Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 401 7.55 Judgment of Heretics (3)

"Witness, your name."

The first witness called was a skinny young man with a pale face who even swayed from side to side when walking. When he took the witness position, he glanced back at Loki.

Eyes full of fear.

"Dear Judge, my name is Manuel Gray Rain."

"I am the flower farmer responsible for growing White Cloud Night flowers in Baiyun Canyon."

"Him!" The witness turned around and pointed behind him, pointing at Loki, "I can prove that he was the one who colluded with the evil god and turned many of our compatriots into horrible monsters that look like strange fish!"

"There have long been rumors in the Normandy region that the Duke of Normandy is not a subject of Odin!"

"He is a believer of an evil god of unknown origin!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience burst into discussion again. Ethan banged the gavel again as the audience fell silent. He turned to look at Loki.

"Is what the witness said true?"

"Are you really not a believer in Odin?"

"Haha" Loki laughed dryly and admitted generously: "I am indeed not."

"Holy Lord, the last evil cultist actually ruled Odin's people! I really don't know if that 'God King Odin' will thank me after I die."

Ethan looked at Loki with a smile, he liked his prey falling into the trap. The entire interrogation was conducted completely according to his established 'script'.

He enjoyed the feeling of being in control very much.

Only at this moment, the still calm Viking Duke and the Viking warriors standing silently behind everyone made him feel a little uneasy.

(When these Vikings heard that he was not a believer in Odin, why didn’t they react at all?)

(Could it be that they already know this secret?)

"God King Odin will thank you." Loki looked back at Ethan without fear, "Maybe he will connect you to the Hall of Valor today, hehe."

The weird smile on Loki's face made him feel a little shuddering. With a cold snort, he ordered the second witness to be summoned.

"Sir, in the early morning of April 12th, I saw with my own eyes 12 French mercenaries died under Duke Loki's axe. He slaughtered them like dogs."

"But this bloodthirsty demon is not satisfied!"

"After just one hour, he summoned a force of over a thousand people and roared that they would rush into Yun Province and kill all the people of France and England."

"God-King Odin hasn't seen enough!"

"If I remember correctly, this demon passed by the door of my farm roaring these words!"

Just as Ethan was about to speak, Loki interrupted him first.

"Let me tell you, brother, the French man in front just said that I turned the French people into strange fish, and you said that I led the troops to kill people."

“My ‘evil god’ first turned them into monsters, and then led an army to kill these strange fish??”

"I was very tired in the early morning of April 12th."

Boom, boom, boom!

Sensing something was wrong, Judge Ethan banged the gavel in his hand again.

"Prisoners have no right to talk to witnesses! If you do it again, I will treat you as contempt for justice!"

"Whether you are guilty or not will be decided by the jury. If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut and avoid any unnecessary whipping!"

Smiling and nodding, Loki returned to his seat again.

What followed was an emotional performance by the English "actor". In his accusation, he seemed to be a ghost who followed Loki throughout the whole process and "saw" them drawing swords to kill, and "saw" him stabbing Andre Jarvan to death.

Perhaps because he was so proficient in memorizing his lines, he completely forgot about the "evil god" accusation made by the first French flower farmer against Loki.

Facing this farce-like trial, Loki didn't know what else to do except keep smiling.

The ignorant people in the Middle Ages had never watched TV dramas or listened to radio broadcasts, and they almost did not even exist in popular literature of this era.

Their brains have very limited cognition of "logical thinking".

If you want to impose a crime, there is no need to hesitate.

After a long and torturous period, the English farmer finally retreated. A considerable number of medieval people who had not received any baptism in TV series, movies, or popular literature actually believed his story and cast an angry look at Loki.

In this strange atmosphere, the third witness walked in.

If the first two "witnesses" pre-designed by the French only made him smile, the third witness made him involuntarily tighten the smile on his face.

He actually saw an acquaintance.

"Bloodhand Wayne?" Loki murmured, his eyes widening.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, he looked at Wenzov behind him and found that the chief steward behind him also had a confused look on his face.


The most troublesome Viking for Loki in Cold Water Village is Wayne "Bloody Hand".

In the popular language of later generations, this is a long-term neurosis with a tendency of "self-destruction". But in the dark Middle Ages, they had another name - fanatics.

They regard themselves as the most loyal servants of the gods.

"Bloody Hands" Wayne is such a person. He stubbornly believed that Odin brought him to the world just to enjoy the wonderful killings one after another.

Therefore, he has no bottom line in killing people.

No reason, no purpose.

Perhaps he had just entered a hotel and saw a heavily armored swordsman. He could approach him quietly and then wipe his neck with a knife.

Everyone felt that his almost pathological and indiscriminate killing behavior could not be called a hero.

Only he firmly believes that the gods in the Hall of Valor just like to see this.

Sooner or later, they will see their "efforts" and subsequently be promoted to the Chosen One.


Frankly speaking, Wayne the Bloody Hand was kind to Hanshui Village when Loki's biological father, "Mangus Starrag", was still alive.

When the village was in poverty and the vast majority of people could not even make ends meet for two meals a day, this bloodthirsty pirate with no bottom line plundered the village through gangsterism and endless killing without goals. Get back a lot of property.

Wayne didn't like money.

He enjoys the process of killing far more than the amount of loot obtained from the corpse.

This may be his only saving grace. Many poor women and fatherless children relied on his unrestrained "indiscriminate killing of innocent people" to survive.

But this fanatic believer in Odin is also a person with extremely tenacious vitality.

Years of continuous fighting caused most people in the village to die in the war. When his companions died one by one, "Bloodhand" Wayne miraculously survived.

This made him even more convinced that the gods in Asgard were "appreciating" his performance.

They were not willing to take him back to the Hall of Valor.

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