powder.

With the road into the city cut off, the Vikings either had to climb down the stairs into the gorge, or they could only enter Wessex by boat from the sea.

Entering the canyon Duke Luke purchased more explosives waiting for them. Not to mention mortals, even a Behemoth beast would definitely not be able to survive being buried by hundreds of tons of rocks from high altitude.

As for sailing, they can go wherever they want. As long as they get on the boat, they are no longer their problem.

Stonewood County, located in the rear of Wessex, will never be affected by this war again.

Duke Luke has not made a decision for a long time, precisely because this stone bridge is also the lifeblood of Stone Forest County that cannot be lost!

According to the logic of mortals building cities, it would cost 10 times the labor to build a city on stone pillars 500 meters above the ground. The reason why Ecbert spent a huge amount of money to complete this difficult task was to allow the camel team to enter the Mercian Plateau by land and save the huge trouble caused by the camel team loading, carrying and unloading the goods.

If all goods shipped to the interior of the archipelago require port resources. He needs to build at least 10 piers.

These are 10 brand new cities

There is no cultivated land, no animal husbandry, and no handicraft industry in Shilin County. Even so, nearly 100,000 people in the county still had enough food and clothing, and they relied on this stone bridge taken from the Celts!

If this stone bridge is destroyed, the Celtic druids, who are already on the verge of extinction, will have no ability to "build" a new bridge.

By that time, Shilin County will become a deserted land.

All residents will be forced to move out to find new ways to survive.

And he, the "Duke", will immediately be reduced to an ordinary citizen.

Duke Luke, who was accustomed to living a life of fine clothes and fine food, could not imagine himself driving a carriage, loading and unloading goods in the wind, rain, and snow, and quarreling with others over a few copper pennies like a common man.

Let’s not talk about whether the life of a camel team living in the open air can support his seven-bedroom wife. Even if he can support him, Lord Luke, who is used to being a duke, cannot bear the hardship at all.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will never order the blowing up of this bridge that maintains the livelihood of all residents in Shilin County.

(Is it possible that the Vikings saw the explosives tied to the bridge and were scared off?)

(Yes, that’s probably the truth!)

(Just imagine, if it were me, I wouldn’t know that there are a lot of explosives tied to a bridge, but I would still walk up it!)

People always want to see the results they most subconsciously want to see. Therefore, once the thought of "the Vikings were scared off" appears, it will never go away.

(Or else don’t blow it up!)

(Blow up the bridge?)

(Am I a fool?)

(This bridge brings me at least 100,000 gold pounds a year!)

(I would be crazy to blow up a bridge!)

While talking to himself, Duke Luke slowly lowered the flag in his hand. At dusk, the church school bell at the bottom of the steeple began to ring, and groups of English children walked out of the church door hand in hand.

They walked towards their parents who were waiting for them not far away, and then returned to the high platform where they lived through the stone bridge connecting the stalagmites.


(What if the Vikings used some special way to hide their figures?)

Duke Luke knew that just a few days ago, an army numbering nearly ten thousand had just passed the stone bridge and entered the Mercian Plateau!

However, it was the Vikings who appeared on the other side of the bridge at this time, which meant that all of Wessex's defensive army was dead.

At this time, there were only two thousand "militia groups" in Shilin County who came out. If the group of Viking demons crossed the stone bridge, no one would live to see the sun tomorrow.

Including himself!

On the one hand, there is the greed that lingers in the heart like a poisonous snake.

On the other hand, as a lord, it is his duty to be loyal to the king.

"Should we blow up the stone bridge?" Such a simple question was like a dull rasp, ruthlessly interrogating Duke Luke's soul.

The staff who usually advise him and provide city management ideas looked at each other and fell into silence.

Even the always upright Bavarian scholar lowered his head.

If you want to survive in a civilized society, smart people must know how to assess the situation. In a situation like this, no matter what kind of advice is given, if something goes wrong, you will be in for a disaster.

Under the spire, a bustling crowd of teenagers were picked up by their parents, and smoke rose from every house on Luoyu Highlands. No matter how intense the war progresses, civilians still have to feed their hungry children and hard-working families.

As for the top of the spire

5 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

Duke Luke and his staff were like frozen statues, hesitating to make any decision until a blazing red light exploded in Luoyu Highlands!

Groups of heavily armed Vikings walked out of the light door.

Duke Luke saw the tall figure with a bloody ax on his shoulder, but it was too late. The charging giant smashed the door of the Holy Church like a cannonball, and was violently hacked by the berserker.

A river of blood instantly flowed on the high ground.

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