Chapter 646 69

In the edge corner of the top stand, the "Unknown King" Kornley, disguised as the chief ancient civilization scholar, and the "Lord of Disaster" Bertug, disguised as an apprentice, sat together.

For them, entering the arena was an unintentional move.

"Prince Scipio", the biggest financial sponsor of his studies, invited all college students to enter the arena and relax together for a few days. That's it for other nobles. Bachelors will not waste their precious time on useless leisure activities.

But Prince Sibiu is not "another noble". Without him, the school district with its many spiers would not exist at all.

Everyone has to give this face.

It was originally just an ordinary pastime, but they never expected that today they would witness the scene of Red God descending to earth.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Bertug's calculation.

He calculated that after Sartre and Gulaul entered Constantinople, Phoenix would definitely arrange for them to enter the Colosseum to watch the show.

On the other side, he was also sure that the "Alchemist" Higgins would be able to pull Red off the field.

The only thing he was worried about was that "Red Blood Pigeon" was too weak and would die on the battlefield without attracting the attention of the two Viking pirates.

However, he did not expect that he would survive to the end and successfully kill the champion of the Crassus family.

This is an unexpected surprise for the "Lord of Disaster" Bertug.

Several subordinates arranged by Lord Twilight Fitzroy died tragically in the Nicholson family manor unexpectedly, and there are reasonable explanations for them now.

At this point, he was certain that Red must have attracted the attention of Loki's two men.

According to the tip, Loki has never relaxed his search for "Siren" Ge Lin in the past few years. It is almost certain that the two of them will definitely search for Ge Lin next.

The right to take the initiative is still firmly in his hands.

"If I remember correctly, when the Lord of Twilight, Sardin, died, it happened to coincide with Loki's escape from the underworld and the Legalist assassin 'Xue Fei' entering the desert."

Is it possible that this was a premeditated joint operation?

Cornley understood what Bertug meant, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

"I don't think so."

"I have been investigating all the files in the gang in the past month. There is no information that shows that Loki has ever had secret contact with the Tang Dynasty bureaucrats. He himself does not have a very good impression of the Tang Dynasty sword cultivator."

Don't forget that he killed many swordsmen of "Izumo Trading Company" in Scandinavia.

Even the chief thug "Qinghe Zhenren" died in his hands!

"Lord of Disaster" Bertug is the hero of the Illuminati Lizardmen, but it has to be said that he does not have the support of all the tribesmen within the gang. The main reason is that following this sect leader means endless work.

He lived almost permanently with severe anxiety.

On the other side, the other members of the Illuminati have learned how to use their own methods and can blend into human civilization with ease. The only thing they need to do is to lurk quietly and wait for the leader's call.

It is common to not get any orders for 10 or 20 years.

Working with Bertug means there is always work to be done. Unlike the suzerains who are waiting for recruitment, Bertug always has his own ideas. This all stems from the unique way his brain operates.

He doesn't trust anyone.

Including humans, including alien gods.

Also includes members of the Illuminati.

At this moment, he finally got a clue, and his brain immediately started working.

In the duel field, the royal envoy wearing a red robe was awarding the king's reward to Red. Bertug was no longer in the mood to watch the subsequent games. He stood up and left the scene in silence, boarded the carriage and returned to Xuecheng High School. tower.

On the first day of the King's birthday celebration, most of the bachelors in the city participated in the King's celebration. The entire city is almost deserted.

Bertug walked on the empty streets around the minaret, letting the warm afternoon sun gradually slide down his shoulders.

Returning to the research room at the top of the tower, he closed the door and sat in the center of the room.

This one takes three hours.

When he opened his eyes again, the sun had already set for a long time. The bustling city outside the window is still brightly lit, and the floats for night entertainment have already set off and are now being pulled by elephants, slowly wandering along the streets in the city.

On top of the float, costumed singers and dancers danced cheerfully. If Roman citizens watching along the way liked their performance, they could buy flowers and throw them on the float.

When the sun rises, the float with the most flowers will also be rewarded by the king.

Bertug was completely uninterested in these worldly pleasures.

He opened the window in order to stand outside the steeple.

Each of the bachelor's spires built in the school city is thirty to fifty meters high. Step out of the window sash and stand on the edge of the top of the tower. If you are not careful, you will step on the air and fall.

Bertug didn't panic at all, and walked step by step to the top of the tower. The bright moonlight poured down, and a strong figure with two swords on his back quickly formed in front of him.

"Sir, what are your instructions?"

High in the sky at the top of the tower, the evening breeze blew slowly. Bertug looked at his subordinate's face, and after a long time he seemed to finally make up his mind.

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