Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 400 7.54 Judgment of Heretics (2)

The Inquisition is a pure white building located on the side of the Paris Cathedral. In the square in front of the building stands a silver statue of Seraphim wielding a flaming sword to burn demons.

As for the entrance, there is a large relief sculpture of the Holy Trinity of "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" working together to seal the devil.

When the Golden Scale Guards and the Torture Acolytes escorted Loki and the others to the square. A row of nobles and residents wearing various costumes stood neatly in front of the steel church door.

The French Church still uses the trial process inherited from ancient Rome. After the defendant completes his final argument, a jury composed of 8 nobles, 8 commoners, and 8 clergy will vote together on whether the defendant is guilty or not.

As for the final sentencing, it will be left to the "Plantagenet Family" and the Archbishop to make the final decision.

From court, to trial, and finally to execution.

The entire process can take weeks or even months.

During this period, the prisoner could only squat in the jail and wait for the verdict.


Walking into the Inquisition and looking around, Loki found that this place was just like the "Great Colosseum" he remembered in his mind. It was filled with spectators from all directions who were ready to watch a good show.

Judging from the clothing, French mercenary soldiers accounted for a considerable part.

After all, nearly 300 French mercenaries died in "Cloud Province". In the eyes of the proud French citizens, their brave soldiers died on the soil of the subject country, under the sword of the hairy savages.

No one can accept this.

On the other side, sitting were merchants from the nobles in the city. Most of them are relatives and friends of Andre Jarvan "White Eagle".

As soon as Loki entered the scene, they began to raise their fingers in indignation and curse the prisoner who had harmed their friend. The originally peaceful stone hall was immediately filled with noisy French.

The "Acolytes of Torture" stood on either side of the courtroom as they led Loki to the sentencing table.

As for the Golden Scale Guards, after completing their guidance work, the commander-in-chief "Lan Bixue" led his men out of the Heretic Trial and guarded the gate.

They no longer had to wait around the defenseless Viking Duke.

In their understanding, no matter how powerful the 'demigod' is, he cannot resist 30 'torture acolytes' in an unarmed state.

When Loki was in position, Alfred and Vintsov each stood behind him. Nodding to the two old guys, he looked at the 30 guards at the end of the crowd.

Father Francis did not escape.

He also followed the procession into the courtroom.

Make sure everyone is in pre-rehearsed positions. Loki took a deep breath and looked at the top of the courtroom, where the Honorable Judge sat in the pure white chair.


When Judge Ethan stood up, the court fell silent for an instant. All the jury members and the audience stood up together, and for a moment, the hall was silent.

"I, the Chief Justice of the Inquisition, Sir Ethan von Crowne, hereby announce that the trial for the murder committed by the Viking Duke 'Loki Starrag' on April 12 will now be opened."

"Assisting me in solving the case are Francesco Plantagenet, the third heir to the French throne on my right, and his sister, Golinda Plantagenet."

Seeing the judge's signal, an 18-year-old boy in red pulled a pretty girl beside him to stand up. The members of the "Porse Family" are famous throughout the Western Continent for their beauty.

The two princes and princess are equally handsome and dashing.

"On the left is Mr. Durand Solonis, the president of the Paris City Merchants Federation."

"He is the dearest relative and friend of the deceased 'Andre Jarvan'!"

"May the Holy Lord grant justice to the dead!"

"May the gods punish evil severely!"

"May the Holy Lord always bless the world!" The crowd raised their hands and shouted loudly.

Loki smiled and nodded to everyone around him.

When Ethan motioned for those around him to sit down together, the first round of his interrogation began.


"'Loki Starrag' of the Starrag family, I hereby accuse you of colluding with the evil god to maliciously massacre French nobles and citizens, and destroy the property of French citizens."

"Can you plead guilty?"

Loki smiled and shook his head.


Ethan was very annoyed by his cynicism. He liked to see mortals fear and tremble.

Duke Loki was obviously too calm.

"Duke Loki, I need to warn you"

"Yun Province is the territory of my French Principality! And the law of my Holy French Principality is 'when subordinates make mistakes, the lord shall bear the responsibility'!"

"Was Baron Andre Jarvan killed by your men?"

With a slight cough, Loki looked at Ethan without fear.

"As far as I know, some French sissies may have died under the axes of my people."

"All my subordinates are the subjects of God King Odin"

"For Odin's people, killing chickens will be a last resort. No one will have the spare time to slaughter you bunch of rookies who wield silver swords and dance coolly."

"It's not pretty."

"This is so ugly!"

Rocky didn't understand French, so he said these words in fluent English, and there was a buzz of conversation from the audience behind him.

"What did this country bumpkin say? Is he saying that our army is too weak?"

"Haha, he is just a frog in the well who has never seen the market! He has never seen how my French dragon that covered the sky melted the Arab cavalry!"

"If you see it, I guarantee this 'Odin's people' will scare the shit out of you!"

“Oh, pardon my French”

Unknown to the crowd of onlookers, as for Justice Ethan himself, he was also subconsciously startled when he heard these words.

The Principality of France has existed on this continent for hundreds of years. No one in the entire Western Continent knows how powerful France is.

The vast majority of heretics were frightened and exhausted before entering the Inquisition. Some even cried and cried heartbreakingly to express their guilt.

He has never seen someone like Loki who despises royal power so much since he took this position.


He banged the copper hammer hard twice to signal everyone to be silent. Ethan secretly conveyed a "be patient" look to the eager "Torture Acolyte".

This shaggy savage is a duke after all.

After hearing the news, too many businessmen from various countries came to watch. The Principality of France must send a signal to all businessmen who come to do business: We are all civilized people, and the Principality of France is the country closest to the Eastern Tang Dynasty in terms of civilization.

We are just like them. The prisoners under interrogation will not even wear shackles before they are convicted, let alone take the initiative to hurt others in court.

Everything is still under control.

When the restless crowd calmed down, Ethan said in a deep voice:

"Call Witness No. 1!"

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