Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 361 7.15 The Sect Master Reappears

No matter how much wealth the merchants had, there was still a huge gap between them and the lords.

The fundamental reason is that businessmen only have interests in their minds.

Everything they do is related to interests.

Andre is able to dominate the French business circle, and he is a person who is very good at packaging himself. Returning to the imperial city, he entered and exited the palace as if he were eating and drinking. When he attended a party, he was followed by a group of reincarnators from the "Vedo God Cult" that had been passed down from ancient times to this day. No matter where he went, he could attract a lot of attention.

This is the advantage and limitation of businessmen.

Having never experienced a bloody battlefield, they have no idea what a real killing requires.

The same goes for the Frostborn Duchess "Ledy Coldstone" who died in Frostfree Ridge.


"Look at the brothers around you, are they all still alive?"

Brutally wiping the blood off his face, Clint pulled out the burning ax from the dead werewolf's chest and swung it twice to disperse the flames on the ax blade. The entire chest of the "Beast Path Reincarnator" was dented by his chop.

The flying Pegasus knights and griffon knights were also covered with arrows, and they all fell around a few people.

Compared with the decisive battle with the Kingdom of Wessex last summer, this group of house slaves was really not powerful. After counting the number of people, only one Berserker sprained his arm while fighting the "Humane Samsara". It seemed that everyone was fine, and most of the supervisors in the black bean farmland had also been hacked to death.

The Viking pirates, covered in blood, reorganized their formation and entered the "White Cloud Valley".

Looking around, there is a field of snow-white roses in the valley. The flower farmer working in the flower fields was not the farmer Andrei came from England. Everyone among them is a skilled worker whom he spent a lot of money to hire from France.

He would not take it seriously if the English farmers responsible for growing black beans on the outskirts of the valley died, but he could not afford to lose any of these skilled workers.

Seeing that the Vikings were unstoppable, Andre could only retreat into the castle. The gate of the castle at the end of the valley was closed, the drawbridge was pulled up from the moat, and the castle was densely populated with crossbowmen and militiamen.

Facing this sea of ​​snow-white flowers.

Clint looked around and uttered three words.

"Burn it for me!"


Like locusts, a thousand men uprooted all the rose bouquets that were growing prosperously in the valley, leaving their thick roots exposed to the sun.

The Vikings certainly didn’t understand any romance. In their social group, men need to bring prey from the wild to please women, instead of providing young girls with tender flowers that are neither edible nor useful and will wither and wither in three days.

The English in the ranks also hated the French.

No one likes a "master" who has stuck their neck for a long time. They can make any demands at will, and the heads of England's seven countries cannot resist at all.

The English slaves and thugs vented their anger fiercely. In an instant, no flower fields could be seen in the Baiyun Valley.

The salt farmers following Sanchi sprinkled the sea salt they carried with them into the fields. Then he poured fuel on it and set it on fire!

As a result, land eroded by melting sea salt will be difficult to cultivate any crops for decades.

The Vikings were able to survive in poor Scandinavia for hundreds of years, and they relied on this determination in their blood. Any foreigners who dare to offend my interests will not only kill people and burn down their houses, I will even pollute your land and deprive you of your survival rations for a long time!

Raging fires rose from the White Cloud Valley, and amid the fireworks, the Vikings slowly approached the luxurious castle at the end of the canyon.

The final decisive battle is about to begin.


at the same time.

Within the castle.

Andre looked out the window, knowing that his last hope had sunk.

The two acres of rose fields in Baiyun Valley are the foundation of his life. You know, he signed a 30-year long contract with the "Porse family". During all the flower seasons in the past thirty years, he had to deliver bouquets of roses to the Plantagenet family on time.

But now, 2 acres of roses are experiencing the scorching flames. Even the air smells of roses, sea salt and smoke.

Tomorrow he will certainly not be able to send any bouquets to the Plantagenets

Not only tomorrow, looking at the land being roasted after being sprinkled with sea salt, I am afraid that the "night of white clouds" will disappear from human civilization forever.

He could not even imagine the dire consequences of breach of contract.

What made him feel even more helpless was that all of this did not originate from him but from the mysterious "sect master" beside him.


No one in the world can achieve success casually.

Andre is able to survive today as a businessman. He is not a fat fool.

It is true that there are many self-respecting French nobles in the English Isles, and they run rampant in this land and do whatever they want.

This kind of person may be able to become a child, but he will never be able to become a monopoly capitalist.

Andre understands what it means to be a "businessman."

He knew as clearly as a mirror that everything he obtained today was given by the Plantagenet Family. If he wants to maintain the relationship with the French royal family, his only bargaining chip is to provide them with the necessities of the palace on time - "White Cloud Night".

The Principality of France is full of talents, but only he, Andre, can take on this hard job steadily.

To this end, he must do everything possible to maintain the stable operation of "Cloud Province".

He would never do such stupid things as robbing civilian girls and imposing the "right of first night".

If Andre wanted a woman, he could just find a few fair-skinned and lively top ladies in Paris as easily as eating and drinking.

He doesn't need to covet a few ordinary-looking village women.

not to mention

As shrewd as he is, how could he not know that the province next door now belongs to that group of ferocious Vikings?

What civilized people fear most is encountering such savages who don't understand any sense at all. Seeing the rough Vikings patrolling the border, Andre wished that his retainers should take a detour.

The further away from them the better.

Because he knew that the rules common to civilized people did not apply to illiterate savages.

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, which requires the beast in front of the fox to recognize the tiger behind them.

If you encounter a group of fools who don't understand what a tiger is, the fox will still be beaten to death by random punches.


Provoking the Vikings was not Andre's original intention at all.

This is the order of the "sect master".

Since occupying his manor last year, this mysterious "sect master" has never left. Mr. "Diamond Flower" Durang once vaguely told him that he must comply with all the requirements of this adult.

Never have any disagreements with him.

Andre has never seen anyone who can scare the president of the "French Merchants Federation" like this.

But the president will not threaten him without reason. Regardless of his talent, means, as well as his skill and sophistication in dealing with people, they are all beyond his reach.

Since he said that, he must have a reason.

After the "sect master" moved into Yun Province, Andre finally understood an important term through many conversations with this big shot: "Illuminati."

At first, he was naturally doubtful about what the sect master said, but when the "sect master" showed various miracles in front of him, the businessman's keen sense of smell allowed him to immediately judge that these guys were the real ones in the entire human world. The mastermind behind.

The "sovereign" successfully developed him into a peripheral member of the Illuminati.

This is their next plan.

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