Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 383 7.37 Ancient Era

Arriving at the frost giant's territory, after several conversations with the giant king. Loki finally learned some of the secrets of the "last round of civilization" from this living fossil that has survived to this day.

According to his estimation of the age, the era when giants and dragons ruled the land began around 200,000 to 300,000 BC.

It disappeared probably between 50,000 and 10,000 BC.

They are not outer gods, but created by the "Aesir" under the control of Odin.

In the giant version of the "Creation Myth", the Aesir went to the country where the giants lived (the myth only gave a very vague idea of ​​the specific address of this foreign land.)

(According to Loki's guess, this is most likely an alien planet different from Earth.)

They created male giants from Asgard's "nanmu" and female giants from "beech wood" based on their favorite giant shapes, and raised them in "Jotunheim".

But simply raising giants quickly becomes boring.

One boring night, the Asa Protoss suddenly discovered that many new gods seemed to have appeared in a world that had long been destroyed. Among them, there was even a "flying dragon", a huge beast that could rule the world.

It turns out that the dinosaurs were not completely destroyed on this planet. The giant beasts that were survived by some kind of power have been upgraded and transformed to become more powerful.

The Frost Giant King could only retell the history he heard based on the knowledge stored in his mind. He couldn't understand why the dinosaurs could survive the wrath of a god that destroyed the world.

But Loki knew.

He had seen the lizard-man murals in the "Obsidian Pyramid".

There must have been a considerable number of dragons who entered Leviathan and survived the world-destroying disaster with them.

The discovery of the dragon clan made the bored "Aesir" ecstatic.

"How about a survival competition between the giants we created and these flying behemoths?"

"In this way, we can have fierce battles to watch every day!"

Once this thought appears, it never goes away. Odin opened the passage for Asgard to enter the human world and named the human world "Atrium".

When the giants set foot on this land, they immediately began to become the dragon's only competitors.

The primitive humans, lingering under the claws and flames of the dragons, were finally able to get a brief respite.


Human beings are the smallest of all the "outer gods" living on this planet.

No one knows exactly where they came from.

When and how did it come to earth?

The Giant King only learned from the myths and legends passed down by mouth that the era of their arrival seemed to be longer than the giants entered the atrium.

Before the giants came, the flying dragons had almost completely wiped them out. If the giant hadn't successfully diverted the attention of the dragon clan, this group of dwarf alien gods who stole eggs and scavenged for a living would have been completely extinct in a short time.

However, the "human" species has an extraordinary resilience. They are willing to serve other foreign gods without any bottom line, build temples for them, worship them, and learn their magic.

In the eyes of all other ancient gods and foreign gods, this is unimaginably humble.

No one would say no to a good pack of dogs.

During the hundreds of thousands of years of fighting between giants and dragons, the tiny human race managed to survive in the cracks of the gods.

Although humble, lowly, without any dignity.

But to live is to have hope.


In the memory of the Giant King, an important symbol of the rise of mankind is the birth of "Nuwa".

Humanity before the birth of Nuwa and humanity after the birth of Nuwa are two completely different kinds of humanity.

Nuwa brought several changes to mankind.

First of all, Nuwa created the institution of marriage.

Before the appearance of Nuwa, humans, like wild beasts, lived together at will and had whatever they pleased. Nuwa created the concept of one man and one woman getting married and living together.

The subsequent "men farmed and women weaved" and "family clans" all came from her guidance.

Relying on the strong concept of marriage and "family honor", humans, who originally lived in groups in the wilderness like wild beasts, quickly distinguished themselves from the wild beasts and developed a huge group with well-defined roots.

They changed from a scattered group state to a social creature with clear organization and division of labor.

The originally fragmented ethnic group began to rely on clans and clans and quickly grew stronger.

At that time, the giants and dragons were fighting in darkness. Countless alien gods came to the earth, either for research, watching a show, or simply being bored. The earth 200,000 years ago became a paradise for alien gods to wander.

Loki completely understands this feeling.

Audiences watching boxing will inevitably get their blood burning because of the bloody battles. Many immersed audiences even wish they could take a few rounds in person to add a little flavor to the boring life.

Not surprisingly, this group of alien gods visited this vibrant planet precisely for this reason.

When the human race reached a certain level, the first movement to purge the alien gods in human history began.

Loki could not accurately determine the time when this short history occurred. He could only roughly think that it was the area between 50,000 BC and 10,000 BC.

The giants and dragons who were obsessed with fighting were surprised to find that in an uninhabited corner, this group of short, insect-like creatures had developed so much, and the individuals were quickly becoming stronger.

As powerful as Loki looks like today.

After drinking the golden potion, he activated the thin ancient blood in his body and 'degenerated' into the "Viking ancestors" who existed in the world tens of thousands of years ago.

He has no faith, no rank, and simply has a terrifyingly powerful physical quality.

He can survive underwater for seven days, jump to a height of 30 meters, and run for three days and three nights without feeling tired.

Even facing the "Scarlet Creator", in a 1V1 situation, he, a tiny human being, still has the power to fight.

This human army allowed the outer gods to realize the power of the "army" for the first time.

When a group of powerful individuals are uniformly managed, commanded, and obeyed an order, the energy they unleash is huge.

Most of the Outer Gods were forced to flee.

It was also at this time that the Frost Giants were defeated at the hands of Olaf, the "Bloody Conqueror", and were driven back to their former homeland.

Subsequently, another feat of Nuwa was to completely eliminate the passage of foreign gods from entering the human world.

This is what Loki wants to know most.

According to his understanding of the true nature of the matter, alien gods entering the human world must not be like the aliens in science fiction movies, arriving from space in a spaceship.

The legendary "Nu Wa mending the sky" is certainly not like mending a broken pot, boiling a little molten iron to fill the holes.

According to the knowledge stored in his mind, Nuwa most likely did the following two things.

1. She hid the "Earth" from the eyes of the outer gods to prevent them from discovering the coordinates of this place.

2. She blocked a "wormhole" and isolated a space-time rift.

The memory of the Earth's history in the Frost Giant King's mind ends here. After they were driven back to Asgard by the bloody conqueror Olaf, he had no idea what happened in human civilization.

The biggest question in Loki's mind still remains unanswered.

First of all, is Nuwa an alien god, or the first "new god" originating from humans?

There are many kinds of images about Nuwa in later generations, and different classics often have contradictions.

In Qin and Han classics such as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", "Huainanzi" and "Chu Ci", Nuwa is a woman who is no different from ordinary human beings.

However, in the "Yao Jing" compiled by the counselors of Emperors Yan and Huang during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, both she and Fuxi had the head of a human and the body of a snake, with twin tails intertwined.

As for the Jiuli tribe under the rule of Emperor Chiyou in the earlier period, an ancient book called "Jiuzhou Great Wilderness Book" was circulated.

In the Book of Desolation, Nuwa even looks like a frog, with a swollen abdomen and a human head and a monster body, like a terrifying monster that is far more human-like.

This question is the second one. The second question is Loki's real inner demon.

When the earth returned to the hands of Nuwa and humans, what exactly did humans go through to cause such serious "degradation"?

With Loki's current physical fitness, even if hundreds of ordinary mortals come to him, he can easily knock them all over.

Their degradation is so obvious that if they want to survive on this planet, they must invite the foreign gods that Nuwa purged back to the earth, build temples for them, and spread their faith.


Is he really a selfless and kind-hearted god?

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