Chapter 604 27

In the 12 long years since Red was born, Gelin quickly embraced another life.

For 12 years, she taught Red to work hard and stay away from violence.

Although being tall was good material for martial arts, she never let Red learn martial arts for even a day.

But now it seems that he used a wood-cutting knife to break into the palace of Prince Shenzheng alone, killed the prince and escaped with his head!

This kind of figure can no longer be called a talent, but like a miracle!

"Miss Agamore is unwilling to marry this man, you all know that, but are unwilling to do anything about it."

"She was very good to our family and very good to me."

"So I did."

When he said these words, Reid's eyes were extremely calm, as if he was holding a fresh fish bought from the market instead of a glaring human head.

Even among the Viking pirates who regarded ferocity as an advantage, many twelve- and thirteen-year-old children still felt nauseated, vomited, and physically uncomfortable when they picked up a big ax to kill someone for the first time.

There was absolutely no negative emotion visible on Red's face.

Gently throwing the head into the burning fireplace, he wiped the blood from his hands and yawned, which seemed to mean he was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

But Ge Lin knew that now was definitely not the time to rest.

As a mother, she was not unaware of the personal affairs between her son and Miss Agamore.

The Vikings lived in a bitterly cold land, and every year a large number of their people died due to hunger or cold. Fertility has always been a blessing from the God-King to this ethnic group.

In order to replenish a large enough population, they even plundered the children of the Slavs and brought them back as adopted sons.

For this reason, the intimate affair between the eldest son and the noble lady was nothing to Ge Lin. In her eyes, it was just the restless youthful impulse in her body.

Both parties are just enjoying the happiness brought by their young bodies.

But what she never expected was that her 12-year-old son would actually become emotional.

Murder was commonplace in Scandinavia, but in civilized societies around the Mediterranean it was a big deal.

Children from ordinary peasant families would go to the Duke's Palace to seek justice after their death, not to mention the fact that the king's eldest son, the crown prince who might inherit the throne in the future, died in his hands.

Ge Lin covered her forehead in pain.

(It seems that there are instincts rooted deep in the bone marrow that cannot be improved.)

After all, raising wolf cubs in a sheep shed is a dangerous behavior!

It has happened, and there is no use in regretting it. The top priority is to think about how to get through the difficulties at hand.

Ge Lin quickly extinguished the candle.

Just three seconds later, she had forced herself to transform back into the cold-blooded hunter she once was - the "Siren" Ge Lin from Blood Pigeon Town.

Even if Red were a god, there was absolutely no way he could kill the regent's prince in the tightly guarded palace. The most likely opportunity to take action is when the prince leads a team on a trip.

It is normal for a hunting team to stay away from home for three to five days. If he doesn't return within 7 days, it may be because His Royal Highness, who is addicted to murder, is ill again.

But if there is no return for more than 10 days, the regent will definitely send troops to go out to search.

Exposure is a matter of time.

Now it has been 10 days since the engagement party! Perhaps the God-King Odin gave the last descendant of the Blood Dove tribe incomparable divine power, but Gelin did not think that a 12-year-old child could understand the advanced hunting skills of concealing his whereabouts.

Once it was discovered that the prince was dead, it would not be difficult for the eagle dogs around the king to find Red.

With her mind clear, she immediately called her second husband Mo Kui and detailed what happened in the simplest possible language.

Mo Kui, who has been shrouded in a layer of mysterious smoke for a long time, will naturally not be as mediocre as usual. Even after being married for a long time, Ge Lin still feels that he is like a mysterious book.

Every day seems to turn a new page.

Mo Kui did not hesitate after learning what happened.

He returned to the room, dug up the floor tiles, took out a dozen "gold dinar coins" buried in them, and pulled the two of them into the stable.

The stable manager has the habit of drinking late at night every day.

Late at night, he and the two apprentices beside him were already drunk and somewhat delirious. Mo Kui walked over with a smile, turned around and poured out a basin of cold water on the brazier between the three of them.

There were several muffled sounds in the darkness. When Mo Kui appeared again, he had pulled out three tall horses and opened the gate of the manor.

Reid was still lying on the bed and sleeping. It was not difficult to see that in order to successfully kill the prince, he had not slept for a long time. Ge Lin knew there was no time to delay.

A basin of cold water poured over the eldest son to wake him up, and Ge Lin forced him to ride on the horse.

The three of them ran wildly for two days in the open air. After arriving at the "Port of Toulon" on the coastline of the Holy Principality of France, Mo Kui bought an old fishing boat for three gold dinar coins.

The three people went out to sea overnight and sailed to the other end of the Mediterranean without looking back.

It has to be said that Mo Kui's decision came quite timely.

Early the next morning after the three left, the king's cavalry appeared outside the countess's mansion.

The hound followed Red's footprints and entered the bedroom where the servant lived. The cavalry captain found the prince's head that had been burned to charcoal among the embers of the stove.

It is not difficult to imagine how furious Oberlin I would be.

He wanted to punish Agamore, but for the sake of the Kingdom of Normandy, he did not have the courage.

Everyone in the Principality of France knew where the grand "Viking invasion of England" originated. The adopted daughter of an extremely ordinary old Viking man was kidnapped by the French, which was the trigger for everything.

If he dared to touch even half of Agamore's hair, God knows whether these barbaric butchers would immediately tear up the peace agreement and start a reckless war.

He wants to punish Countess Remi, but the Countess has many allies in this country.

What's more, he couldn't find any valid excuse.

The person who could ultimately pay for this disaster was still the 12-year-old servant, Red Blood Pigeon.

But what he didn't know was that Reid had already sailed away to the other end of the Mediterranean.

After a month of difficult navigation, the Red family had successfully entered the Byzantine Empire.

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