Chapter 605 28

Mo Kui and Ge Lin sailed out to sea. Google search reading

After 15 years, she once again recalled the years when she fled from Scandinavia in panic.

At the time she was pregnant, wounded, and alone.

Fifteen years later, she has a grown-up Red by her side and a new husband.

She looks poor, but actually has everything.

Especially the second husband Mo Kui

The entire "Red Murder Incident" originally had nothing to do with him, but after it happened, he did not hesitate to abandon his once stable life and lead the two of them to wander around the sea.

The "Oriental concept of family and country" rooted deep in the bone marrow is the greatest contribution of Confucianism to this ethnic group.

After stopping and stopping along the way, a month later, the three of them arrived at the Byzantine Kingdom on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea.

This is a new beginning for them.

Looking at the calm face of her eldest son, Ge Lin felt a hint of worry in her heart.

In the forest, a tiger eats a human only for the first time and countless times in the future. Once you taste the delicious taste of human flesh, it will be difficult for other animals to eat it.

And the same goes for mortals who have killed their own kind.

After entering the Byzantine Empire, the situation of this temporarily formed family of three began to become completely different from before.

Before escaping, they lived and worked in the mansions of nobles. They lived in spacious and bright mansions every day, and only needed to complete a small amount of work every day to obtain sufficient food.

During festivals or when Count Remy is in a good mood, it is common to reward him with seven or eight silver coins with a wave of his hand.

I'm not busy at work, and I have plenty of money in my pocket.

Servants could enter the market at any time and enjoy the pleasures of ordinary life just like free men.

However, now, Mo Kui and Ge Lin can no longer enter the noble mansion while looking for work. Although the Holy Principality of France is a hastily established exile regime, the king rules the world after all.

If Oberlin I went all out for revenge, he would still be able to exert tremendous energy.

Various social activities inevitably took place among nobles. Once the three are exposed again, they need to continue their escape.

Rather than doing this, it is better to hide it among the people.

There is an old saying on the East Road: A big hermit hides in the city, a small hermit hides in the court.

After landing in the Byzantine Empire, Mokui and Gelin came to Constantinople. The new jobs they found were to work as servants in wealthy merchants' mansions, and merchants were no better than nobles.

The income of the nobles mainly depended on leasing land granted by the king.

This is a kind of work that costs almost nothing, and in many cases it can be called making money while lying down.

Therefore, nobles rarely spend money carefully.

But businessmen are different.

Although they were equally wealthy, every silver coin in the merchants' pockets came from them driving horse teams or driving sailing ships, sleeping in the open air and riding the wind and waves.

They are reluctant to hire a large group of servants to live in the manor like a noble master.

Although Red was young, he naturally understood what he had done. In order to achieve temporary happiness, the two people who care about him the most in the world work hard day and night.

He has grown up rapidly in this short period of one month.

Constantinople is a world for young people. His parents working day and night gave him more free time, and he began to try to survive independently in this bustling city.

So he met Ma Feng and his "Badger Party".

It was in the city's underworld that he began to realize his worth.

He is an unqualified gardener, but a born gangster!

Parents in various countries in the Western Continent generally have a pampering attitude towards their children. Seeing that he has made his choice, Ge Lin no longer cares about him.

He was very lucky to have successfully escaped from Count Remi's manor.

The days to come were given to them by God King Odin, so what more could she ask for?


Hiding in Constantinople, which has a population of one million, is indeed a clear choice. Time passed slowly, and the 12-year-old boy gradually grew up.

By the age of 14, Red was as tall as his biological father and had an extremely strong physique. When the Badger Party had disputes with other underground forces, he was always the first to charge forward.

The combat skills hidden deep in the bloodline were gradually stimulated with bloody fights again and again.

In the decisive battle with the Skinners, Red wielded two machetes and slashed ten streets, chasing the leader of the Skinners, "Faceless Man" Jimmy, among the flames and smoke.

Finally, the knife pierced his chest and successfully killed him.

After causing trouble again, the members of the "Badger Party" fled and left the city to avoid the limelight.

Red also went out to hide for a long time.

After returning to Constantinople, he found that his face was still posted in every corner of the city. Fortunately, at this time, Ma Feng, the leader of the "Badger Party", followed the Hash Caravan into the Black Desert and found a gold mountain.

Considering the good personal relationship between the two and the fact that Red had made great contributions to the gang, he hid their family in the gang's basement.

It has been more than three months now.

Today I saw Tang Qianye entering his shop to look for helpers for "Nicholson Residence", and he subconsciously recommended them.

Because Ma Feng knows Red's character.

He would never settle for being a cockroach living underneath. Three months is the limit for imprisoning a tiger in a cage. If you hold it in for too long, there will be big problems.

When she heard that she was going to work in a noble's mansion again, Ge Lin's first reaction was to refuse, but Mo Kui stopped her.

Maybe entering this ancient house isn't as bad as imagined.

First of all, this is a group of Eastern Continent nobles who came across the East-West Continental Bridge and are completely unfamiliar with Western society.

Secondly, the Nicholson House is a recognized haunted house in Constantinople, and few nobles have the courage to enter this house as a guest.

As you can imagine, after entering this mansion, in most cases they will face an empty house and a large area of ​​surrounding wilderness.

Finally, there is a more important point.

Mo Kui is a registered disciple of the mysterious Yin Yang School. Although he was eventually given up by his master due to poor qualifications, he had studied the "Yin Yang Soul Refining Technique" for 10 years.

He wants to use his skills to save his hard-won wife.

"Siren" Ge Lin is only in her thirties, but in recent years, Mo Kui can clearly feel that her body functions are aging. As Loki's reputation has grown in recent years, his feat of leading the Vikings into the Holy Mountain has also been widely praised.

Mo Kui knew in his heart that Ge Lin must have drank the rotten potion made by Ivar O'Sullivan when he was young.

In the bitter cold of Scandinavia, only by drinking the magic potion and gaining the power of God's Choice can you live to be 30 years old. If you don't drink it, there is a high probability that you may not be able to survive even 18 years old.

The vast majority of the saber-toothed mercenaries sold by Ivar to various countries in the West did not live to be 35 years old, so there was no need to worry about the side effects of the rotten potion.

But now Gelin has begun to embrace a new life.

She has been away from the war for a long time.

What she needs now is a healthy body.

As age approaches the dangerous critical point, various side effects of the rotten potion begin to appear. Mo Kui once secretly suggested that he go find Loki, the King of Paris, to see if he could get a bottle of the legendary 'God's Water' from his hand, but at this point Ge Lin firmly refused.

Mo Kui had never inquired too much about the past between the two of them, but he could vaguely sense that it was by no means a glorious history.

There is an old saying from Donglu: Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.

In life, everyone has secrets that they don't want to tell.

The same goes for Mo Kui.

Since Ge Lin is unwilling to look for his childhood friend, now he can only use his own power to extend his life.

He must try to find the "ghost of the Nicholson family" wandering in the manor.

He had a hunch that it must be a group of extremely powerful evil creatures.

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