Chapter 628 51

Time flies by, September passes, October follows, and the fields outside Constantinople are golden. The blue sky is also like washing with water.

Today is a rare good weather.

With a creaking sound, the heavy iron gate engraved with the Holy Lord Christ shining upon the world was slowly opened under the tug of several elephants, and flags with double-headed golden eagles painted one after another were hung on the city wall.

A new day has officially arrived.

A dozen caravans had already gathered on the streets outside the city. They were the last caravans to arrive in the city before the "King's Birthday Banquet". Seeing the royal flags being hung on the city wall, the sleepy caravan guys put away their sleeping bags one after another.

They had already been awakened by the lively rehearsals of the troupe around them.

"General Sibiu, listen! That's the sound of war horses. Why do they appear behind us!

"How on earth did they fly over the uncrossed Alps?!"

This powerful roar came from a Roman general wearing a silver helmet and red robes not far away.

His attire seems to be stylish, but if you look closely, you can easily find that the broadsword at his waist has no edge, and the armor he wears is obviously made of a thin layer of iron.

Such thin plate armor is obviously unable to defend the enemy in battle.

This is obviously not a real general, but a dramatic actor.

The actor who sang the lines seemed to be quite old, and he was already fully equipped and started practicing before the sun rose.

Behind him were more than twenty carriages parked in twos and threes. Lions, wargs and other beasts were imprisoned in the carriage, and young actors in twos and threes sat around the animal pens, each singing his or her own lines.

There were even two war elephants wearing painted fabrics at the end of the line. It was easy to tell that he came from a rather large troupe.

There is no need for a complete performance. Simply getting up early to practice has already won the applause of other caravans around you.

Rome is a great country.

Thousands of years ago, King Hamilton of Carthage led an army across the Alps and appeared in the hinterland of Rome without warning. The harsh climate caused him to lose half his army before even seeing the Romans.

In anyone's eyes, this is a crazy decision. Even at the end of the ancient times, there were still many ways to avoid the enemy's main force, but Hannibal chose the least likely way.

This almost suicidal behavior allowed them to successfully evade elite Roman soldiers and powerful divine envoys. They even exceeded the imagination of the Olympian gods and successfully appeared in the rear of Rome.

Taking advantage of the surprise attack, he led the remaining troops in a decisive battle with the Roman commander Scipio in the Second Punic War. Waiting for work and united as one, the Roman legions they killed were bleeding and drifting away, becoming the first major defeat this young country experienced since its founding.

According to normal logic, no emperor would choose to watch his ancestors being massacred by barbarians on his birthday. However, the reason why Rome is great is precisely because it is an open and tolerant country.

This troupe that rushed to the city gate before the King's birthday was a descendant of Carthage whom the Senate members specially made a special trip to the Visigothic Free City to invite with a large sum of money.

The full set of armor and powerful war elephants they wore were even purchased by the Romans at the expense of the Byzantine King Michael III.

The old king is no longer young, and he must warn his subjects that Rome is by no means invincible.

Seeing the heavy city gate carved with 12 angels slowly opening, everyone waiting outside the city gate had excited smiles on their faces.

The caravan was successfully driven to Constantinople in time for the king's birthday, which meant that a large amount of gold and silver was almost lined up in the market, waiting to be jumped into his own purse.

When the king celebrates his birthday, the entire city will hold celebrations that last for 10 days. Kings and lords from all over the Western Continent will bring their vassals and their families to attend the state banquet. These big shots will not be lenient at all when it comes to spending money.

Thinking about the gold and silver that will be put into the money bag, everyone in the caravan, from the porter to the boss, feels that the fatigue from the journey has been swept away, and the whole body is full of energy.

The city defense police officers stationed on the city wall held scrolls and quills and stood on both sides of the city gate.

As the largest city in the Western Continent, Constantinople has a resident and floating population of nearly one million. Managing a huge city of this size requires three thousand city defense troops to be busy day and night.

Before the caravan enters the city, they first need to check the customs clearance documents to determine which city the caravan set out from, which countries it passed through on the way, and how long it took to reach the Byzantine Empire.

