Chapter 644 67

The Royal Academy has expanded rapidly in recent decades.

Their only enemy is the Holy Bishop Church in the Western Continent.

In the early days of the establishment of the school city, it was an extremely open group. "Sibio Mikhail" did not restrict the research directions of his bachelors. They were free to find the subjects they wanted to perfect as they pleased.

However, with the growing group of bachelors and the establishment of the school city, when the bachelors gain seats as members, they will definitely be squeezed out by the Holy Episcopal Church.

Higgins was expelled from the school city, also because of the push behind this group of magicians.

In the city, Higgins, who always appears in black clothes and black face, is definitely an alternative character among the bachelors.

His research direction is also completely weird.

While other alchemists in the tower were still studying how to create potions to increase the strength of the order, Brukan's eyes fell on the civilians in Constantinople.

He keenly discovered the huge improvement that "energy" can have on residents' lives.

Heggins was born in the barren and desolate Northern Continent. In the Middle Ages, the "timber" that was available everywhere in the countries of the Western Continent produced very little food in that endless sea of ​​sand.

It is not an easy task for the tribesmen to be able to eat cooked food as they wish and have lighting at night.

Although the resources in the Northern Continent are scarce, what is most lacking is various ancient beasts.

Higgins keenly observed that even after death, the spiritual energy in all living beings does not escape quickly.

If so, is there a way to use worthless corpses to create energy?

The research atmosphere in the city is free and broad. In the eyes of the chief academicians, all sciences that may be useful to human civilization will be given priority.

However, as Higgins detonated the corpse again and again, he finally attracted the attention of the Holy Episcopal Church.

In the teachings of the Holy Bishop, desecrating a body in any way is a heinous and capital crime. Under the pressure of the church and the people, Heggins had no choice but to leave the school city.

But his research did not stop.

But in the following ten years, no progress was made.

All his achievements are limited to "detonating corpses like bombs." To some extent, this can indeed be seen as a way to utilize corpse waste.

But it was far from his original idea of ​​relying on corpses to create energy.

Thirteen years later, Heggins looked at himself in the bronze mirror and felt that he was no longer the young man who wanted to change the village.

When he was young, his dream was to find a way to allow all residents living in the deserts of the Northern Continent to use fire sources at will like the people of the Western Continent.

His original intention was to improve the lives of his people.

However, 13 years later, he has experienced various setbacks, and now he only wants to enter the arena to make a fortune, earn enough gold coins, and live a prosperous life for the rest of his life.

As for the tribesmen in the desert of the northern continent, Heijins, they have no memory of their appearance at all.

Trick innocent companions into drinking the potion, then use their corpses as weapons after they die. These actions that were immoral in the eyes of mortals were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

The long and difficult life quickly washed away all conscience and humanity in his heart.

In the past 13 years, all his research results were limited to "detonating corpses at once."

A seemingly useless ability in academic terms, but entering the arena is a hidden killer move.

This killing move obviously exceeded Zendaya's expectations.

When he raised his broadsword high, a dull explosion sounded from behind him. He didn't notice that the body of the strong man who had just died had swollen into a huge ball.

His abdomen was rapidly inflated, and the force of expansion caused the heavy plate armor to collapse.

When a Roman cavalry finally noticed his vision, it was too late

There was a muffled bang, and the strong man weighing more than three hundred kilograms exploded into a ball of dark red blood.

Before the Roman cavalry could react, the second and third corpses had exploded one after another.

Zendaya turned around and saw only a red blood mist.

The remains of the exploded corpses splashed onto the heavily forged armor of his subordinates, immediately like strong acid splashed on the metal. While bursts of pungent thick fog were raised, the hundred-forged steel armor hanging on the body surface was quickly corroded.

At this moment, Red Blood Pigeon, who had disappeared as before, appeared.

He held a 5-meter-long iron pole with both hands, like a fallen eagle, and inserted the pole into Zendaya's shoulder blade!


When maesters begin to use their clever brains to kill people and steal goods, the threats they can unleash are quite astonishing.

"Alchemist" Higgins is not a mindless gangster.

Entering the arena, he was determined to win.

Through previous observations of gladiatorial games, he estimated that the private armies under the command of the Roman nobles must be wearing heavy plate armor. Because the Chosen Ones under the Holy Bishop Church do not have outstanding combat capabilities, they need the blessing of thick armored divine weapons to compete with the sword cultivators of the Tang Dynasty and the Chuanhuo Gang.

The tactics developed by Higgins were not complex.

Before the fight began, he tricked all the gladiators on his side into drinking the strong liquor he had prepared. The effect of this potion is to gather the remaining spiritual energy inside the corpse to the greatest extent possible, and then completely release it through explosion at a certain moment.

During this process, huge impact kinetic energy will be generated.

If the corpse was close enough to the Roman gladiator, the shock wave would hit the steel armor on the body like a wave, and the huge momentum would be enough to shatter the flesh and blood inside the armor.

Even if the distance is a little further, it doesn't matter much.

Higgins used the knowledge in his brain to concoct a brand new potion that can quickly convert flesh and blood tissue into strong acid after death. It can quickly corrode steel after contamination.

Thus, there was this scene that Zendaya saw when she looked back.

Higgins is also very cautious in choosing his companions.

Red's fighting ability is obvious to all, and during several gatherings with other members of the Badger Party, everyone agreed that he should draw Red into the duel.

Two people are enough.

And Red did not disappoint him.

He calculated that the powerful champions who spent their lives fighting in the gladiatorial arena must have never seen the unique dark technology in the underground world of Constantinople. When the body explodes, he'll be sure to look back.

This was the opportunity Red had been waiting for for a long time.

When the fight just started, he was like a low-key gerbil, flying to the edge of the field and then jumping onto the viewing platform, hiding in the shadow of the auditorium, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

The auditorium where all members of the Mikhail family are seated is nearly 10 meters away from the arena.

This short distance will provide him with a considerable amount of momentum.

But this is not enough.

Red was not sure whether his own weight could break through the champion's skin, so he immediately dropped his saber to reduce his weight before fleeing.

What he needs is the iron flag that is nearly 5 meters high and placed around the viewing platform.

Reid himself weighs nearly 150 kilograms, plus a solid iron flagpole, which weighs more than 100 kilograms.

With such a weight, it can dive and attack from a height of 10 meters below the viewing platform.

Even ancient monsters may not be able to withstand this sudden thunder blow.

His guess was indeed correct.

In extreme shock, Zendaya turned around, never expecting that an enemy in the shadow not far above his head would attack him with a flagpole.

The flagpole has no spikes.

But that didn't give up, Red held the flag high and stabbed into Zendaya's shoulder blade with silky smoothness. When the kinetic energy of the impact is strong enough, even a mallet can penetrate iron armor.

In AD 811, the first duel performance on Mikhail III's birthday was shocking.

Ince Zendaya, the champion player in previous years and the favorite this year, was eliminated by a 15-year-old Viking boy in the first round of the warm-up battle.

Before today, almost no one in this city had ever heard of his name.

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