"This beast is hiding in this castle!"

"Brothers, attack the city for me!"

"They say these French bastards are extremely rich! As long as we don't take the initiative to rob them, this bastard actually dares to provoke me!"

"Tear down their fortress!"

"Take away their women and children!"

The Viking army stood in front of the castle. Facing the sparse arrows on the wall, Clint pulled out the short ax pinned behind his back and threw it!

The hatchet burned into a ball of fire while flying, and then turned into a blazing wheel! The spinning and flying sharp fire wheels accurately cut off the suspension ropes of the suspension bridge. With a loud "bang" sound, the originally hoisted moat lost its support and fell to the ground.

Wolf-eyed Sicord, who transformed into a "mountain giant", carried a thick log on his shoulders.

dong dong dong

The carved city gate, which was far more decorative than practical, was as fragile as an eggshell in front of a 1-meter-thick tree stump. Three hammers smashed two carved steel gates, and the Viking pirates faced the rain of arrows fired from the castle. They marched straight in and broke into the castle.

All of this was seen by the "sect master" standing on the city wall.

When he saw "Alfred" at the back of the team also entering the castle, he looked at the three men in black standing behind him and clapped his hands gently.

"Your Highness the Deep Diver, your divination is indeed accurate!"

"Alfred really walked into the castle as expected!"

Standing opposite the sect leader were three weirdos whose bodies were wrapped in thick black felt. The heavy felt cloth wrapped them tightly like mummies. Even so, the felt cloth was still wet and dripping with water.

The air is filled with the faint fishy smell of sea salt and fresh fish. The mysterious man called "Deep Diver" by the sect master took a few steps forward and saluted respectfully.

"I, the Dagon Cult, only use money to do things. It is rare that His Highness the 'Sect Master' still remembers us, the marginalized people in the depths of the ocean, after so many years."

"As long as you can keep your promise, the one hundred thousand "drowned people" living in the ocean will always be at your disposal!"

The "Deep Diver" stretched out a pale and soft tentacle from the bottom of the wet felt cloth. The sect leader frowned when he saw this, but after only hesitating for a moment, he put a cyan ring into the Deep Diver's tentacle. within.

When cooperating with this group of foreign gods, the rule in the Western Continent has always been "do things first, pay later". The idea of ​​resistance only existed in the sect leader's mind for a second, and then was ruthlessly erased.

After two battles with Loki, the Cyclops army was wiped out, the earth-burrowing worms were killed, and the monster army was destroyed. Even the "black shark" wearing the skin of the Viking King has been eliminated by Loki.

When Loki was at the banquet, in front of 2,000 guests in the Western Continent, he pulled the black shark out of Ivar's body, officially exposing the existence of the "Illuminati".

From then on, all the masters of the Western Continent were in danger. After the monarchs returned home from the banquet, they began to purge the lizardmen.

These guys aren't hard to spot.

Just use a sharp blade to cut open the skin and see if there is another layer of lizard scales hidden under the skin.

Lizardmen have excellent lurking abilities and have a long lifespan, but their combat capabilities are generally very weak.

In just one month, all the hidden stakes placed by the sect master around the heads of countries were pulled out. The Western Continent latent plan, which had been stable for thousands of years, was almost completely paralyzed.

Except for a few big figures who worked hard to insert themselves into "Constantinople", the suzerain has almost lost all its trump cards in other countries in the Western Continent.

However, those "hidden stakes" in Constantinople were his foundation and could not be contacted easily unless absolutely necessary.

All his troubles were caused by this young lord named "Loki Starrag".

The top priority is to get rid of him!


Just as there are mercenaries among humans, there are also thugs among gods who get paid to do things for others.

The "Dagon Cult" permanently hidden in the ocean is this kind of cult organization.

This sect believes in a mysterious sea creature called "Dagon". Unlike most of the gods who have left the earth, the truly terrifying thing about the "Dagon Cult" is that their main god "Dagon" still lives in the ocean at this time.

Sailors who go sailing can often see a huge creature over 300 meters in size on the stormy sea on a thunderstorm night. It has a head similar to that of a giant dragon, but behind its head are rear fins similar to those of fish.

This is a creature between "fish" and "dragon".

It has fish scales and fins, but it has the head of a dragon creature, and it also has 6 pairs of feet.

It looks like a giant dragon, but its body is as slender as a sea snake, and it doesn't have the wings of a dragon.

It cannot fly and cannot survive on land for long periods of time.

Since ancient times, this beast has been sighted by sailors around the world. It also has different names in different records in different countries.

In Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey", the ancient Greek sailors called this strange creature "Scylla"; in the records of the holy bishops, it was called "Draconopides", and even by many monks It is thought that the ancient snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden was a close relative of this thing.

Thousands of years ago, weak shipbuilding technology made humans tremble on the sea no matter how powerful they were. Therefore, "Dagon" has successfully survived through rounds of civilizations, and its lifespan far exceeds that of many foreign gods wandering on the Kyushu continent.

However, no matter how overlapping human civilizations are, the "Dagon Cult" has never taken off. The reason is that this ancient god, who can be called the "Old Dominator", is evil in nature.

Unlike most gods who grant mortals power while allowing them to retain their own appearance, Dagon is an extremely self-centered evil god.

It requires that all believers in the temple must be transformed into what it likes, with pale skin and degenerated limbs. The long-term lack of active human participation means that despite the long life span of the Dagon Cult, no human has ever actively joined.

Coupled with the latest round of civilization and the rise of navigation technology, various human ships have become more and more sturdy. Even if Dagon goes out to fight in person, he may not be able to safely drag mortals into the sea.

Many times, he was even wounded all over his body by sword cultivators from the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

All countries around the Mediterranean Sea in the Western Continent have regarded the "Dagon Cult" as believers in the evil god.

Once discovered, clear it up immediately.

As the number of people becomes increasingly scarce, the Dagon Cult urgently needs to cooperate with the strong in human society in order to continue to survive.

At this time, Mutu, the "King of Earthsea" who had almost nothing, happened to become their ideal ally.

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