Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 322 6.70 Ecbert’s Inference

"His Majesty"

"The fog has cleared."

Before dawn in the morning, Iphitus had already pushed Ecbert awake. After hearing these two sentences in a daze, he didn't bother to put on his coat and hurried to the bed.

Just as the Red Queen said, the thick fog covering Stonehelm's Fortress has lifted.

"It seems that the Illuminati's mission is completed?"

He still remembered the arrogant "Prince Li Yu" who appeared in front of him ten days ago carrying the Illuminati's instructions. The arrogant bastard vowed that the Illuminati would help him solve the problem at hand.

In the following days, in the thick white fog, he heard many terrifying sounds that did not belong to humans. And a pure holy light that can illuminate almost the entire night sky.

"Mortals are powerless against the Illuminati."

Everything that happened before his eyes gave Ecbert a clearer understanding of this sentence. He was very grateful that it was not him who was trapped in Stonehelm's Fortress at that time.

But now, looking out the window at the familiar green fields, that feeling of light on my back comes again.

This feeling made him restless.

(If Loki really died in the hands of the Illuminati, according to the threats made by 'Prince Li Yu' a few days ago, it would be the Illuminati's turn to collect 'remuneration' from me.)

Like gangsters, these guys from the Illuminati made a unilateral plan to help Ecbert, and then started a bloody battle with Loki. This is obviously a plan to use force to enter the Kingdom of Wessex.

Whether it's forcing him to open the port or allowing Illuminati members to enter the Wessex Palace, they have the conditions to ask for an exorbitant price.

However at this time

The white mist dissipated, and the monsters surrounding the castle disappeared collectively.

The bill collector didn't come.

What's going on?

Is it possible that the Illuminati can still be defeated by Loki?

This is ridiculous!

Ecbert touched his chin and sat down on the chair in confusion.

An hour later, as the sun gradually rose, he did not order the army to take any action. The Wessex army was still waiting steadily at the narrow intersection 5 kilometers away from the fortress, aiming hundreds of rapid-fire ballistae at Stonehelm Fortress.

Three days later, there was still no movement at the Stonehelm Fortress in the distance.

Ecbert climbed up the mountain every day and used his telescope to look into the distance. He could not even see a patrol on the city wall.

There was no smoke, no sound, and no figure moving.

The entire castle is like an abandoned ghost city.

"its not right"

"What's going on with this ominous feeling?"

The Illuminati's strength and wealth can no longer be simply described as "as rich as any country." No one can tell exactly how many resources they have on this continent and how much military power they can mobilize.

All of this cannot be obtained by "doing charity".

These people who eat people without spitting out bones must repay a hundred times if they give you a little.

With mixed feelings, he ordered three moa knights to fly to the top of Stonehelm Fortress to conduct a reconnaissance circle.

Of course the MOA riders knew this was a fatal journey.

No matter which side survives in the fortress, Loki has those terrifying "Thunder Callers" in his hands, and the Cyclops and the others can shoot down even giant dragons with their throwing spears, not to mention the flying terrorists without any armor. Bird.

The "low-altitude flight" reconnaissance mission given by Ecbert is a veritable death-dealing mission!

No one wants to go.

Finally, after threatening, intimidating, and paying a bounty of nearly a thousand gold pounds, three knights with huge debts were finally willing to serve as death squads.

However, no one expected that just an hour later, they would return from Stonehelm Fortress.

"What did you see?" Ecbert walked towards us and asked nervously.

There were so many questions in his mind that he was desperate for all the information.

"Your Majesty, I saw a city that has been reduced to ruins, and the corpses of gods on the first floor of the city!"


"Are you sure that all the dead on the ground are gods?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we read it right!"

"During this journey, we did not suffer any attacks! From the sky, we can see that the ground is in ruins. Among the ruins, there are large pieces of corpses belonging to ancient creatures, and dried blood. There are many, many cyclops lying on the ground being eaten by crows! "

"Where are the humans? Are all Loki's troops dead too?"

The three knights looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Your Majesty, we saw some human corpses, but not many."

The strange thing is that the few of us flying above the fortress did not suffer any attack at all!

The interior of Stonehelm Fortress is unusually quiet, like an empty dead city! "

(Could it be that the Illuminati and Loki's troops perished together?)

This is unlikely!

Loki is just an ordinary Viking. Where did he get the strength to die together with the powerful monster sitting on the Illuminati?

Maybe this empty city at this time is a trap for my subordinates from the Illuminati!

(Yes, this must be true!)

The Illuminati controls most of the countries in the entire Western Continent, but Wessex has never responded to their demands.

It is better to control a cat that has lost its claws than to raise a tiger with sharp teeth and claws.

If they can set up an ambush in Stonehelm Fortress and kill my troops after I enter the city, then I can only agree to all their requests!

Ecbert knew what the Illuminati was capable of, so he never thought that Loki could survive this disaster.

Once he deduced the result that "everything is a conspiracy of the Illuminati", he felt as if everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

Haha, maybe, the corpses of the Cyclops that the Moa Knight saw in the sky were them lying on the ground in suspended animation!

Let me enter the city?

It's simply impossible!

Looking at the more than 300 rapid-fire crossbows in his army array, Eckbert suddenly felt confident.

You know, there is no big country controlled by the Illuminati at this time, and there is still the Tang Dynasty that is still standing in the Eastern Continent!

If they were strong enough to crush them, they would definitely not play these tricks. The Cyclops would have pushed them all the way with short spears.

They must be afraid of my three hundred rapid-fire ballistae, so they resorted to this empty city strategy!


After thinking that he had figured out all the logic, Ecbert ordered all troops to stay outside the city and continue to defend. As for himself, he has even begun to think about if the Illuminati is too painful in this battle, whether he can blackmail them in turn, such as asking them to pay compensation or share the resources of the Illuminati to expand his routes.

During this long wait, he waited until Loki returned from the blood mist illusion, waited until he opened the blood-colored stone statue again, and released his subordinates who had survived the Cyclops attack from the submerged city.

The surviving Vikings burned their dead compatriots and high-fived each other. Once again they put on a great show for Odin Risk.

Almost everyone's sequence level has been improved.

Having seen the power of the rapid-fire crossbow, Loki certainly would not let his precious Chosen Ones resist the Wessex army that was waiting outside the city. And Ecbert also "spotted" that this empty city was a trap.

Just as the two of them were staring at each other,

Loki's true ally is riding the wind and waves on the sea, rushing over!

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