Chapter 606 29

Red listened to Ma Feng's suggestion quite obediently.

This was completely beyond Reid's expectation.

This kind of thing is like shackling a murderous tiger and making it voluntarily do somersaults in a circus.

Living on the streets of Constantinople, Ma Feng deeply understood Red's power. In the gangster battlefield, even high-level chosen ones can easily capsize in the gutter.

But Red has a fighting instinct that ordinary people cannot match. This is the greatest wealth God has given him.

But now he picked up the pitchforks and scissors and became a worthless flower trimmer again.

Ma Feng was not completely unable to understand what he did.

Perhaps it was because he had caused huge disasters to his family twice in three years, and the serious images of his adoptive father and biological mother's daily life finally made him feel guilty.

Perhaps three months hiding in the basement had worn away all his patience.

Mortals have to grow and compromise after all.

Once you enter the big dye vat of society, "originality" will determine many things. The sharp edges of young people will be baptized by various realities. In the constant compromise and concession, they will eventually become smooth and then mediocre.

The end result is that most people will inevitably become ordinary.


Early the next morning, Mo Kui, Ge Lin and Reid, as well as another chef, a chef apprentice, and a stable master, appeared in the "Nicholson Manor".

All servants were selected by Ma Feng from among his "smugglers" and "homeless people".

Considering that Concubine Xue was from the Eastern Land, Ma Feng chose a mixed-race woman from Qiuci and Tang Dynasty when choosing a chef.

The woman's name was Gu Lina, and like all stowaways she never mentioned her previous history. She can speak some rather poor Chinese and Latin, and is much better than others in communication.

It is not difficult to see that this is a person who has experienced the hardships of life.

Ma Feng has been immersed in human trafficking for most of his life and has his own way of knowing people.

The biggest difference between this servant girl and ordinary women is that she has a layer of calluses on her lips, and the skin on her wrists also has more purple bruises than ordinary people.

Chopping meat on the chopping board all year round can't get rid of this kind of old injury.

This must require frequent sword strikes with others and frequent shocks to the wrist to form.

It's a bit of a dark history, but it's not unusual for stowaways.

During the period of time she lived in Ma Feng's mansion, this maid who was over forty years old undertook three meals a day for more than 30 people, whether it was the barbecued bread that Arabs often eat, or the oriental favorites. The noodle stews are quite good.

For the human trafficking business, this advantage is enough.

What the chef apprentice found was a girl from Che Chi who was nimble in her skills.

Chechi and Kucha are adjacent to each other and are both small countries on the Silk Road. This Chechi girl looks young, but she has been in the Byzantine Empire for eight years.

The girl's name is Alan. Although he looks like a middle-aged man, he has a bright eye and quick hands and feet.

Her big and smart eyes are always rotating flexibly when looking at others. It doesn't take too much looking to find that she is a girl with a cheerful personality.

Although seemingly ordinary, Alan seems to be shrouded in more fog than Gu Lina.

So much so that taking her with him would even make Ma Feng vaguely worried.

Human traffickers are engaged in the sale of human beings.

People are the most important resource in their hands.

Just like a butcher will not refuse a fat pig that knocks on the door, a chef will collect the spices that the neighbor does not want.

Ma Feng could not refuse anyone who came to his door.

Because seemingly useless people can turn into shining gold and silver in his hands.

Seeing Alan for the first time, Ma Feng immediately realized that he was a very smart person with a very knowledgeable mind.

It is said that such a person will not fall into Ma Feng's hands no matter what.

Based on this important consideration, Ma Feng never relaxed his observation of the 17-year-old girl.

It had only been three days since Alan had been working for Ma Feng, and she immediately got involved with another dangerous person in the gang.

His name is "Alchemist" Higgins.

This old man is the abandoned disciple of Gutraul, the master of alchemy in the city. Back then, he was kicked out of the school for studying the taboo technique of corpse explosion. This incident almost caused an uproar in the city.

Sheriff's officers searched for him around the clock for a month. No one dared to take in this black-skinned warlock. Only Ma Feng, who was desperate for money, saw the important value of this man.

He did not hesitate to find members of the Chuanhuo Gang to change his appearance for him, so that he could stay in the gang as a secret weapon.

And Higgins did use his rich knowledge of human anatomy and alchemy to provide Ma Feng with a lot of help.

People will only hang out with similar people who have similar personalities to themselves. Alan and Heggins had inseparable heated discussions every day, and sometimes even made sketches on papyrus, drawing some sketches of the human body that Ma Feng couldn't understand at all.

This filled him with worry.

Now that he finally had an opportunity to separate the two, he sold Alan to Tang Qianye without hesitation.

After all, a chef apprentice can do his job if he has the hands and feet.

The last stable master came from the Avar Khanate.

Judging from his appearance, he is very different from both Eastern and Western people. This person's Yintang is red, and he has big arms and a round waist. Like all Avarkhan shepherds, he left only a tuft of hair on the top of his head braided into a shiny whip.

No one knows why he traveled far away from home and came to the distant Byzantine Empire with a different language.

However, the horse training skills he displayed were extremely amazing. When Ma Feng promoted the Turkic man named "Chenggretu", he even secretly mentioned that he was most likely a "horse whisperer".

Regarding this method commonly used by businessmen, Tang Qianye just smiled and did not make any further response.

In medieval times, human life was not valuable.

The Red family of three sold for 2 gold coins, and the two chefs were worth 12 silver coins (1 gold coin = 10 silver coins = 100 copper coins). The last Avarkhan shepherd was the most expensive because he had the most special skills.

But this person is worth 3 silver coins, which is higher than everyone else.

6 people together won 4 golds and 2 silvers.

Tang Qianye paid neatly.

When he discovered that the manager of Zheming East Road seemed to be richer than he thought, Ma Feng made a vague suggestion about adding a few alchemists or soldiers to strengthen the security of the manor.

But Tang Qianye refused neatly on the grounds that "security is not a problem."

It was not appropriate to offend such a sponsor, so Ma Feng had no choice but to give up.

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