After all the seals and times on the customs clearance documents are matched, the next step will be to inspect the goods to confirm that the merchants are not carrying gunpowder and oil that are prohibited for sale in the city, as well as ancient monsters.

One caravan after another entered the city in an orderly manner.

However, among this group of merchants driving carriages, a group of white horse teams wearing animal skins seemed quite out of place.

Each of them traveled lightly and did not carry any goods with them.


"I still can't believe it. This old lizard who killed all our brothers back then has now become one of ours in the blink of an eye?"


Wasn't Buchan Bush our enemy when we first met?

Isn’t Patriarch Francis our enemy?

Isn't Ecbert, King of Wessex, our enemy?

Aren’t we all our brothers now?

I basically understood it. Boss Rocky was able to rescue us brothers from the underworld, and the 90% success is attributed to this old lizard. "

After traveling back to the human world from the underworld three months ago, when "The Greedy Wolf" Guraul crawled out of the hot hot springs in Murmansk. He kept thinking about the same question in his mind.

The brains of the Slavs are unable to deal with problems that are too profound. Compared with thinking, they obviously prefer to use their hands to solve the difficulties at hand.

This drama of "a mortal enemy turning into an ally" is obviously a bit difficult for him to accept.

But Sartre beside him didn't think so.

Following Loki since childhood, Sartre is far better at thinking than ordinary Vikings. After experiencing war after war, he has already seen that there are no permanent enemies in this world.

As long as you are strong enough, no one will be your enemy.

Everyone will rush to become your friend.

After returning to Paris from the bitterly cold Murmansk, Patriarch Jerome re-encountered his wife Katya after an absence of 13 years.

Thirteen years ago, Jerome was much older than Katya.

Thirteen years later, the old patriarch was still the same age as when he died, but the Valkyrie Katja had become a duchess who could take charge of her own business. The two naturally had a lot to say when they met, and they only stayed in Paris for two days before returning to Katya. In the province of Lorraine, which is under the control of Jia Jia.

It was obviously not easy for Alfred to see his biological father Ecbert again.

They are truly a family.

Loki has been away from the throne for 8 years and has countless government affairs to do every day.

This left the two resurrected bachelors, Sartre and Gulaur, quite at a loss.

At this time, the Kingdom of Normandy is no longer the crisis-ridden Hanshui Village it once was.

Loki has been gone for 8 years, but the kingdom is still running normally. On the one hand, it is of course thanks to Ecbert's painstaking efforts, but on the other hand, there has been no war in the kingdom in the past ten years.

Sitting on the rich land of France, the residents of the kingdom no longer have to rely on plundering to survive as before. Whether it is opening a farm or going overseas for trade, the citizens of the Kingdom of Normandy have a more stable way to make money.

Sartre followed the Duchess Katya into the province of Lorraine for a while, and was surprised to find that the Duke's life was completely different from before.

In Scandinavia, the most important task of the Viking Duke was the annual autumn raid.

Building ships, collecting steel, and forging weapons are the main responsibilities of the Duke. As long as he can lead his people to plunder materials and survive the severe cold, he is a good lord that everyone loves.

However, at this time in the Kingdom of Normandy, Sartre discovered that the lords no longer had to wield weapons to kill people.

Katya was also a Slavic Valkyrie.

However, she has not participated in the battle for many years now. Her main job every day is to meet with merchants, develop the mineral resources in the province, or build city docks to allow more people to move into the Lorraine province.

Thirteen years later, she has become a "civilized person".

On the other side, Sartre and Gulaul experienced a bloody battle with the undead sword cultivator for 13 years in the dark underworld. Thirteen years later, the two's fighting abilities improved by leaps and bounds. After returning to the world, they were surprised to find that their country had been away from war for a long time.

After walking around in a circle, the two people were surprised to find that they were like abandoned children eliminated by the times.

This left the two of them quite at a loss.

After a month of idle aristocratic life as if they were in jail, Sartre and Grauer were both a little tired. They originally considered whether to return to Hanshui Village to live a retired life, but at this moment, Loki arranged for the two of them to live in seclusion. People came to Constantinople.

