Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 374 7.28 Bonur Ellan

The night is already deep.

Alfred didn't have much time to lose.

There were 1,000 troops who followed Mr. Clint into the Yun Province. When the sea water completely filled the Baiyun Valley, most of them could not resist for too long under the siege of the "Drowning People".

In order to save the lives of his subjects as much as possible for his adoptive father, Alfred must lead the reinforcements as soon as possible. Therefore, at this time, he could only choose to go to a manor, and then lead his troops closer to Yun Province.

After thinking briefly for three minutes, he did not choose to go to a Viking farm again.

This time the target he chose was a castle.


In terms of area, "Salt County" is half smaller than Loki's former territory, "River Valley."

However, despite its small area, 80% of the land in Yan County is fertile soil that is easy to cultivate. Even uncultivated wilderness is much better than the barren frozen soil of Scandinavia.

Sufficient cultivated land allowed there to be eight castles belonging to nobles in the province.

After occupying the province, most of the English nobles were expelled, and only one was left behind by Loki.

The reason is simple. This "Bonur Ellan" is Elizabeth's uncle.

As one of the few relatives in the Ellan family who could get along well with Elizabeth, when the Vikings divided the spoils, Elizabeth had vaguely marked whether her uncle could retain the development of the family after more than ten generations of struggle. castle.

As the great savior of the Viking family, Loki always obeyed Elizabeth's words. Therefore, Bonuel Elam became the only Mercian in Normandy who could retain his territory.

Through a brief conversation at the dinner table, Alfred learned that the reason why Elizabeth was willing to help this relative was that this uncle donated about 500-1,000 gold pounds to the Oxfordshire orphanage every year. , to maintain the daily expenses of the orphanage.

In the cause of "charity", the vast majority of Mercian nobles are willing to participate, but almost all of them only have three minutes of enthusiasm. Only this "Bonour" has delivered money on time every year for more than ten years.

At the dinner table, Elizabeth casually mentioned that there were more than 10,000 official matters in Loki's mind that needed to be dealt with urgently, and no one paid much attention to it. Only Alfred sneered twice and was noncommittal.

The castle where Bonur ruled was located on the main transportation route between north and south of Mercia.

Here, he built the largest market in the province, and relying on the flow of merchants and people, it gradually developed into the largest market in several nearby provinces.

In addition to the market, in recent years he has also developed brothels, casinos, theaters, and even a large public bath. In less than 10 years, this emerging city called "Sheffield" may even replace Wanghai Fortress and become the largest city in Yan County.

Considering the transaction volume alone, this market can bring him nearly 100,000 yuan in wealth every year.

But this miser only gave a few hundred gold pounds to support his niece

Such a person cannot be called generous in any way.

The fundamental reason why Alfred chose to go to "Sheffield" under Bonur's rule was that he wanted to fight against the group of weird creatures in the "Cloud Province", and it was too tiring to just rely on swinging an ax to chop.

There are many "worm-possessed people", but the "drowned people" are as weak as tree stumps and are immortal.

Looking at the entire province, only "Sheffield" has kerosene that can kill enemies on a large scale, and black powder sold by Tang merchants.

This is a great weapon for killing large groups of tightly positioned enemies.

If we can take out the 2,000 light cavalry in the city, recruit militia at the same time, and urgently requisition all the kerosene and black powder in the city.

The Viking pirates will greatly reduce casualties when killing the worm-possessed people.


Alfred had a good idea.

However, he forgot the crucial point. Bonuel was not a Viking who had been with Loki for a long time.

His compatriots being trapped in a tight siege cannot arouse any sympathy from him. After the army entered the city, it took him an hour to wake up from his bed and get dressed.

Out of respect for his adoptive mother, Alfred did not attack immediately. He honestly explained his intention to his uncle.

However, what they got in exchange was a few ruthless ridicules.

"Your Highness, do you really think of yourself as a Viking?"

"How are these beasts doing? What does it have to do with us whether they live or die?"

"What's more, all the English people are eager to stay as far away from the hot potato as the 'Yun Province', and you still take the initiative to get close to those damn French people?"

"I'm surprised Ecbert didn't tell you how those French bastards pushed us to the ground and humiliated us 12 years ago?"

After saying four sentences, Alfred's face gradually darkened.

All his tolerance for Bonnour was based on only one point.

His last name is Elam.

He is the foster mother's uncle.

No nobleman in Wessex would dare speak to him like that. In Alfred's 15 years of life, he lived under the wings of Ecbert and never received any teaching from "elder".

Unexpectedly, the first experience of being taught a lesson by a relative in his life came from an outsider from Mercia. What made people even more angry was that this person turned out to be the younger brother of "honest man" Elan.

Alfred suddenly felt the blood all over his body burning at the same time.

The 15-year-old youth was full of youthful vigor. Seeing that the long night was about to end, if he could not return to Yun Province before the sun rose the next day, old man Clint and all his men would lose their lives.

He was Loki's adopted son.

When his adoptive father was not in the province, he was the acting lord of this land. Clint, Wolf Eye Sicord, and Feis Sea Claw were all his people.

The chivalry engraved in his bones forced him to do everything he could to send them home safely.

With a light sound of swish, he pulled out the "Soul Breaker".

"Bonur Elan, I warn you in the name of the Duke's adopted son! All nobles in the Normandy region must always respond to the Duke's call for battle!

If you disobey, I can immediately confiscate your property and execute you on the spot!"

Bonur glanced at him contemptuously.



"Your Highness, this is Normandy, not your hometown Wessex! You must see clearly that everything Duke Loki got today was given to him by my Elan family!"

"Without us, he is nothing!"

"Heh, a bunch of rough northerners who have some hooligan fighting skills, killing our compatriots and occupying our land!"

"If the evil god can wipe out all these northern bastards, I will build ten temples for this great evil god tomorrow!"

Stretching out a slender finger with a sapphire ring, he pointed to Alfred's forehead.

"Boy, remember this!"

"Although we are not of the same clan or surname, you and I are both English! Don't think that just because those Viking wolves played with you for two days, you can stand with those pagans!"

"It's a pity that you are not my biological son. If I had a son like you who recognized a thief as his father, I would have long ago..."

Bonur didn't finish his words, because he suddenly found a cold foreign object piercing his chest.

Looking down, it was the sword in Alfred's hand.


The cold-blooded young man ignored him. He drew out the weapon cleanly and neatly, and in the blood rain that filled the sky, Bonur Elan screamed and fell to the ground and died miserably.

Alfred shook off the blood drops on the "Soul Breaker" and looked at a servant behind him.

"What's your name?"

The young servant was obviously shocked by the scene in front of him. The corners of his mouth trembled, and he said his name tremblingly.

"Okay, from now on, you are the acting ruler of Sheffield! I need you to do a few things for me."

Although it was already dark, the soldiers in the barracks and most of the shops were asleep, and Alfred completed all the purposes of his trip within 1 hour.

The attendant walked into the barracks with Bonur's token and summoned all the troops stationed there, totaling 3,000 infantry and cavalry.

In addition, he also mobilized 30 carts of kerosene and more than 20 barrels of black gunpowder from the warehouse. All the supplies were urgently loaded onto the carriages by the militia and followed the troops to the outside of the city.

Alfred had the identity of "the Duke's adopted son", and the attendant held the city lord token on Bonur's waist, so they did not arouse any suspicion.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to announce to the whole city that the city lord had died in his hands.

So far, when he walked out of "Sheffield" with 4,000 troops and sufficient supplies, the darkness before dawn had arrived.

He had gathered all the troops needed for a counterattack.

The decisive battle with the "Dagon Cult" is just around the corner!

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