Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 384 7.38 Dragon Tomb

Replace gods with humans in future generations, and replace humans with chickens, ducks, geese and other livestock that are slaughtered by humans every day.

It is not difficult to get a simple truth.

They have no need to be merciful to humans.

Mortals need power. When the power given by the gods far exceeds their own cultivation, the vast majority of mortals on this planet will become servants of the gods.

The gods had absolute control over them.

It's like humans controlling chickens and ducks in a slaughterhouse.

As long as the chickens and ducks can be slaughtered and eaten, it will be fine.

If any farmer thinks about whether the chickens in the chicken coop are doing well or not, no one will think he is merciful.

Everyone will think he is crazy.

In the same way, by blocking the passage for foreign gods to enter the human world, this god becomes the only true god in the world after "sitting on" all humans alone.

Will she help humanity selflessly as always?

Loki, who comes from the 21st century and has seen the true face of human society, doesn't believe this is true at all.

To this day, no one he's come into contact with knows exactly what happened during this time.

There are only 2 things that can be determined.

1. Humanity has gone through a huge level of degradation.

2. Tens of thousands of years later, until 6000-4000 BC. Gaia, the Earth Mother, Milotaurus, Amon the Hidden, Horus, the Sun God, and the Holy Lord Jehovah, these foreign gods have returned to human civilization.

The gods that entered human society from the outer stars began to wreak havoc again. The foreign gods of the Western Continent even launched two wars belonging to the "gods".

A large number of humans are involved.

The end of all this will have to wait until 6,000 years later, when Qin Shihuang unifies the seven kingdoms before the second round of purging the outer gods begins.

And after "Nuwa patched up the sky", what happened in human civilization before this period of time?

The Frost Giant King cannot answer this question, and there is no record of it in the 21st century documents.

Perhaps only the immortal lizard men of the Illuminati can give a clear answer.


When he came to Scandinavia this time, Loki didn't just chat with the Frost Giant King.

From the Duke of Storm's End, he became the actual controller of the "Normandy Region". Although his title was still "Duke", he belonged to the command of Mohlantin.

But everyone knows that his actual status is no less than that of any king in the English Isles.

Now, he has successfully occupied two wealthy provinces. Now that he has entered a civilized society, he must manage his territory in accordance with the rules of a civilized society.

The top priority is to develop maritime trade.

Although the land in the English Islands is fertile, the real hard currency that can be obtained is extremely scarce.

Comparing Crops The English Islands are already a paradise compared to Scandinavia, but compared to the Principality of France across the strait, the yield and quality are extremely mediocre.

The stingy French nobles simply would not sell their precious seeds to the English.

Even if a small amount was smuggled back to the British Isles, farmers carefully sown the seeds and found that they would not grow at all without the French soil.

Comparing mineral resources, the mineral reserves of the English Islands are even less than those of Scandinavia.

As for other options, such as population, religion, technology, etc., they are also extremely mediocre. In order to quickly open up the situation for the Normandy region, he needed a powerful product that most countries could not mass-produce and that the people of the Western Continent generally needed.

Loki immediately thought of the "Frost Giant" he brought out from Asgard.

Because the Frost Giant King once secretly revealed that he knew the location of the "Dragon Tomb".


Looking at the entire human world, "dragon bones" are very precious resources.

The merchants of the Tang Dynasty traveled thousands of miles and worked hard on the Silk Road for a whole year across the continental bridge to Constantinople.

They brought porcelain, tea, and spices from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and on the return journey, they filled the camel caravan with glass, cheese, and keels from Constantinople.

Among them, the most precious one is the dragon bone.

Because the dragon clan of the Eastern Tang Dynasty was completely extinct by sword cultivators hundreds of years ago.

The demand for "dragon bones" among the warlocks of the Eastern Continent is not weaker than the enthusiasm of the residents of the Western Continent for tea.

Dragon bones are used as medicine to treat bone fractures, muscle contusions, and even change the current situation of osteoporosis for the elderly.

This thing is used to make wine, and it is an excellent source of power for warriors.

Almost all young monks need to drink medicinal wine made from dragon bones and tiger bones for several years before building a foundation, so that their bodies can become as good a material as possible for building a foundation.

Not only the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the Vulcan Cult, but also the Holy Bishops had a huge demand for dragon bones.

The Arab Empire relied on two weapons to conquer the world: the "Fire Knights Legion" and the "MOA Knights Legion". When feeding "Fire-Stepping War Horse" or "Moa", adding keel powder into the feed can greatly improve the mount's combat capability.

As for the highest-level papal books of the Holy Bishop, they have always been drawn with powder ground from dragon bones mixed with colored stone powder. It is rumored that if a high-sequence God-chosen person holds this kind of Bible in his hand, he can even talk to "Heavenly Father".

Hear God’s will for yourself.

Because of this, the price of keels has remained high for a long time, and in many cases there is even a price but no market.

After spending a year on the journey, the merchants from the East China could not bear to return empty-handed, and even stayed in Constantinople, waiting every day at the trading house run by the "Plantagenet Family" to see if there were any keels to buy.

They will not return home until they have purchased enough goods.

The "Principality of France", which has fertile soil, is a paradise for dragon creatures to thrive. It is precisely because of its almost monopoly on the dragon bone trade that this country has been able to stand for a long time.

No one dared to challenge the Plantagenet throne.

Of course Loki knew about the powerful country "France" across the sea from the English Islands. In his opinion, only by finding the dragon tomb through the frost giants and taking out the dragon bones that have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years can the Normandy region become a piece of territory that will not be ignored by anyone as quickly as possible. the power of.

Only in this way can this impoverished country quickly complete the accumulation of original funds.

Only with money can the population loss caused by successive wars be solved as quickly as possible.


While Loki was talking to the Giant King, the frost giants had already moved bundles of huge bones out of the forest.

That was the keel they took out from the "Dragon Tomb" on the seabed.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when giants and dragons were fighting to the death on these roads, dragons on the earth were as densely packed as birds, all over the place.

Like all large creatures, dragons will find their own habitat designated by the group when they are dying. Over time, a large number of dragon bones accumulated in the dragon tomb.

However, over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, the land that once was was turned into a sea.

The Giant King still remembers the location of the Dragon Tomb, but now only this group of terrifying giants who can walk underwater can go deep into the seabed and pull out the bones that have become as shiny as crystal after time has eroded them.

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