One side takes a look at the business of Viking princess Mohlendin.

On the other hand, it is also time to go to the city to be lively and eye-opening during these few days on the King's birthday.

The two of them really had nothing to do in Paris, so they felt that it was okay to go for a walk, so they followed the caravan and stood in front of the gate of Constantinople today.

Everyone followed the long caravan and lined up to enter the city. When they were about to approach the Roman Sheriff, Sartre reached into his arms, took out the customs clearance document and handed it to the Roman official.

The customs clearance document contains several approval documents, as well as all the state capitals passed along the way from the Kingdom of Normandy to Constantinople.

The identities Ecbert gave them were a group of Viking traders, following the caravan to Constantinople to do business.

The problem lies in this "businessman" identity.

The Roman magistrates who guarded the city gates had been in this position for half their lives. He has seen too many caravans and merchants of all kinds, and has developed a pair of extremely sharp eyes.

The customs clearance document said that these people were merchants, and they indeed drove the carriage.

But there was no cargo in their carriage.

Actually, I can't blame Ecbert for this. Before setting off, he did arrange several cars of French cheese and red wine as "commodities" for their team.

However, Gulaur accidentally discovered that this thing was delicious and contained a high amount of calories.

It's more filling than eating meat.

The seven or eight strong Viking men who followed the convoy kept eating and drinking for a month. When they arrived at the city gate of Constantinople, the carriage was already empty.

This undoubtedly aroused the suspicion of the city defense police officer.

Seven or eight strong men walked over the mountains and ridges for a month from the Kingdom of Normandy to Constantinople. This journey involves people and horses, and it will cost a lot of money just for food and accommodation.

If this is a group of merchants who want to go to the city to do business in time for the King's birthday, their hands will be empty without any goods.

What are they here to sell?

Look at the weapons these people carry and the strong aura exuding from their bodies. The Sheriff holds the customs clearance document in his hand and carefully examines each of them.

The quill hovered in the air for a long time and never fell.

(If this were a group of robbers or smugglers surrounded by a dozen police officers, they would be somewhat nervous.

However, these few people still looked at the entrance, and if you look closely, it is not difficult to see a trace of sleepiness between their brows.

This is a natural reaction of the human body when it is extremely relaxed.

You can't pretend to be fake.

Then the question comes

This group of people held forged documents and were very powerful, but they didn't behave like evil people at all.

They rushed to the city on the king's birthday. What did they want to do?

"A group of 7 people set out from Paris without any cargo."

"Everyone has weapons in their hands. Seven of them are proficient in North and English. They have strong bodies and especially strong arms. It is visually estimated that all of them are God's Chosen Ones."

When encountering a special situation that he cannot guess, the elderly sheriff tends to record all the details that can be seen in front of him. Constantinople has been able to stand on the Western Continent for hundreds of years. This city that thrived on commerce has never had a tradition of rejecting visitors.

Whether they are merchants who want to make a fortune in the city with their goods, or squires who want to go shopping in the city, the sheriffs all tend to put them into the city first.

If there is no trouble after entering the city, send people back to arrest them.

In the eyes of Roman merchants, this was better than potentially letting go of a potential merchant.

The Sheriff frowned and wrote Roman characters one after another on the papyrus in his hand. During the whole process, these strong Viking men didn't even look at him, making him feel that everything he did was in vain.

However, at this moment, a rather pleasant voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Brother, the city gate just opened early in the morning. You haven't had breakfast yet, right?"

The Sheriff looked back and saw a young nobleman wrapped in fine silk.

He held a warm sesame seed cake in his hand.

The freshly baked flatbread is sprinkled with shiny sesame seeds, and the heat rises, letting the indescribable deliciousness of the food come out perfectly.

Before the Sheriff could speak, the sesame seed cakes were already stuffed into his hands.

Together with the slightly hard relic pressed under the dough.

The Sheriff gently opened the door, and what he saw was indeed a shining French gorse.

Only a corner is exposed, but it exudes dazzling light.

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