Chapter 611 34

After a whole day of work, the six servants who were somewhat unfamiliar with each other quickly became familiar with each other.

Among all people, the stable master "Chenggeltu" had the heaviest work today.

In a noble manor, the most technically demanding job is first of all the architect. Secondly, it is the manor's horse trainer.

In the Byzantine Empire, all nobles have the habit of raising horses. Because horses are the most important means of transportation in this era.

What's more, if a war breaks out in the country, the Duke summons all vassals to join the army, and horses will be one of the important guarantees for their safe return.

Other servants may have various defects.

But the stable master's craftsmanship must be excellent.

"Nicholson House" is notorious, and Tang Qianye, who has just arrived, has no way to sell to a skilled horse trainer who has been famous for a long time and has been certified by the nobles. He can only find the human trafficker Ma Feng.

Even in Ma Feng's hands, this shepherd "Chenggeltu" from the Avar Khanate is the servant with the highest price.

Before entering the manor, Mo Kui didn't know whether he was really capable or just a name, but after a day's work, he could basically confirm that Miss Li Xueyi had really dug up a treasure.

While helping Red cut wood, Cheng Geletu stayed up all night to clean the stables despite being tired.

This alone shows that he is indeed from the Avar Khanate.

The herders on the grassland can lose everything, but they must not lose their horses. Horses are their most loyal partners and the most valuable treasures.

A qualified herder will never allow horses to live in an abandoned stable where mosquitoes breed.

Not even for one night.

When night falls, Cheng Geletu collects dry weeds in the manor, pours medicine powder on them and ignites them in the middle of the stable.

Once the semi-wet weeds are ignited, they will emit billowing smoke, and the rising smoke mixed with volatile medicine powder will penetrate into every log inside the stable.

This is a common method used by shepherds to repel insects. Although the billowing black smoke spraying out of the house looks scary, this method is extremely effective.

On the grassland, the sheep are most afraid of encountering groups of fleas or hungry mosquitoes and flies. If a sheep is not cleaned up in time, it will only take a few days to spread the disease to all the sheep.

The same is true for horse breeding. All the evil insects that may be lurking in the dark must be eliminated first, and then the horses can be allowed to enter the house.

The thick smoke continued to burn until midnight. When the sky turned pale again, Mo Kui found that the entire stable was almost smoked black.

Before dawn, Cheng Geletu had picked up a broom to sweep the smoke and dust attached to the wood.

If some of the wood had been smoked black, he would use a file to grind off the black skin. The red-faced man bit his pipe and hummed a variety of tunes on the grassland throughout the process, and he completed it very skillfully.

For a whole day, he and Red walked into the forest to cut wood, and his arms seemed to have endless strength.

In the evening, he walked out of the manor and shouted to the distant green grassland. Not long after, several tall-legged military horses ran to his side from the mountains.

He pulled the horses into the stable, and then slept in a solitary wooden house outside the stable like all the stable masters.

This is the inherent habit of nomadic people. They can lose gold and silver and their relatives when making a living on the grassland, but they must not lose their hunting dogs and horses.

After the sun sets, the day's work is completed.

Mo Kui lit the windproof lamp and patrolled the entire manor after nightfall, just like all the housekeepers in the large manor.

He first came to the periphery of the stable, and heard a loud sound of sharpening knives before entering. After knocking on the door gently, a thick "please come in" came from the room.

Cheng Geletu had just entered the Byzantine Empire not long ago and only knew a few simple Latin words. Compared with Latin, his Chinese was pretty good.

This was because the Eastern Tang Dynasty had been reducing the power of the vassal states for many years and almost sold all the horses in the hands of the Avar Khan herdsmen.

The frequent arrival of the sponsor made everyone speak a few words of Chinese.

His voice was the same as the herdsmen in Mo Kui's impression, heavy, steady, with a hint of hoarseness from being weathered. After entering the room, Mo Kui saw that all the horses were standing quietly in place. The oats and soybeans piled up in the stable were the food for the horses, and they were emitting bursts of wheat fragrance at this time.

Although the smell of smoke had not completely dissipated, the stable was much better than the weeds when he just entered.

He took out a bag of peanuts from his arms and a few sesame candies made by the chef of Tang Guo and placed them by his window.

