Chapter 627 50

"Lord of Twilight" Fitzroy fell into a huge sense of unreality.

Three days have passed, but the subordinates he sent were like a cow in the sea, and no news came out.

He once sent another group of subordinates to secretly gather information near Nicholson Manor, only to find that several servants in the manor were carrying out their work in an orderly manner.

From the outside it doesn't look like anything is happening.

This was the strangest thing about the whole operation.

Although Fitzroy was at the bottom of the pack among the 12 sect masters, the peripheral members of the Illuminati he recruited were also not vegetarians.

"Crowfeather" Magda, who has great commanding ability, "Drownmen Pathfinder" Lengzhi Bandar, who is good at both land and water combat, and "Night Angel Church" who is not amazing in appearance but has extremely high combat power. ” Archbishop Donald Luma.

Not to mention 6 servants fighting against a Roman patrol of more than 200 people, these few people will not be too strenuous.

At the same time, Fitzroy was certain that the East China woman named "Li Xueyi" was a guest at the Belikov mansion 150 kilometers away from the manor on the night of the incident.

The informants in Belikov Manor saw that she, the housekeeper, and several Donglu guards attended the entire banquet without leaving the manor at all.

Then the question comes

How did the three Magdas die?

Could it be that they fell off the cliff halfway and died?

After two days, there was no news. Fitzro found the believers under Myra, the "Lord of Shadows", and tried to use divination to find several of his subordinates.

However, after working for a whole day, no clues were found about them.

This is even more wrong.

Even if the Chosen One dies, as long as the body is not shattered and dismembered, there will definitely be a small amount of spiritual energy hidden in it. Soothsayers under the belief path of the Old Gods and New Gods can track subtle psychic fluctuations and find their corpses.

There was no trace of the body which basically raised the possibility of natural death.

They must have been massacred by experienced peers!

Could it be that they were really killed by these servants?

How is this possible? !

If this was the bodyguard that the Eastern Continent woman brought from the Tang Dynasty, disguised as a servant and stranded in the manor, all this might be excusable.

But before taking action, I was very sure that these servants with different hair and skin colors were bought by the housekeeper from Honeysuckle Street.

Could it be that he just went to the market and bought a few mortals who could easily kill the high-level God's Chosen Ones?

How in the world could such a coincidence happen? !

Even though he has been involved in human civilization for so long, Fitzroy still dare not say that he has a clear understanding of the power in human hands.

First of all, the base of the human race is too large.

200 million mortals live on this planet. They are spread across various continents. A considerable number of humans live together with gods and ancient monsters. Long-term mutual killing and games have caused the surviving humans to mutate rapidly.

They are no different in appearance from their counterparts living and working peacefully in civilized society, but their combat and survival capabilities are completely different.

Secondly, the chosen one who has mastered the power of divine choice is by no means omnipotent.

A Viking who lives by killing has not drank any magic potion or received Odin's blessing.

Throwing him into the wilderness, relying on his skilled fighting and survival abilities, he was able to kill three times as many church priests as himself.

This is not surprising.

Because mastering power is one thing, but how to use power skillfully is another completely different set of skills.

Even if they are as strong as the sword cultivators of the Tang Dynasty, if they happen to encounter them falling asleep, any 5-year-old child from the cannibal tribe in the New World can kill them with a poisonous needle.

This is by no means an unachievable miracle.

Inexplicably losing three powerful thugs in his hand, Fitzroy felt quite painful, but he could still accept it.

But at this time, the lizardman lurker Jotun Kull sent by "Lord of Disaster" Bertug was lost, which was a very troublesome thing.

The patriarch once said that any tribesman who can wear human skin and lurk into human civilization is the most valuable treasure of the Illuminati.

There is no exaggeration in this sentence.

Take this "Jordon Kul" for example. He wears human skin and has lived in human civilization for more than three thousand years. When he entered the human race, mortals were still a group of primitive people living in tribes.

Through more than three thousand years of survival, Jotun Kul has mastered most of the survival skills in human civilization, as well as almost all languages.

This kind of subordinates cannot be cultivated in thirty to fifty years.

Now that the man was in his own hands, the most infuriating thing was that Fitzroy didn't know who killed his subordinates. This is true to the old saying - when the house leaks, it rains all night, and when the boat is late, it encounters a strong wind.

