Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 382 7.36 Tianduan Mountains

When the warm winds of early spring blow away the drifting snow from the English Isles, Scandinavia is still covered in ice and snow.

April can only be regarded as the end of winter, and spring here will not really arrive until at least June.

Loki stood on the top of the lonely peak wearing a thick wolfskin jacket. Behind him were Mohlantin, Mokrash, and the remaining Viking dukes in Scandinavia.

It was 22 years after his rebirth that until this time, he was qualified to appreciate the magnificent scenery of Scandinavia.

Sure enough, if you have enough food and clothing, you will know the etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know the honor and disgrace.

No wonder that in the dark middle ages when most Westerners were illiterate, only the Eastern Tang Dynasty had the ability to compile "Three Hundred Tang Poems"

The "Homeric Epic" and "The Decameron" sung in the Western Continent are all products of the ancient Greek period when civilization was prosperous.

At this time, in the Western Continent, in addition to the "Bible" that the nobles all have in their hands, I am afraid that only "Beowulf", "Song of Roland", and other heroic praises passed down orally by bards from generation to generation can be passed down.


In front of everyone, dozens of blue giants nearly 10 meters tall were working silently.

They dragged strips of boulders from hidden corners of the cold sea floor, and built a towering stone fortress in the Tianduan Mountains in just one year.

The fortress was built against the mountain. Using the natural stairs formed by the hard stone mountain, the frost giants built layers of fine walls on top of the stone mountain. Watching intently, Loki discovered that since the portal was permanently opened, almost all the frost giants imprisoned in the cage had come out and returned to the human world under his leadership.

Mehrantin looked at everything in front of him with dumbfounded eyes.

Not only her, but also standing behind her were the Duke of "Wolf Creek" "Kask Wolf", the Duke of "Bayland" "Wornal Stacker" and a series of Viking Dukes.

Loki entered Asgard and brought the frost giants out of them unknown to them.

Only the current Duke of "River Valley" "Angus Mokrash" poured strong wine into his mouth without comment.

The Frost Giants were the first alien gods developed under Loki.

After the two provinces of "Dragon's Breath Plateau" and "Frost Cold Ridge" were completely destroyed, even if their number were ten times greater, no one would be able to find them hiding here.

But at this time, Mehrantine O'Sullivan is the current Viking Empress. As his ally, he had an obligation to let him know all his people.

Everyone stood honestly on the outskirts of the taiga, which was the limit agreed upon by Loki and the Frost Giant King.

The Vikings living in Scandinavia would not cross the border without authorization. When they needed to visit, visitors could only stand on the outside of the coniferous forest and wait for the king's guards to take them in.

Any compatriot who tries to forcefully cross the border will be dealt with at will by the frost giants.

In the same way, when the frost giants leave the Tianduan Mountains and enter human settlements, they must also be prepared to be attacked by humans.


Nearly half an hour later, the Frost Giant King's envoy arrived. He took out a huge wooden pallet, which looked like it was mined from a ten-thousand-year-old tree.

Loki nodded to the left and right, and everyone walked onto the "tray" neatly. However, at the end of the procession, an English girl wearing luxurious mink fur was slow to take a step forward.

In desperation, Loki could only grab her hand and forcefully pull him over.

This person is the proton given to him by "Eller III" of the Kingdom of Northumbria - Alice Eller

Throughout the winter in Fallen Heights, Alice became a big problem at the hands of Loki. A 14-year-old girl may not be able to suppress the onset of puberty. She always wants to seduce Loki.

Several times, she even wore thin gauze and hid in his bed.

In the Dark Middle Ages, no one cared too much about the "adoptive father seducing his adopted daughter" thing.

But as a time traveler, he couldn't do such a thing as seducing an underage girl. What's even more terrible is that this "adopted daughter" is still his proton. His attitude towards her must not be too rude.

After thinking about it, after discussing with Elizabeth, Loki could only give this adopted daughter a position and "assign" her to the river valley to serve as the kingdom envoy of the "Normandy Region".

The official position is false.

It is true that he should get this materialistic underage girl away from him.

In this way, even if she slept with 100 big Viking men in the "River Valley", out of sight and out of mind, Loki would certainly be happy to reduce the number of protons from 4 to 3.

Throughout the winter, his pregnant wife and five children in the house were about to blow his brains out.


Standing on the tray, a group of short humans were lifted up by the frost giant and entered the forest like a plate of food. After walking in the dense forest for a while, they came to a round table made of flat stone piers.

Frost Giant King "Avalanche" Oran is sitting in it.

The midday sun in winter slanted towards him, as if awakening an eternal god.

"Duke Loki, we meet again."

The disc was placed on the round table so that Loki and the others could at least see the face of the Giant King.

Besides them, on the round table was a plate of half-cooked tapioca that was roasted by the flames. Heads of different types were piled up into a mountain. Pointing to the huge dragon head next to him, Loki asked: "It seems that you are getting along well this winter?"

Judging from the appearance, these giant dragons should be the unlucky ones caught in the Feilong Mountains when they invaded Wessex last spring.


"The taste is okay, but compared with the same kind from thousands of years ago, it's always a bit less interesting!"

After finishing speaking, Olan stretched out his big hand and grabbed the dragon head.

The hard dragon horns and dragon scales were as fragile as potato chips in his mouth. Boom, boom, boom, boom, the giant quickly devoured the head, like eating a multiple and crisp apple.

"It's a pity that the trolls, sirens and leprechauns are all gone, otherwise this place would be another paradise!"

The Giant King grabbed another one.


Alice Eller was so frightened that she could barely stand.

Everyone present was aboriginal who grew up in Scandinavia. Compared with them, Alice, who had never seen a hungry wolf or a bear, didn’t even know that there was such a terrifying thing hidden in her world. s things.

When the Giant King saw this, he let out two contemptuous laughs.

"Little sister, don't worry.

Not all humans are born to be food for the gods! "

"Odin, this old guy, just likes to watch fights. As long as you can risk exciting killings for boring gods, he will not be willing to turn you into food."

"After all, when this group of Asa clan created us, it was just for us to have a life-and-death fight with these dragon clan!"

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