Chapter 610 33

at the same time.

62 kilometers away.

Red Blood Pigeon was sitting under a huge banyan tree, leisurely nibbling a green apple in his hand.

The apples come from a wild fruit tree outside the manor. The fruits growing on the tree are extremely sour, and many of them have insect eyes. Perhaps a lonely traveler accidentally dropped a leftover apple core while passing by. Fruit trees grow naturally when left unattended. Decades later it grows from a seed into a towering tree.

"Life is a process of stubborn teenagers constantly compromising with reality."

Many years ago, when the aristocratic gentlemen were exchanging exquisite red wine glasses, they said this sentence, but 12-year-old Reid still didn't understand what it meant.

After experiencing three years of wandering life, 15-year-old Reid felt that he understood the true meaning of this sentence.

When young, humans and animals obey the instincts of their lives.

The noble lady gave him some affection, and Red returned it twice as much.

Fleeing to Constantinople, "Country Dog" Ma Feng gave this penniless boy everything he wanted. When the Badger Party was in crisis, he fought tooth and nail to fight for the Badger Party.

Of course this makes me feel comfortable, but the result is that the two people who value me most in the world run away like mice, enduring jobs that don't match their status, and working hard day and night.

Fortunately, the boss he found was quite particular.

Ma Feng did not forget him after he became rich. Even though there were notices of his reward posted all over the city, Ma Feng hid him in the basement and fed him well for three months.

After finding a job that suited him, he was the first to think of him and sent him to this abandoned mansion far away from the city.

After a long wandering and a not too short period of underground life, Red could feel that his surging blood was still hot, but reality no longer allowed him to continue acting like a child.

(Life is a process in which a stubborn young man constantly compromises with reality)

(Haha, does this fat noble nobleman still have something in his head?)

He ate up the sour apple in his hand in three mouthfuls and threw away the core. He leaned back against the big tree and felt the sunshine and breeze caressing his cheek.

Boss Ma Feng is right.

This kind of life is indeed much more comfortable than hiding in an airtight basement.

"Brother Red, it's time to eat!"

At the door of the manor, a clear female voice came. It was a Roman girl named Alan.

Donglu people often say, "There was a time when it was difficult to change the sea," and this sentence is indeed not false at all.

The French woman is the most delicate flower in the Western Continent. At the age of 12, she has enjoyed the plump body of Miss Agamore for a whole year. It is difficult for Reid to fall in love with the ordinary-looking Alan.

However, although Alan is a middle-aged person, he has a cheerful personality.

The work in the mansion has been extremely heavy these days, and Mo Kui's request is to complete the logging and material collection within three days. With only 6 servants in the entire manor, everyone was required to get up and work from dawn to dawn.

Alan was wearing a dark gray cleaning outfit, and she was holding a huge rattan wooden ball in her hand.

He walked over to Reid and opened a strip of white linen on wooden blue.

In the wooden basket, two pieces of shiny bread, nearly the size of a baby's arms, were exuding an alluring aroma.

"Aunt Gulina said that you have the heaviest job every day and need to eat well, so I specially prepared two pieces of the biggest bread for you!"

"Auntie is really a goddess!"

"The time I have lived in this city is not short. My friends and I have visited almost all the bakeries and coffee shops in Constantinople."

"Even though Aunt Gulina is from Kucha, her bread-making skills are no worse than any French chef! Today's bread is filled with smoked venison legs made the day before yesterday, sour cream, and cheddar cottage cheese."

"Come on, these two big ones are yours, and this small one is mine."

“Oh, there’s also a bottle of fire-roasted milk tea here.”

Among the six servants who entered Nicholson's house together, only Red and Alan were similar in age. The girl Alan happened to be a familiar acquaintance. Regardless of Red's temper, she subconsciously got together with him every day.

Reid had experienced three long months of underground life, so he didn't find it annoying to see an active girl. He reached out and picked up the soft bread, and after taking a bite, he felt like he was in a cloud.

There are a few slices of bacon and mellow cheese sandwiched in the middle of the thick bread, which will leave a fragrant aroma on your lips and teeth when you eat them together.

"Yeah, it's delicious."

Wonderful things stimulate the taste buds and make the girl's eyes curl into crescent shapes.

The nobles eat meat, and the servants always have a mouthful of soup to drink. This is the benefit of working in a noble manor.

"Hey, do you know the history of this mansion?"

"This is one of the famous seven haunted houses of Constantinople. When we finish eating, I will tell you the stories told by the storytellers."

"Some people say that a corpse hunter once lived here. He was a lonely man. He did not like living people, but was keen to get along with living corpses. He would sneak into the destination every night and dig out fresh corpses to make Become a living corpse and accompany him in the manor."

"The living corpses he made were so similar to living people that others couldn't tell the difference at all. Many times he invited other nobles into the manor, and the living corpses pretended to be servants to serve them meals and even served them a bath. , even when I was sleeping at night, no flaws were discovered!”

"Is he really that awesome?" Reid replied dully, his mouth full of bread.

"Haha! This is just one version!"

"Some people say that the 'Nicholson family' that once dominated this house were all necromancers."

"Have you seen the huge six-pointed star formation in the middle of the courtyard?"

That's not just decoration!

"It is said that every night late at night, several elders of the Nicholson family crawl out of the gloomy dungeon. Each of them is hundreds of years old!

They would smear their bodies with blood and stand at the six endpoints of the hexagram to perform appalling soul-calling spells. All dead souls in the Jiaoling area would not be able to enter reincarnation, and they would be summoned to the magic circle and imprisoned.

"Haha, isn't this a good thing?" Reid touched his mouth and said with some melancholy, "The souls of the dead are preserved. At least the living can take a look at them when they want to commemorate them."

"Like me, I've never seen my dad."

"My mother didn't tell me either."

"Many outsiders have told me that I am the last member of a Viking tribe. Haha, it's really strange. Nobles have never been able to control their lower bodies. They would go to a tavern to sleep with a barmaid, or go to a brothel. Sleep with any whore.

The Holy Principality of France is full of illegitimate children like me. "

I guess my origins are the same as theirs. A noble man met my young mother, and then a guy like me was born. I don’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

(I hope I can bring a better life to my mother in the future)

The two of them sat under the big banyan tree, eating up the bread in their hands and drinking a pot of milk tea while chatting. The scorching sun gradually moved away. Alan packed up the bamboo basket and empty teapot, stood up and patted the fallen leaves on his shoulders.

"Okay, the lunch break has passed, and I have to continue making planks in the afternoon."

"You have more work than me, so work hard!"

The girl skipped away, and Reid slowly stood up and rubbed his sore neck, picked up the rake and continued back to the fields.

There are more than 10 acres of land surrounding Nicholson's residence, including 2 acres of flower fields, 2 acres of orchards, and 6 acres of fruit tree plantations. The task assigned to him by Mo Kui was to open up all 10 acres of land within three days and remove all the voles and grass snakes hidden underground.

In Countess Elena's home, 12-year-old Red is extremely powerful and has excellent physical strength. The housekeeper at that time used him as a bull.

Now at the age of 15, his body has been nourished by powerful genes, making him physically stronger than the average adult.

After eating enough food, the surging strength returned to the body again. Reid carried the pitchfork and pulled up the two tall horses beside him, and like an ordinary farmer, walked into the dense woods not far away again.

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