The peripheral members can die, but the lizardmen must be recovered.

For this reason, Fitzroy sent his subordinates to "pass by" the Nicholson Manor again and again, using the excuses of delivering daily necessities or getting lost to get in touch with these servants.

But none of his men, including himself, saw any clues from the faces of these people.

No matter from any aspect, they are the most ordinary kind of mortals. They loyally log, cut wood, and clean houses every day, as skillfully as every servant who has lived in a noble mansion for a long time.

The only one with a slight flaw was the injured 15-year-old boy.

But having said that, there was no psychic energy fluctuation in the young man's body.

To say that such a person could kill "Battle Angel" Donald Luma would be as ridiculous as an earthworm being able to shake a tree.

Time passed day by day, and when the "Lord of Disaster" Bertug appeared again, Fitzroy appeared in front of him, feeling extremely uneasy.

However, he still underestimated Bertug's endurance.

This person can securely occupy the second place among the 12 sect leaders. His greatest advantage compared to his peers is that he has enough patience.

Although his intuition told him that there must be many questions hidden in this manor, he did not rush to send out a second wave of people immediately.

All the information the Illuminati has about the "Nicholson Mansion" at this time is unknown.

He couldn't be sure whether "Li Xueyi" was the Legalist assassin who assassinated "Lord of Twilight" Sardin in the underworld.

He was unable to determine the skills of these six servants.

He was not even sure whether there were ghosts hiding in this mansion like the legend.

But he was certain of at least one thing at this time.

The intelligence broker who leaked information to peripheral members of the Illuminati has been secretly arrested. After using the soul-searching technique to forcibly read his memory, Bertug was able to determine at least one point.

The person who originally betrayed him the information was one of the two Legalist mentors who appeared at the "Gannicus Family Banquet".

From beginning to end, this matter was a self-directed and self-acted conspiracy of the Legalist school against the Illuminati!

next chapter

Also confused at this time was the Legalist mentor Gu Huaian.

Bertug's investigation was correct.

It was indeed his plan to send Shang Junzi to reveal the news of "Li Xueyi"'s arrival to the Illuminati.

The reason is still the same old reason.

Legalist teachers are the craziest lunatics in human civilization.

none of them.


According to common sense, if a powerful fighting force like "Concubine Xue" appears in the gang, which can be called the light of mankind, most gangs will hide her like a treasure.

After all, a thousand troops are easy to come by but a general is hard to find. This kind of casual execution of the mission killed one of the 12 Illuminati leaders at the cost of two hidden stakes, directly avenging the "Anshi Rebellion".

It is not an exaggeration to describe this kind of person as a genius descended from heaven.

After completing the mission and returning to the civilized world, they will inevitably be regarded as outstanding talents who are focused on training and will be carefully protected.

However, the brain circuit of a Legalist teacher is never the same as that of an ordinary leader.

In particular, Gu Huaian, who was codenamed "The Conspiracy Master" within the school, had his own ideas on how to organize troops and recruit people.

In his eyes, the only meaning of the existence of Legalist assassins is to kill the peripheral members of the Illuminati, or to kill the leader of the Illuminati.

They exist for this one purpose only.

During the war years, they were the most powerful weapons in the hands of the Legalist mentors, but once the war was over, such characters with no killing skills would become very dangerous.

The cunning rabbit is dead, the running dogs are cooked, the birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden.

They will be like lackeys and good bows, facing an inevitable tragic ending.

Therefore, Gu Huaian had no intention of pitying Concubine Xue at all, but instead turned around and put her in danger again.

All this stems from the unprovoked heresy trial.

As soon as he and Shang Junzi entered Constantinople, they received a blow from the Illuminati.

The trial in the Inquisition seemed to be a near miss, but the final result did directly expose their most powerful ally in the city.

At this time, Gu Huaian couldn't even imagine what would be waiting for Youssiubi.

Letting others take over has never been the style of the Legalist school.

Facing dangerous enemies, only tooth for tooth and eye for eye can make them fearful.

And there must be 70% truth in any lie, so that it can deceive the most cunning enemy.

Gu Huaian's left hand arranged the hidden identity and residence for Concubine Xue, and his right hand directly leaked the information to the Illuminati through the Vulcan Sect's intelligence dealer.

