Chapter 643 66

When Zendaya pulled out the crimson blade from the chest of the last freedom warrior.

There were still 19 Roman cavalry beside him.

There was only one black man from the Northern Continent in front of him, his whole body covered in black robes.

The champion player "Golden Eagle" Zendaya from the Crassus family is a former champion player of the Colosseum. Gladiators of this level are treated differently from mortals.

As early as 10 days ago, Zendaya and the gladiators under her command already knew the opponent they would face in the first duel.

If they want, they can even finish the battle in 10 breaths.

The emphasis in guarding the frontier is to use the least amount of force to achieve the greatest results, but this cannot be done in the arena.

This is a show after all.

A second-rate gladiator will pursue victory by any means necessary, while a first-rate warrior must find a way to win while taking into account the sensory experience of the gladiator lord, casino owner, distinguished guests, and the audience.

This is not an easy task.

Zendaya and her gladiators have basically completed their mission successfully at this point. The audience has seen the unique fighting methods of the demi-humans. They have also seen the various non-mainstream combat skills performed by the freedom warriors, and the bloody scenes of bloody fights. They saw it too.

As long as they kill this last enemy, they can gain their first victory. They can return to Crassus's mansion in the evening, where fragrant wine and seductive dancers are waiting for them.

How to kill an enemy is a question that all gladiators leave to their champion, Ince Zendaya.

Zendaya shook off the blood from her sword and walked step by step towards the last black man in the field.

The financial reputation of the Crassus family, coupled with his powerful fighting ability, allowed him to see information that others could not access.

According to the information provided to him by the Gladiator Lord, the gangster named "Alchemist" Higgins is a gang member of the "Badger Party", an underground force in Constantinople.

Five years ago, he was a book-copying student of Fabulan, the chief alchemist of the Royal Academy of Sciences. It is said that he was eventually expelled from the school because of his research on urgent death alchemy.

In desperation, Brukan could only find a supporter in the underground world of Constantinople and rely on his intelligence to make a living.

Bachelor, intelligence, desperate

After these words are stacked up, in the eyes of ordinary gladiators, this guy is just a piece of cake.

However, Zendaya's eyes still looked a little wary when she looked at him.

He couldn't tell what was wrong, but the beating in his temples told him that the black-skinned monster in front of him was by no means as simple as he seemed.

kill! kill! kill!

The tide of shouts from the stands came like a landslide and a tsunami, and they were all from the sponsors who had placed heavy bets on Zendaya.

There is only one last enemy left in the field. As long as Zendaya swings her sword and pierces his throat, these nobles will gain their first victory. Although the odds for the champion player are not high, you can get back a few hundred by spending thousands of gold coins.

This is much faster than working hard as a grandson in business.

"Do you feel that these Romans are a little dangerous?" When Sartre was watching the situation attentively, Gulaur, who was sitting next to him the whole time, said softly.

Grauer didn't show much enthusiasm for this matchup that Phoenix said was "once in a century."

Compared with a real war, this kind of small-scale armed fighting among dozens of people is nothing worth mentioning. The fighting ability of gladiators is quite average compared to the vision of their own group of veteran warriors.

Not to mention, there are some elements of performance hidden in this kind of activity.

He was still thinking about the bizarre experience he had in the "Big Bath Palace" yesterday evening.

Is what happened in the dark true?

as well as. . . He could barely remember what that mysterious woman looked like.

Zendaya stepped on the corpses piled under her feet and walked step by step towards Brukan, who was covered in a black cloth robe.

"Are you trembling, my dear friend?"

I have to admit that what he said was correct.

Among the "Badgers", Higgins is by no means a qualified fighter. In most of the operations carried out by the gang, he acted as a logistician, using his rich alchemical skills to provide convenience for the gang.

It was the first time for Heggins to face death at such a close distance.

"My calculations will not go wrong."

"Even if the leprechaun is short in stature, it should be working by now! Could it be?"

"Damn it, could it be that that damn fat guy is too big?!"

The random murmurs uttered subconsciously completely extinguished all Zendaya's patience. He has seen too many similar scenes. In most cases, it is just the subconscious gibberish of a dying person.

Facing the rising scorching sun, he raised the golden broadsword in his hand that shone with golden light.

Brukan remained motionless under the sword, completely giving up resistance.

Amidst the loud shouts of killing, he slowly raised his broad sword. Just when he was about to use his strength to chop.

Suddenly there was a dull blasting sound behind him.

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