Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 323 6.71 The Slavic King on the Sea

Play the drum hard and play the gong slowly, stop the gong and stop the drum to listen to singing——

All kinds of gossip also sing, listen to me sing eighteen touches——

I stretched out my hand to touch the silk on my sister's face, and the dark clouds flew across the sky for a long time.

Reach out and touch the front of my sister's head, the heaven is full and addictive——

Reach out and touch Sister Maomao Bay, spread out the outer surface of Maomao Bay,

He stretched out his hand to touch the young lady’s eyes, but his dark eyes turned blankly——

He stretched out his hand to touch the needle on the young lady's nose. Youyou felt angry and went to the outer nunnery.

Reaching out to touch the young lady’s mouth, Baby’s eyes smiled slightly——

Mehrantin looked speechlessly at the bow of the longship and the Slavic king singing yellow songs in a broken gong voice.

If she hadn't seen this guy sitting on the "Broken Wood Throne" with her own eyes, she would never have connected the vulgar farmer in front of her with the words "King of Slavs".

During the long boat ride, he sang yellow songs non-stop for three days.

For three whole days, there was almost nothing the same.

Born in Constantinople and a member of a prominent family since childhood, Mohlantin had no idea what kind of person could write such a "popular" pornographic ditty.

Relying on her solid literary literacy, she could barely understand that these pornographic songs were composed by one person, because the use of rhymes and rhythmic breaks between different songs sounded quite similar.

Mohlandin is also a princess after all.

According to the common etiquette in the Western Continent, when a king sings several songs in front of her, she must politely praise him for his lyrics or singing skills.

But after holding back her pink face for a long time, the Viking princess really didn't know where to start with her compliments. In the end, he could only clapped his hands lightly while laughing awkwardly.

"Ah! Great Zhnimakov, you are such an outstanding poet!"

Whenever he goes out to sea on a boat, when the long ship cuts through the waves, Bakanbusi always likes to sing a song. After singing the little yellow song, he turns his head to look at the Viking princess behind him with a stiff smile on his face, hehehe lowly Laugh twice.

"Hey, little girl, it's time to laugh."

"By the way, we've been on this boat for so many days, why haven't we arrived in England yet?"

Mohrantin scratched his hair and showed a speechless expression again.

Slavs are standard land creatures.

Unlike the Vikings who were born to be pirates, the vast majority of Slavs never took to the water in their lives.

Their way of maintaining their livelihood was herding and hunting. As for boat building, even the ferry boats that sailed on the river often sank to the bottom of the river due to water leakage.

Not to mention fishing in the sea.

It is for this reason that although the number of people is more than 10 times that of the Vikings, the Slavs have never marched westward to plunder Scandinavia. The counter-offensive launched by Buchanbusch and England last year also liberated the native Slavic slave laborers of the Vikings.

The lycanthropic warriors from the native Slavs had never set out on longships.

At this time, their performance on the ship was indeed as expected. Almost everyone was holding a wooden bucket and vomiting wildly, and the journey was only halfway through.

According to the navigators under the "Sailor" path of the Hall of Valor, it would take at least three days for them to land on the English Islands.

When Gulaul called Loki for help, the Viking princess immediately understood the importance of the situation. She took the gifts and went to sea non-stop. The first stop was to the land of the Slavs, the mortal enemies of the Vikings.

Although the Vikings traveled eastward every year, and there seemed to be a blood feud between the two clans, they were also closely interdependent. If the Vikings perished at the hands of England, Barcambusch would also not fare well.

What's more, last autumn, he still owed Loki his life.

Sure enough, the negotiations went extremely smoothly. After waking up from a serious injury, Bakan Bush, who had been idle for the whole winter, neatly agreed to Mohlantin's request. The Viking princess didn't even have time to sign the alliance letter, and the price was not paid. Before they could talk, Bakanbusi had already blown the horn himself and summoned all the vassals in Murmansk.

Bakanbusi's excitement stems from two things.

First of all, when he crushed the head of the "Portal Guardian" with his own hands in the Holy Mountain last year, even though he was on the verge of death, Odin also gave him extremely powerful divine power.

After awakening, he became the chosen one under the "Thunder God Path" in the Hall of Valor.

And the initial level is Sequence 2 "King of Thunder"!

From then on, he became a dual-line God-Chosen with the dual divine power of the "Bear Path" of the Hahoran Temple and the "Thunder God Path" of the Hall of Valor.

This is rarely seen in today's human world.

Secondly, he was also willing to immediately repay Loki for not killing him.

Bakanbusi is a person who advocates fighting and doesn't care about the outcome of the fighting for the sake of the fighting process.

In his opinion, as long as he has had a physical fight with the gods, even if he dies in the end, it will be a blessing in life.

After crushing the head of the "Portal Guardian" with his own hands, Bakanbusi understood that he was also on the verge of death.

Every time he went out to kill someone, he knew that he might also be killed.

Being able to die in the hands of the Vikings, he had no regrets in his heart.

He died in the hands of "Loki" who had drank with him and led him to kill the gods. He was able to accept death with a smile.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he opened his eyes again, he had appeared in the tent in Murmansk.

When he heard Oleg next to him conveying Loki's wish to form an alliance, he nodded noncommittally, and then never mentioned the matter again.

From the bottom of his heart, Buchan Bush didn't like to form an alliance with anyone.

Among his mottos in life - everyone needs a good beating "intermittently".

Once he becomes an ally, he cannot hit the other party when he wants to. This feeling will make him particularly uncomfortable. Especially this young boy who once saved his life.

If they formed an alliance and no one would invade Slavia from now on, where would I go to find these cute Vikings to play with?

If there were no Viking invasions every year in the future, would it be difficult for me to go to the Avar Khanate to fight with those herdsmen who smelled like sheep?

This is too cheap!

When he thought about this problem, Bakanbusi couldn't think about food or food and could not sleep peacefully.

However, I didn't expect that not long after the beginning of spring, the arrival of Mohrantin perfectly solved this problem.

First of all, helping Loki allows him to return the favor, which is a huge stone weighing on Buchan Bushi's heart.

Once the favor is repaid, there will be no worries about starting a war or something in the future if it doesn't sit well with you.

Next, throughout the winter, for nearly 6 months, he gained the power of the "Thunder God Path", but had nowhere to use it.

It's like having a new toy but not being able to play with it!

I heard that now you can take a Viking longship for free and come to the English land to kill as much as you like.


Is there such a good thing in the world?

Since last year, I have disliked those English people! When these grandsons begged me to send troops, they made good promises, and they wanted gold and men. As a result, I destroyed two provinces, and when the war was over, none of these grandsons even gave a shit.

Anyone who knows Buchan Bush well knows that it is best not to deceive this dangerous man.

Last fall, he was able to destroy the Holy Mountain because of Nibru's "seeming deception."

But now, he just wants to rush into Wessex and catch the magic stick named "Sheamus" with his own hands.

If I could crush his head with my own hands——

- It's going to be a perfect spring!

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