Chapter 645 68

Red pulled out the flagpole and stood in a pool of scarlet blood.

He looked at the audience around him and found that everyone was looking at him with wide eyes and a look of horror on their faces.

It is true that Roman citizens entered the arena to enjoy the bloody fighting, but what happened in front of them today was beyond everyone's imagination.

Including the well-informed Mikhail people.

Even including Sartre and Gulaur in the stands.

Before entering this city, Sartre had no idea that the word "science" could produce such power. When he saw that the Roman champion was about to win, just 10 seconds later, the situation on the field took a turn for the worse.

Ten seconds later, among the broken arms and bright red blood on the ground, there were only Red Blood Pigeon and the black man from the Northern Continent wrapped in black cloth.

"Oh my god, did I read that right?"

"Is the body of our invincible His Highness Ince Zendaya lying on the ground really the champion from Crete?"

"It's so hard for me to believe this is true."

The victory was decided, but the enthusiastic Roman audience still did not applaud the winner after a long time. The buzzing whispers above the stands became even more obvious.

"My all-powerful Lord, why do you punish me like this! How will I live next spring? I have invested all my business capital for next year!"

"Damn it! Don't mention it. I spent all my profits this year and even borrowed a lot of gold and silver from the black market."

Once panic spreads, people will quickly lose their minds. When the first questioning voice rang out, a chaotic chatter quickly became one.

"Why did such an evil mage sneak into the arena?"

"Is it really reasonable for them to use this method to win?"

"Yes, what are the Inquisition doing? Many innocent witches and wizards have been arrested, but an evil mage with such terrifying power can openly walk into the arena and use such terrifying spells to kill our heroes!"

"I must see these two monsters die! They cost me a year's income, so I must not let them go easily!"

Sartre and Gulaur looked at the roaring crowd around them and shook their heads slightly.

The so-called civilization will only come into play when the other party claims to be superior. If this group of "civilized people" suffers even the slightest loss, they will immediately shed their exquisite disguise.

Instantly transform back into a man-eating beast.

In the arena, Red was not affected by the boos. Looking around, the exploded corpses had turned the whole place into a bloody mess.

With no place to rest, he found a saber full of holes and chopped off Zendaya's head with one blow. Turning it over, he used his long chestnut hair to wipe the blood on the corpse.

Then he sat calmly on the body and felt the warm afternoon sun.

Before entering, the gladiator leader had already read the rules to them. The end of the gladiatorial fight is not to kill all the enemies, but to face the king and wait for the king's reward.

They couldn't leave the scene until the king didn't move.

"Brother Red, what should we do now?"

"Everyone is dead, do we still need to stand here? Why do I have an ominous premonition in my heart?"

Until this moment, Alchemist Heggins' legs had been shaking like chaff.

It was a complete fluke that I survived this time.

If the corpse had exploded three seconds later, Zendaya's broadsword would have fallen a few seconds earlier.

He would also be a fallen corpse at this time.

"Haha, who knows."

"If you go to this shabby place to watch a show, you have to pay two silver coins even for the worst seats. I have never been in, so of course I don't understand what the process is."

"Perhaps His Majesty the Yellow Emperor is too old and needs to react for a while before announcing the result?

Hey, it doesn't matter. As long as there is money to be made in the end, it will not be a waste for us two brothers to sacrifice their lives! "

After a long time, amid the buzzing noise, Mikhail III slowly stood up and walked to the center of the auditorium.

The audience fell silent instantly.

"If I remember correctly, after our heroic emperor left his hometown, he should have overcome all obstacles and conquered the land. Why did his boat capsize in the sewer just after leaving the city-state?"

The king's voice was hoarse and deep.

The message sent by the short sentence was not friendly, and the gladiator lord "Segar Punic" sitting near the viewing platform immediately lowered his head.

I have to admit that today was a shocking moment.

Before this murder occurred, who would have thought that two gangsters could cause such a bloody killing?

Not to mention seeing it, the gladiator lords have never even heard of it.

A few gray-haired old guys looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt like they both had a lot of bitterness to pour out.

You must know that before this fight took place, the odds they gave were 1:262!

They must lose a lot of gold and silver after Red wins.

Even if they wanted to explain this deal that cost them both their wife and soldiers, they didn't know where to start.

However, unexpectedly, the old emperor's next words exceeded everyone's expectations.

"But isn't that the interesting part of the arena?"

My father once said to me that all art comes from life.

But it is higher than life.

"The young warriors dreamed of conquering the world. They left their hometown with high spirits. Unexpectedly, they were poisoned by a group of bandits just after leaving the village. The next day, they were made into steaks and served to other guests."

It's not written like this in the script.

The bard will never tell you that the real emperor is not this group of high-spirited young people, but the group of bandits who open a black shop.

This is not a story for all ages.

But this may be the closest to reality. "

There was silence in the huge arena, only the old voice of Mikhail III echoed. Many nobles lowered their heads secretly. They all more or less remembered the history of their respective families.

That's certainly not a children's story that can be easily told to outsiders.

"Thank you to these two warriors for reminding us with their bravery that there is no champion who always wins. The younger generations will one day be replaced by young people."

"Attendant, reward me!"

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