Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 394 7.48 Road into the city

"Church schools" throughout the Western Continent were Charlemagne's true ambition.

The abundant harvests from the land and the additional wealth brought by business led to an explosion of French citizenry.

Four or five children per household has become the norm.

Through careful observation among the people, he found that if the French people could get rid of the trouble of taking care of their young children, the kingdom's income could be greatly improved.

More citizens can drive carriages and sail sailing ships to go out for trade; or they can enter the academy and be trained to become bachelors or fighting soldiers. Compared with squatting on the land and cultivating the land, relying on the "Mediterranean business district" to develop trade can bring more generous profits.

The "Holy Episcopal Church" spread all over the country due to missionary needs has a place to play.

After using the Bible to popularize French, Charlemagne established a "church school" in every Holy Episcopal church through large sums of money. He established a law requiring all churches that collect money to be obliged to teach seven arts to the children of their congregants——

——Grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.

This creates a win-win situation.

The conveniences provided by missionary schools resulted in an influx of more people into the schools, providing the Holy Bishop with new converts.

At the same time, Charlemagne also completed the achievement of "allowing residents to receive education from an early age, spreading civilization, and liberating the adult labor force."

In addition, during the fifty years of Charlemagne Plantagenet's reign, French architecture, music, and painting made great progress.

After discovering the conveniences that the Holy Episcopal Church could provide, the "Plantagenet Family" immediately provided strong support to the church.

The craft of building begins with the construction of a church.

Music also pioneered the innovation of gospel and papal classics.

As for painting, in order to bring this cheapest art into the homes of ordinary people, Charlemagne pioneered the work of "illustrating books", which was considered extremely tedious and time-consuming by previous generations.

After years of practice, the production of books has become more and more sophisticated. The manuscripts with animal skin covers and colorful illustrations are even considered family heirlooms and passed down from generation to generation by many residents.


The current Pope "Gregory III" believes that the appearance of "Charlemagne Plantagenet" is a blessing of the Holy Lord Christ to mankind.

"Charlemagne Plantagenet" was born into the world by the Holy Lord Christ at the right time, in the right place, in the right country and in the right family.

1. The early rule of the Plantagenet Dynasty accumulated enough wealth for Charlemagne. So much so that when he ascended the throne, he faced a treasury with silver piled to the ceiling.

2. The promotion of culture is never achieved overnight. It requires continuous promotion by a dynasty and continuous investment for more than ten years.

Byzantium, which had been at war with the Arab Empire for years, simply could not afford this expense.

Only France, which is located in the rear and has fertile land, can maintain it.

3. Charlemagne doesn’t like fighting, doesn’t like women, is not interested in strength or exotic animals, or goes out for a walk. Only people with such indifferent natures would choose to invest in "culture", a nihilistic industry that will see no results within decades.

By chance, the Carolingian Renaissance succeeded.

The Dark Middle Ages, full of blood, darkness and killing, has ushered in the first ray of light.

And this ray of light came to the Holy Episcopal Church and the Principality of France.


Following the caravan into the Fort of Versailles, the exquisite breadstone streets were cleaned cleanly, and not a single stain could be seen on the white walls. Loki only brought 30 guards with him on this trip, so hiding in the caravan did not seem out of place.

It is worth mentioning that after he crossed the English Channel and set foot on French soil, there were no guards or knights to "escort" him into the city.

For the proud French people, they defeated the Arab Empire's attack 50 years ago. Compared with the fire knights rushing in like landslides and tsunamis, the Duke of a small border country like Loki is really not worth expending too much energy.

As long as he fails to do so, the blockade of England will begin immediately.

Even if the leaders of the seven countries join forces to tie up Loki, the Plantagenet family can take advantage of the situation and impose another permanent commercial tariff just like in 12 years ago.

Today is the last day of the agreed "10-day" deadline.

However, Loki had no intention of keeping the appointment as scheduled.

After entering the city, it was already getting late, and when he was about to consider whether to rest for a night in Versailles, he saw Father Francis standing on the corner of the street.

"Oh my goodness!"

"Holy Lord Christ, the Almighty Virgin Mary! Why are you here anyway?!"

"I have given you countless instructions and asked you not to set foot on the land of the Principality of France! To ensure that you don't come, I even sent a raven to you."

"Oh my God!"

"Master Wenzov, are you here too?"

"Now we have a companion on the journey to Huangquan!"

Facing the old patriarch who was sweating profusely and chattering incessantly, Loki got off his horse and gave him a big hug first.

"Boss, don't you think it's good for us to go back to Scandinavia and continue living?"

"It's just a relief to cross west to attack England. The world of civilized people is really not something we can adapt to. Anyway, now you are destined to be a great war god who will be recorded in the history books. When you return to the Hall of Valor in the future, you may not know That Lord Odin is so happy to see you."

"Why do you have to come to France to accept the unfounded charges of these grandsons?"

Francis is a well-established "survivalist". In his heart, living is above all else.

He couldn't understand everything Loki was doing at this time.

"Brother Francis, you and I have never known each other before! We finally got the opportunity to settle in Paris, and it's only been five months now."

"Have you had enough sleep with French women in 5 months?"

Father Francis was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"You are the hero of my river valley. I promise to give you the life you want, and I will definitely do it!"

"Since you can all sacrifice your lives for me"

"Of course I can take such a small risk for you."

It's getting dark now. Loki asked the old dean to book a good hotel for us, so that his subordinates, who were tired from traveling, could go in and have a rest and wash away the dust of the journey.

"Boss, the Plantagenet family only gave us a 10-day deadline. Look at this"

"Haha, what are you afraid of?!"

"Their target is me and they will not close the strait easily!"

Learning that "Diamond Flower" Durang had contacted Dean Francis, Loki became even more convinced of his original judgment.

This group of French people is very similar to the "maximum pressure" used by 21 Democratic Beacon. They realized that the Duke of the small country was not qualified to negotiate conditions with them, so all they gave were extremely harsh conditions.

For example, it takes 10 days to get to Paris.

Under the exhaustion of traveling and traveling, he still had to go into the city out of breath, and entered the "Heresy Tribunal" on his own without supervision to be judged by the judge. This operation simply took the arrogance of a big country to the extreme.

But Loki had no intention of coddling their bad habits.

He was not here to be judged at all.

He is here to kill people.

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