Chapter 654 77

His Highness Gu Huaian.

If I heard correctly, do you want your adjutant to enter the Colosseum and fight side by side with Red Blood Dove?

That's what it means.

Did I hear that correctly? !

Shang Junzi understood Latin and nodded slightly.

"Haha, sir."

"You have to know that first of all, you are the royal envoy and the person in charge of the Li family of the Tang Dynasty in Constantinople."

"To say something that shouldn't be said, your status is even higher than that of many princes!"

The royal family got so excited after watching the show that they jumped into the arena and fought with slaves with swords. It did happen. But having said that, the Mikhail family is flourishing, and the death of a few insignificant princes will have no impact on the rule of the empire."

But what if something unexpected happens to you two?

I, as a businessman, cannot bear this responsibility.

From the appearance, it is not difficult to see that the dark-brown Segal is not a Roman with pure blood. He started out as a humble gladiator, and was able to achieve the title of gladiator lord at the age of forty, becoming one of the four resident lords of the Colosseum. This was definitely not something he could accomplish by relying on his well-developed limbs. .

The more civilized a country is, the more complex the various hidden rules embedded in the upper class become.

Sehgal naturally understands the powerful relationship.

The "Anshi Rebellion" that occurred 60 years ago caused Datang to lose one-third of its territory and more than half of its army. However, just 60 years later, the Legalist school once again integrated the kingdom on the verge of collapse, and even created a situation of "Yuanhe Zhongxing".

If this trend develops, they will regain all their lost territory within 50 years, and I am afraid that by then a more powerful kingdom will appear in the east.

Sehgal will definitely not be offended by this kind of character.

However, Gu Huaian also had his own persistence.

Gladiator lords are generally characters who understand both black and white, and whose hands and eyes are open to the sky in the underground world. Hypocrisy and subterfuge have extremely limited effectiveness when dealing with this group of people.

Instead of doing that, tell the truth.

"Mingren don't tell secrets. Boss Sehgal invited us into the house early in the morning and dismissed all the servants. This is a rare trust."

So in front of our friends, we will also give you some solid information.

Indeed, as you might think, Shang Junzi did not enter the arena for fame and fortune. Compared with fame and fortune, we have more important things to do.

We're going to kill someone.

Segal's eyes immediately narrowed into slits.

He understood what Gu Huaian really wanted to express.


Thirteen years ago, the Viking lord Loki Starago privately revealed the disguise of the lizard people in the city of Paris in front of millions of mortals.

From that day on, the existence of the Illuminati was not a secret unknown to the nobles of the Western Continent.

The Byzantine Empire, founded on merchants, was the absolute center of the Western Continent. As merchants continue to come and go, a large amount of information will spontaneously gather into the city. For the Romans, few secrets in the world can escape their eyes.

After the Legalist school came to power, the Illuminati Lizardmen were being wiped out on a large scale.

Segal has been aware of this in recent years.

On the other side, Prince Dorantel, who had just stuffed his warriors into the gladiatorial arena, had long been rumored in Constantinople that this man had been hanging out with the Illuminati Lizardmen.

Some rumors spread from within the palace claiming that Prince Darantel was actually dead long ago.

Now wearing his skin is an Illuminati lizardman, all with the tacit approval of the Mikhail family.

Because the Illuminati itself also has huge financial resources and powerful connections all over the world.

Segal doesn't know whether the rumor is true or not, but he is certain that it is not groundless.

The Byzantine Empire was different from most other countries of the same era.

In other regimes of imperial dictatorship, the king's orders cannot be questioned. Once any political party is regarded as an enemy by the royal power, it will immediately be boycotted by the entire country.

This did not work in the Byzantine Empire.

Because there is a Senate in the empire that is above the power of the king. The 220 members from all walks of life sitting in the Senate are the real masters of this kingdom.

230 years ago, a brutal war broke out between the Arab Empire and the Byzantine Kingdom over the ownership of the Egyptian province.

More than 100,000 Roman soldiers died in this war.

However, as the war progressed, the blacksmith shops in the streets of "Forge Gate" and "Steel Gate" were brightly lit day and night, and they were forging horse armor and weapons all night long. The red steel was soaked in cold water and loaded onto a carriage before it was completely cooled, ready to be transported to Jerusalem.

The Roman army was fighting bloody battles in the front, but the citizens in the rear were working overtime to make weapons for the enemy.

This kind of behavior that could trigger a riot would be considered treason in any country.

Only in the Byzantine Empire was it a matter of course.

No one objected, no one even protested.

the reason is simple.

The arms trade was an important pillar industry of the Byzantine Empire, accounting for a quarter of the kingdom's taxes.

These taxes will be used for military construction, urban management, citizen medical care, education and other aspects.

The Arab Empire under the control of the Abbas family is the largest customer for purchasing weapons. Boycotting trade is equivalent to throwing gold and silver that could easily be put into your pocket into the sea.

The Romans, who relied on merchants to build their country, would definitely not agree to this kind of thing.

They are used to having three meals a day, including bread and barbecue.

Because the mere battles have cut off trade, this is simply impossible to happen.

Even knowing that these weapons will chop off the heads of their compatriots, the parliamentarians will do everything they can to put pressure on the king to maintain the interests of their companies.

The Arab Empire was Byzantium's biggest threat, and Roman citizens were so tolerant of the Abbasid dynasty across the sea.

I won't be too defensive about the mere Illuminati.

Admittedly, it is indeed a bit bloody and cruel to say that the lizard people killed humans and then put on human skins.

But first of all, it wasn't me they killed.

Secondly, these guys are as rich as any country. They are hidden in the powerful strata of various countries. The decisions they can make and the social resources they can mobilize are no smaller than those of any emperor of a big country.

If it can bring so many benefits, why shut out this group of people?

As a vested interest in the commercial society, Segal himself does not understand, but he can also agree with it.

The Western Roman Empire, which followed traditional concepts, relied on force to build its country, and worshiped the Olympian gods, had long since perished.

The Byzantine Empire, which inherited the mantle of Rome, was able to achieve its current status and make Constantinople the absolute core of the Western Continent. It relied on the tolerance of the merchant spirit of "taking care of everything."

Of course, this is a nice way to say it.

To put it more bluntly, it means that you are blind to money and don’t care about your life to make money.

As long as it's not me who dies, everything has nothing to do with me.

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