Alfred walked into Rolf Combat Academy alone and walked out. Behind him was a troop of nearly 500 people.

Among them, a huge carriage pulled by eight horses is very conspicuous.

Odin's people will not feel the slightest fear when encountering the "appearance of an ancient god" that is rare in a century. Some are just as excited as discovering a rare treasure.

Rolf is a Chosen One under the "Frost Giant Path". He has been stuck in Sequence 4 "Frost Conqueror" for quite some time, and the potion required to advance to Sequence 3 "Frost Lord" is too cumbersome.

He entered Asgard twice, but he couldn't get it together.

If you can get promoted by killing the evil god this time, it will be a blessing from heaven.

For the principal of the War College, who lives by fighting, it is impossible for him to refuse this precious adventure.

Simply having this force is not enough.

After a brief conversation with Rolf, a group of people, covered in stars and moons, ran towards the seaside.


Gowen and Harold are two very special people among the Vikings.

Gowen was born in Blood Pigeon Town and was an authentic Viking seaman. However, compared to others, he is short and not very powerful. The only thing God King Odin gave him was a brain that was much smarter than other people.

However, a "brain" is of very limited use to a Viking civilian.

Whether he went out to sea to rob or to hunt in the mountains, every trip Gowen made was thrilling and stretched.

Finally, when he was 16 years old, he was ambushed by several Slavic men in the Warsaw Province on the east coast of the Baltic Sea. After they caught him, they mercilessly mocked the short Viking, who was only 5 meters tall.

They broke his spine so he would never be able to walk upright.

Then he was thrown to the bottom of the snow-capped mountains and fed to the hungry wolves when night fell.

However, Gowen is a man who will not surrender to fate. Even though his legs were crippled, he gritted his teeth and used his hands to forcefully break open the cold frozen soil, crawling from the cold coniferous forest into the flowing hot spring river.

The cold water carried him downstream, back to the shoreline where the Viking longships docked.

Relying on strong hands, an incomparable desire to survive, and a lot of luck. Gowen forcefully saved a life from the hands of the god of death, Hela.

However, at this time, a more difficult task lay before him.

He is a cripple who has legs but cannot walk.

Scandinavia cannot support an idle man, and even if he goes back with the longship and is unable to do any work, there is only death waiting for him.

Just then Harold appeared.


Unlike Gowen, who is short in stature, Harold is a tall and strong man with a height of more than two meters. On weekdays, he made a living by logging on the Dragon's Breath Plateau. In autumn, he followed the Duke's fleet to the Slavic lands to plunder freely.

Throughout the year, he was either cutting down trees or cutting down people, and his physique was extremely strong.

However, this fall, when he was rummaging through boxes and cabinets for loot in a manor, the Slavic farmer hiding under the house tried to kill the Vikings together and set the entire manor on fire.

In an instant, fire was blazing and smoke was billowing.

The farm was so large that Harold was trapped in it. When he finally used a big ax to break open a passage, his eyes had been completely destroyed by the flames and smoke.

He became blind.

In many cases, the boundary between heaven and hell is only a thin piece of paper. It only took a moment for him to go from a strong Viking to a burden unable to perform any kind of work.

Harold returned to the camp under the guidance of his companions. He also faced the fate of being eliminated by this cruel society.

However, when he saw his figure, Gowen seemed to have seen a savior.

Gowen has eyes and hands, but no legs and cannot walk.

Harold has a strong body, but he has lost his sight and cannot see anything. After a brief conversation one night, the two established a strange symbiotic relationship.

From then on, whenever he went out to raid, Gowen would ride on Harold's neck and throw spears while guiding him on the way.

At the same time, Harold's task is to pick up the ax and follow Gowen's command to chop down all the enemies in front of them.

At first, no one was optimistic about this pair of strange survivors.

Most people in Blood Pigeon Town bet that they will never survive next winter. However, the desire of these two people to survive is so strong that they support each other and go through year after year.

Even in the English invasion last year, when they lost 60% of their companions, they still survived tenaciously.

Although they come from Blood Pigeon Town, Mr. Hummel, who advocates elites, has never looked at these two cripples, so their loyalty to Loki is completely trustworthy.

When it came to dividing the spoils, the two did not choose any land. Instead, they chose to take an abandoned castle on the seaside and three horn ships, intending to continue to be free pirates on the sea.

Throughout the winter, they sailed to the Free City of Visigoth or the Mediterranean to rob some lone merchant ships, or ambush other pirates, and do some shady business.

Just five months later, this group of pirates has grown to own 10 ships of various colors and nearly 500 people under their command. The name of the "Porcupine" pirate group has gradually become famous in the Mediterranean.

Many people in the Free City of Visigoth have seen this odd-looking duo.

"Walker" Rolf has a pretty good relationship with this group of pirates, because at least half of their 400 men were "trained" by Rolf for them, and they are quite easy to use.

It just so happened that they had not gone to sea for a while and were resting in the castle. Alfred and Rolf headed to Gowen Manor under the stars and the moon, and they hadn't even exchanged a word.

The two brothers immediately smiled and nodded at the same time.

They have been thinking about the wealthy French gentleman in "Yun Province" for more than a day or two!

If it hadn't been for Duke Loki's order not to actively seek trouble in the past two years, I'm afraid they would have chosen a dark and windy night to sneak into his manor and move away all the wealth that could be moved away.

But now, the opportunity has come to rob this French fat sheep in an honest and fair manner. The pirates don't understand such useless nonsense as evil gods and conspiracies.

At this moment, they could only hear the sweet sound of gold coins falling to the ground.

The blind Harold silently walked to the corner and put a seat-shaped "armor" on his chest. Then, he skillfully lifted Gowin and lowered him onto the seat behind his neck.

Gowen moved his two unconscious legs and wrapped them around his thick neck. Harold carried his usual throwing spear behind his back, and at the same time put the two axes on his waist.

There's no way two people like this can get on a horse.

Their mount was a chariot drawn by two horses.

This is also a design inherited from ancient Rome.

The two of them had always dreamed of owning such a chariot in Scandinavia, and it wasn't until they became pirates that they realized it.

Half an hour later, 400 pirates came out.

Alfred's reinforcements expanded to 900 men.

This is already a large army, but recalling the densely packed army in Yun Province, there are as many as 30,000 insect-possessed people.

He knew that this was not enough.

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