Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 301 6.49 Francis in action (1)

Early next morning.

Kingdom of Northumbria, Chessey.

Outside Lindisfar Monastery there is a dense forest covering an area of ​​nearly 10 square kilometers. This forest is called "Queen Alice's Land" in honor of "Alice Durang", queen of Aelle I.

A hundred years ago, this forest was still a tourist destination. However, in recent years, as the interests of the Northumbrian aristocratic circle have gradually shifted from hunting to Eastern mainland opera, "Queen Alice's Land" has not been entered all year round, making the trees and Wild beasts grow wildly.

The frequent presence of wolves and wild bears makes it too dangerous.

Even hunters dare not enter easily.


As the sun rose, Father Francis pushed aside the thick pine needles that covered the entrance to the cave. Ignoring the cold dew dripping down his cheeks, he stretched out his head and looked at his surroundings alertly.

After confirming that no one was around, the old dean, who had lost 20 pounds in a month, climbed up the tree nimbly and took out a telescope from his arms.

From the top of the big tree, he could see the spire of Lindisfar Monastery and the six thousand Vikings camped under the spire!

The old dean shook his head helplessly.

It is not difficult to guess that the Northumbrian royal family did not send any troops to defend against the "saber-tooth mercenaries".

At this time, there were no troops and no generals in the palace. When the saber-tooth mercenaries landed, Yorkshire had been severely cleansed.

Not to mention, Eller III has most likely fallen into Loki's hands at this time.

Leaderless and with internal and external troubles, Northumbria's governing system has been completely paralyzed.

Climbing down the tree, he returned to the cave.

Hidden in the empty and huge cave are 5,000 surviving English people from 5 towns and 17 villages in Chessey County.


Dean Francis was able to spend a winter safely in the dangerous Storm's End Castle. This survival ability destined him to not be a fool who doesn't know how to think. A month ago, when he released the white dove to contact the Viking king through "Fire Sacrifice" Abi Jean, he knew that a terrible war would inevitably sweep through the seven countries.

From that moment on, he immediately set out to monetize the buildings, statues, and land in Lindisfar Abbey.

Use all your money to buy food.

Later, the old patriarch used his outstanding eloquence, part deception and part threat, to drive all the civilians in Chexi County away from their homes and hide in the caves of the dark forest.

Father Francis has always been a pervert.

When he was young, in pursuit of romance, he once lured a fallen woman to play in the wild. As a result, the two rolled into a cave while kissing and were almost eaten by a wild bear.

He never imagined that this empty cave where he almost lost his life would become a refuge for residents of Chessey County to escape the war.

One month has passed. Sufficient food and enough open underground space have allowed all the people to survive until now. At this time, the residents of Chexi County saw the slightly thin figure of the old dean and worshiped him as if they were seeing the Holy Lord Christ himself.

"Dear Patriarch, may the Holy Lord bless your health."

"You saved my three sons and daughters from the pagan invasion. Our family will always remember the gift of the patriarch."

Returning to the huge cave, all the people held the cross and recited the gospel to the old patriarch. At this moment, they have completely forgotten that just a year ago, they cursed him because of the exposure of his corruption scandal.

The old patriarch had no choice but to follow the Mercian navy to conquer Scandinavia.

Just one year later, the old patriarch, regardless of the past grievances, sold all his property, and even sold the monastery in exchange for food to help them escape the disaster of the war.

This move is just like the Holy Lord Christ who did not feel resentful because passers-by threw stones at him on the way to his death. Instead, he prayed for them devoutly when he was about to die.

Everyone’s respect for Patriarch Francis comes from the heart and is sincere.


What they didn't know was that it was this seemingly loyal old patriarch who led both Loki and Ivar to England.

All disasters originate from him.


The leeks must be alive before they can be cut.

An astute person like Francis must understand this truth. Therefore, he must preserve the residents of Chessie County. This group of devout believers who look at him with reverence will be his food and clothing parents in the future.

Such high-quality leeks cannot be left to their deaths in vain.

At this time, Father Francis had no intention of paying attention to his parishioners. His biggest question is: "Why did the Viking King's troops stationed in Chexi County not move?"

Shouldn't they quickly run to other countries in the archipelago, such as Wells, to continue robbing?

According to the tactics he and Loki set before the expedition, he would use the Vulcan Cult's intelligence network in the English Islands to monitor the whereabouts of the "Sabertooth Mercenaries" at any time, and then pass it on to Loki through the raven.

However, since they crossed the border of Mercia and entered the Chessie County of the Kingdom of Northumbria, the 6,000 saber-tooth mercenaries have never moved again.

They encamped around the Abbey of Lindisfar. It's been nearly two weeks now.

What is certain is that Ivar is not here for a spring outing with such a large number of soldiers. The Viking pirates had only one purpose in going to sea, and that was to rob the country of wealth.

There is no doubt that setting up camp in situ will not achieve this goal.

What did the Viking king want?

Father Francis was scratching his head and puzzled. He held a quill in his hand and hadn't written a word for three days.

The secret letter he wrote at this time should actually have been sent a week ago.

There is only one reason why it took so long.

The old patriarch wanted to complete his mission more "successfully".

As a complete egoist, Priest Francis has clearly realized his value in the eyes of Loki.

First, he sailed the longship alone, allowing him to bypass the strict blockade of the navy and enter the English mainland to open the portal.

Secondly, when Wanghai Fortress was under siege, he also used the Vulcan Cult to call reinforcements for Loki.

If Loki could really succeed in occupying a piece of land in England as he expected before launching the war, Priest Francis would have to take at least 20% of the credit.

At the very least, he could ask for a hereditary noble to serve as his successor.

For egoists, there is no limit to their greed. Seeing more and more meat on his plate, the old patriarch wanted to complete the task assigned to him by Duke Loki more perfectly.

But now, climbing up a tree and observing from a distance could no longer sustain his greed.

(If I want to get more detailed first-hand information, I have to find a way to get closer.)

The Viking king would not live in a temporary tent like ordinary soldiers. He must have lived in Lindisfar Monastery.

And there are several hidden passages in this monastery that only I know about!

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