When Tang Qianye left, he left him sufficient funds, and he could spend them at will if conditions permitted.

Mo Kui cherished this hard-won job opportunity. Although they had only worked together for one day, the pure memory of this grassland man had made him quite satisfied with this companion.

Bringing him some snacks to fill his stomach at night was also a recognition of him.

After entering the room, Mo Kui found that although this grassland man looked rough on the outside, he was a well-regulated person on the inside. He cleaned up the cabin next to the stable.

Although it was late at night, he still did not rest, and was cutting the oats and beans piled on the wood pile with a thick crescent guillotine.

For the most skilled horse herders, they always prepare the food for the horses themselves.

There are subtle differences every day in a horse's physical fitness, coat color and mental state. The nobles may ride a horse only once every three to five days, but the herdsmen on the grassland spend most of their time on horseback every day.

They need their horses to be in the best mental condition at all times, so the food the horses eat is prepared personally.

"Haha, thank you, Mr. Manager."

Peanuts and sesame candies were common people's food in the Byzantine Empire, but they were out-and-out luxuries on the grasslands. Food does not grow on the grassland, so any snack with a hint of sweetness is a food that can only be enjoyed during the holidays.

On the first day after entering the Nicholson Mansion, he received two large bags of candy, which was beyond Chenggretu's expectations.

Although he said thank you, the work at hand did not stop. Mo Kui found that with every effort on his shoulders, the thick muscles on his arms would tremble regularly.

(This person's control of the knife has become a kind of muscle memory, so that he can complete the movement of the knife without relying on force and relying solely on muscle reflexes.)

(Under normal circumstances, only the veteran soldiers in the military camp who hold sabers every day and chop them all their lives can make the sword become a part of the body.)

(I wonder if this person has ever served in the cavalry battalion of the Great Khan.)


The Avar Khanate and the Turkic Khanate are two countries connected by the East-West Land Bridge and the Slavic Icefields.

These two countries are different from both the West and the East China.

It is different from the West because they believe in a mortal Khan King thousands of years ago.

This person did not condense the divine personality like the five great salary kings or the Holy Lord Christ.

From birth to death, he was just an ordinary mortal emperor.

Mortals who believe in it cannot obtain the power of divine choice, but the Turkic herders in the two kingdoms don't seem to care about this. They do not want to be like those desperate lunatics in the Vulcan Cult, converting mortal flesh and blood into elements.

Nor does he want to spend his life killing his fellows like the Vikings to please Odin.

I don’t even want to be imprisoned in the church and serve the Holy Episcopal Church all my life.

The herdsmen who spend their lives running on the grasslands long for a life as free as the breeze, and they are willing to be blind believers.

They are embracing their mortal identity.

Almost every one of the laborers sold under Ma Feng has some dirty secrets behind them. The same was true for Mo Kui and Ge Lin's family, so he didn't ask too much about Chengletu's personal affairs.

"Brother Chengge, please don't say that. I'm not a general manager. I'm just taking care of my duties for a few days since the first general manager has been away for the past few days."

"Don't work too late today. Compared with us, you have two jobs to do, and the task is particularly heavy."

"Haha, it's nothing!"

Chenggretu put down his saber and grinned widely.

"I can have a house that is sheltered from the wind and rain, and have enough food to feed me every day. I can live such a comfortable life and make money, and there is such a good job in the world."

"If you don't put in some effort, it will be a bit unjustifiable!"

"Haha, then I really thank you, brother!" Mo Kui bowed his hands. After the two continued to chat for a few words, he exited the house and let the big man continue the work at hand.

Not surprisingly, there should be many secrets hidden in this big man.

If he wanted to, it would be easy to find a job as a cavalry chief, but people with this skill are willing to come to the Byzantine Empire and become a servant.

Perhaps he has no fewer secrets than our family.

After exiting the room, Mo Kui

Paste the talisman of death

He took out a mottled tortoise shell compass from his pocket and slowly turned the ring-engraved pointers one after another. Finally, he took out a charcoal pen and wrote seven or eight spells on the wall outside the stable.

"I haven't drawn a sealing formation in many years, and I don't know if I can still use it."

That's all, let's treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

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