Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 393 7.47 The Principality of France and the “Carolingian Renaissance”

10 days later.

Loki looked at the endless green fields and the almost endless plain white city wall at the end of the fields and couldn't help but stop.

After traveling 22 years ago, Paris was the great royal city he saw for the first time.

This majestic royal city emanates from the center with five surrounding satellite cities. What appeared in front of him at this time was only the first fortress, "Versailles".

And this fortress alone is already comparable in size to the royal city of Wessex, "Southampton".

In the 9th century AD, the world-famous "Versailles Palace" would not appear until 700 years later. At this time, Versailles was only a famous tourist area in the Principality of France.

This area has large forests and algae swamps, and is one of the three breeding grounds for wild unicorns in France.

The Plantagenet family has divided 500 hectares of forest and swamp into a conservation area, and organized a forest guard of nearly 10,000 people to patrol here day and night to watch out for poachers.

Fort Versailles is where the troops are stationed.

We have to admit that even for an inconspicuous satellite city, French architects have put in enough rigorous design spirit. In the endless fields, the snow-white city wall appears at the end of the fields.

Behind the city wall, all buildings are made of white bricks and white tiles, reflecting the mist-shrouded green peaks behind Versailles like a fairyland on earth.

"Everyone says that France is a good place. Only when you see it with your own eyes can you realize that it is indeed a paradise!" Wenzov, who was riding a tall horse, secretly exclaimed as he looked at the corn fields around him that were as tall as a person.

Thousands of years ago, the pre-Qin Qi alchemists flying with swords discovered the New World while purging the foreign gods. When they brought back the seeds of this yellow fruit from the New World, "corn", a highly adaptable dry land crop, quickly became popular.

A hundred years later, along with the Silk Road, it spread like wildfire around the world.

The corn in the Principality of France is like a sturdy crop affected by the "Xuanyuan Sword", and each pole can produce two or two stalks.

However, the range that Xuanyuan Sword can radiate is limited after all.

At this time, we are in France, and the endless cornfields across the mountains and plains ruthlessly declare the strong national power of this country.

Compared with Wenzov, who spent most of his life on his fingers, Alfred on the other side of Loki didn't take it seriously. He lived in the royal palace in Southampton after he was born, and was sent to Constantinople by Ecbert at a huge expense as long as he could remember.

He had seen too much of everything in the bustling city, but the Viking culture of killing people all day long fascinated him even more.

Loki only brought Wenzov and Alfred with him on this trip. Gulaul, Sartre, and the group of old guys who had been with him for a long time all requested to go with the team, but Loki refused without exception.

First of all, this is destined to be an extremely dangerous journey.

The Viking pirates who put their heads on their waistbands and wielded their axes to create a new life had not had time to enjoy their new life for a few days. There was no need for them to enter this hostile foreign country.

The only reason he chose to bring Alfred with him was that this guy was the target of the Illuminati just like him.

Secondly, letting this group of lawless bandits who want to see everything enter France is not a decision that a wise man can make.

He was already involved in a conspiracy, so there was no need to add other worries.


The Principality of France perfectly explains what is meant by "having enough time to know etiquette".

Thousands of years ago, when "Ancient Rome" conquered Carthage and began to expand along the Mediterranean coastline, they discovered that the "Gauls" living on this land were much taller than other barbarians.

Not only that, Gauls' villages often had a large population and amazing fighting power.

The only reason why Gaul lost to Rome was that this primitive city-state had no reliable god. In contrast, the 12 temples under Zeus provided the Roman Republic with sufficient "chosen ones".

This allowed Julius Caesar to conquer Gaul in 49 BC.

After conquering this territory, Rome brought advanced culture and technology. Under orderly cultivation, the value of this land was quickly discovered.

Roman rule over France lasted for nearly 500 years.

By AD 476, the Western Roman Empire fell and the Roman citizens living here declared their independence. They called themselves Franks and established the first independent dynasty on this land - the "Merovingian Dynasty".

In AD 508, the capital was moved to Paris and renamed "The Principality of France".


The Principality of France completed several "installations" in the Dark Middle Ages.

First of all, in 732 AD, the French people used giant dragons and Pegasus to successfully withstand the Arab Empire's newly developed "Fire Knight Legion" and successfully withstood the Arab Empire's expansion into the western continent.

From then on, the territory of the Arab Empire stopped at the puppet regime "Principality of Ramses" in the northern continent.

It has not made any progress in more than two hundred years.

Secondly, in AD751, the Carolingian dynasty was established. The extremely wealthy French began the first "Renaissance" of the Dark Middle Ages, known in history as the "Carolingian Renaissance."

In the Dark Middle Ages when most people were still struggling for three meals a day, carriages, horses and houses, the ruler of the Carolingian dynasty "Charles Carolingian" had successfully made every French household well fed and drunk. .

There are horses in the stables and cows in the cowsheds.

Looking at the silver coins that were almost piled up to the ceiling in the treasury, and some of them had even oxidized and turned black, he had a new dream in his heart.

He wanted to make everyone in the country literate.

The first step was to reform the font.

Charlemagne spent a lot of money to invite nearly half of the scholars in the Western Continent. After several years of research, he and these scholars transformed the cumbersome Latin characters into a more convenient style for learning.

The first letter of a sentence is capitalized, and a giant number is added at the end of a sentence.

This great achievement that shocked the ancient and modern times originated from the "Carolingian Renaissance."

After formulating a more regular and simple language, the next step is how to promote it nationwide.

Charlemagne thought of the "Holy Church" that had spread throughout the country at this time.

However, religion and country are always two concepts. As a king, he can command his subjects without obstacles, but if he wants to give orders to monks, it requires more effort.

Charlemagne adopted a roundabout tactic.

He first collected the legends about the Holy Bishop scattered around the world, combined with the different "Bible Stories" in the churches of various places, and after careful sorting by the scholars, he integrated a brand new "Bible" in French.

This Bible can be regarded as a unified integration of the history of the Holy Bishop.

It elaborates in detail from the "Exodus" in 1350 BC; to the Persians' conquest of the Babylonian Kingdom in 537 BC, the Jews returned to their homeland; to the Hebrew Bible stories compiled by the Jews in ancient Greece in 300 BC, and then to the difficult development of the Holy Bishop in the 12 Temples of Zeus in the Roman period.

This Bible, called the "Old Testament", was immediately crowned as a treasure by the Holy Bishop as soon as it came out.

Charlemagne promoted this Bible compiled in the "new language", and the monks naturally accepted this new language called French.

This provided fertile soil for the monks to establish church schools in the future.

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