Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 392 7.46 The Illuminati Gathers

"Did you see clearly?"

"Replying to your honor, I saw very clearly that he was indeed writing a secret letter to persuade Duke Loki to come to trial. He also fully explained what Lord Durand was willing to guarantee."

"Very well, stand down."

In Paris, every inch of land is precious. However, as we all know, the real big shots will not crowd in the city like the common people. The overcrowded streets cannot accommodate the exotic animals they raise.

The real powerful people bought a piece of land outside the castle and built their own castle alone.

At this time, in the manor study of Sir Ethan von Crown, the chief justice of Paris, five figures standing or sitting gradually emerged against the white fish belly on the horizon. Sitting on the first seat is a French gentleman who is 2 meters tall and has a slender figure.

Wearing a decent black robe with gold threads, he was sitting on a comfortable oak chair, reaching out to stroke a docile white cat in his arms.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that this is not a common cat, but an albino cheetah from the New World. Jungle cheetahs always have dark fur, with very few white ones.

In the whole city of Paris, only Sir Crown owned one.

He was the Grand Judge of the French Inquisition.

It is truly inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

After calling away the actress who came to report, Ethan let go of his hands and let his pet run to the corner of the house to play with the ball of thread. He turned to look at "Diamond Flower" Durang.

"Do you think Duke Loki is really back?"

Durang smiled slightly.

"Your Honor, I don't think he has a choice!"

"I have already inquired clearly that he has no troops at this time. The reason why he was able to save the two provinces was because of the protons he controlled at this time. If it weren't for the 'sect master''s action to capture Alfred, something unexpected happened , Normandy is probably in chaos now!"

Ethan didn't like the word "accident." As a judge, he wants everything around him to be in order, smooth and orderly. Any "accident" will break his plans and organization.

This will greatly hinder his exclusive "judgment power".

"Speaking of which, where has the sect leader been these days?"

"If the real master really shows up, wouldn't he need to interrogate poor Duke Loki personally?"

Ethan spent a lifetime judging heretics. While he succeeded in taking the position of judge with the help of the Illuminati, no heretic had ever emerged from the Inquisition alive.

In his eyes, Loki was already a dead man.

As long as he enters his own court, he will definitely die.

"If he doesn't come, what awaits England is an endless economic blockade. Within a month, his people will overthrow him from the throne."

Ethan has no doubts about Durang's arguments.

No one knows "the human heart" better than he, the justice.

Once they have tasted the conveniences brought by affluent life, no one will want to return to the barren and cold Scandinavia.


"What I don't understand is that if this person is really as dangerous as the legend says, wouldn't it be easier to just kill him?" Ethan asked in confusion.

Before Du Lang had time to answer, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the corner.

"We cannot speculate on your whereabouts. We just need to carry out his mission sincerely."

The speaker was a thin man with his back against the wall, hidden in the shadows. In the darkness, only the smoker in his mouth was emitting a little light.

"Lord Lan, what do you have to say?"

The Donglu native in the shadow is named "Lan Bixue" and is an abandoned disciple of the Yushan Sword Sect of the Tang Dynasty 30 years ago. Rumor has it that he was caught by his brothers because he was practicing forbidden magic skills. Lan Bixue killed 3 people in a row with his sword, and escaped from the Yushan Sword Sect in the chaos and fled away from home.

At that time, the Tang Dynasty in the East had not yet completely recovered from the aftermath of the "An-Shi Rebellion". The Tang State, which was in desperate need of revitalization, had too many important things to deal with and could not find any manpower to hunt down a traitor from the second-rate sword sect.

In the eyes of the people of the Eastern Continent, the farthest place from the Eastern Continent is the Western Continent on the other side of the East-West Continental Bridge.

Lan Bi's blood flowed to the Principality of France and he hid in Tibet for decades. It was not until the Jade Mountain Sword Sect disappeared and no one continued to seek his revenge that he walked out of the wilderness and returned to human society.

As the top combat force on the land of Kyushu, Tang Guo Jianxiu found a job that was not easy. Lan Bixue easily joined the French border guards.

One month later, the first boss died tragically at home, bitten in the throat by a green venomous snake.

Lan Bixue successfully promoted to the 10th captain.

Another half month later, the second boss "accidentally" fell off a cliff while performing a task.

Lan Bixue successfully promoted to centurion

Ten days later, the third supervisor suddenly wrote a letter of resignation, saying that he was too old and weak to perform guard work.

Lan Bixue was promoted to captain.

Just one year later, he marched all the way from the other provinces to Paris. In a very short period of time, he became the captain of the "Golden Scale Guard" of the city of Paris and the number one general in the imperial city.

He really did his job well.

Since taking office, there has been no major disturbance in the city of Paris. The Plantagenet family gives him many rewards every year, and even the merchants in the city will spontaneously fly the guard flag to celebrate Lord Lan's birthday.

Others don't know what's going on, but Lan Bixue knows it herself.

His journey has gone so smoothly, thanks to the "sect leader".

"The only thing we need to do is trust the sect leader!"

"Every return of the Sect Master has brought us benefits and glory. Although there is a small accident this time, we must first unite sincerely."

Breathing out a long puff of smoke, Lan Bixue slowly walked out of the shadows. He was wearing a blue-gray black gown. Although he was over 70 years old, he still looked like a young man. There is a widespread rumor in Paris that the evil method he practiced at that time can maintain youth forever.

It's just that everyone knows Mr. Lan's ruthless methods, and even members of the Illuminati dare not interrogate him personally.

"Since you think that Duke Loki will definitely come back, then I will be prepared for him to enter the city."

"The sect master has issued a message asking him to enter the Heretic Tribunal for trial. My only task is to ensure that he enters the Heretic Tribunal intact and that no other troubles occur during the trial."

"As for you"

"Don't think too much! I hope you remember that this is the first S-level prisoner in our Western Continent in the past 30 years!"

"In terms of danger, he is even more dangerous than the 'Whip of God' 500 years ago!"

"Sincere cooperation is the only way out!"

"Illuminati, the light lasts forever!"

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