As for this action plan, he never let Concubine Xue know about it from beginning to end.

He knew that the Illuminati was bound to take action.

Their most likely action is to send a lizardman to lurk in the manor as a servant.

In this way, Gu Huaian's action completed the first step.

He could then communicate with Concubine Xue and deliberately spread some false news to draw out the powerful thugs around the sect master from the fog.

Set a trap to cut them off one by one.

For example, "Lord of Disaster" Bertug's strongest thug, "Destroyer" Wang Ergulei.

Or "The Infiltrator" Shaco, the chief intelligence dealer around "Twilight Lord" Fitzroy.

Gu Huaian's strategy succeeded to some extent.

The Illuminati masters believed the information he gave and indeed sent a team into the Nicholson family estate. But what happened next left Gu Huaian completely confused.

Concubine Xue was not in the manor that night.

She took the housekeeper Tang Qianye and all the Donglu guards out to attend a gathering of nobles. In the entire manor, there were only six servants that Tang Qianye found in the city.

In Gu Huaian's plan, these six servants are the guinea pigs assigned to the Illuminati, and they are the containers to welcome the lizard people.

As long as the lizard man walks into the Nicholson family manor wearing human skin, more than half of his plan will be completed.

However, all the peripheral members died, while the six servants were safe and sound.

This made Gu Huaian fall into a huge sense of unreality.

"Are you sure all the Illuminati members are dead?"

"The information comes from a hidden stake we placed next to 'Lord of Twilight' Fitzroy. He is one of our most successful hidden stakes lurking in the Illuminati."

"The information he gave has always been correct."

Gu Huaian nodded.

"Which middleman in the city did Tang Qianye find servant Lu Ming?"

"Have the identities of those six people been investigated clearly?"

Shang Junzi handed over a stack of wood pulp paper at the right time. Gu Huaian opened it and saw Red Blood Pigeon's name first.

Blood pigeon. . .

That's it, it seems that fate has opened a new door for us.

This is a God-given opportunity that can be put to good use!

Shang Junzi retreated, and Gu Huaian stood alone on the roof of Tingfeng Pavilion, watching the sunset slowly sinking on the horizon.

When dusk falls, the pavilions in the city are lit with candles. After a long period of thinking, Gu Huaian basically determined the next course of action.

Go down to the attic and enter the secret room.

He summoned Mr. Shang again.

The other person is Mu Zhun, a news broker who has been with him for a long time.

Gu Huaian first handed Shang Junzi a pliable sheepskin scroll.

"I need you to ride on the moa and set off immediately, go to Paris, the royal city of the Kingdom of Normandy, find the Legalist mentor 'Mutasha Ice Roar' who is responsible for local affairs, and give him this secret letter."

“At the same time, you have to ask her to find a way to send the brothers that Loki just resurrected to Constantinople.

They had just been resurrected from the underworld, and there was a birthday celebration for Mikhail III in the city next month. This is the busiest day of the year in Constantinople. "

"It shouldn't be too difficult to complete this task."

Shang Junzi retired after receiving the order, and Gu Huaian turned to look at Mu Zhun.

"Your task is more difficult. I need you to contact 'Alchemist' Heggins, the younger brother of 'Country Dog' Ma Feng."

"When I was drinking tea in the teahouse a few days ago, he was sitting next to me. I once heard him say that he wanted to enter the Colosseum on the King's birthday to make a big fortune."

"You think of a way to let him find Red Blood Dove. Try to pull Red into the Colosseum!"

I won't consider the details, you can figure it out yourself.

This task is very important, try to complete it!

Mu Zhun clasped his hands and retreated, and the room became silent again.

(If everything works correctly, the Vikings from our Kingdom of Normandy entered Constantinople, and they accidentally entered the Colosseum, and accidentally discovered Red Blood Dove who was fighting next.

Well, it will be quite interesting how it develops next!

(If we can successfully provoke a head-on confrontation between the Vikings and the Illuminati, it will be easier for us to fish in troubled waters in an uninhabited corner than to achieve results in a head-on confrontation!)

If one plan fails, the formation will change quickly.

Gu Huaian looked at the dancing candlelight in front of him and carefully planned the follow-up actions in his heart.

For a long time, he remained motionless, like a frozen statue.

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