Chapter 655 78

Obviously, the view of the Illuminati in the Tang Dynasty on the other side of the continent is another story.

The "Anshi Rebellion" instigated by the Illuminati caused a total of 30 million deaths.

If this happens to any country, it is a blood debt that must be liquidated.

On the other hand, trading with other countries is the icing on the cake for the Li family, but it does not affect the survival of the country at all.

The Tang Dynasty in the East has a vast territory and a large number of residents under its command. The territory can produce everything the residents have.

The necessities needed for people's lives, food, clothing, steel, and wood are all available within the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

It is true that cutting off trade with the Western Continent will make them eat less cheese, use less glass, and earn less gold coins.

However, the basic livelihood of the people who maintain the operation of the kingdom will not be affected.

Therefore, Emperor Tang was not afraid of offending anyone.

Not to mention a mere Illuminati?

When the two Legalist diplomats came to Constantinople, all the nobles knew that they were not simply on a diplomatic mission.

Legalist teachers used iron and blood to forcibly integrate the disintegrated country.

They still remember the blood shed sixty years ago.

Entering the city of Rome and going directly to the residence of the Dorantel family, rough Vikings might do this, but shrewd people from the Eastern Continent would not.

Just one day ago, Prince Darantel sent the mysterious powerful man under the Illuminati into the arena, and the two Legalist disciples had already received the news only the next day.

In terms of message delivery efficiency, they were no slower than the fire-passing gang.

Segal didn't know why Wang Ergulei entered the arena.

But this Legalist teacher knew it very well in his heart.

He entered to kill people.


Two hours later, Sehgal sent the two East China guests out of his manor.

After much thought, he still failed to say the rejection he should have said.

Because this is also a rare opportunity for him.

As the core building of Constantinople, the Colosseum hosts at least two large-scale gladiatorial events every year. This means that in a month-long competitive competition from morning to night, more than a thousand people will fall into the sand with the cheers of Roman citizens.

How to find high-quality gladiators and make every gladiatorial event full of suspense and excitement is a huge challenge.

This is not a task that can be accomplished by one person.

The Senate appoints a total of 4 gladiator lords to be responsible for various celebrations in the Colosseum every year.

Sehgal Punic was just one of them

There are three competitors at the same level as him, each trying their best to kill the other so that they can occupy a bigger piece of the cake.

Sooner or later, there will be only one person left in this position.

Because of this, the Skylark Chamber of Commerce sent people here, and Segal unconditionally agreed to all their choices.

Everyone can see that if the Kingdom of Normandy develops according to this momentum, it will become another Roman Republic on the Western Continent. With such a powerful country behind her, it was only a matter of time before the Viking princess became the chief chamber member.

Sehgal also cannot disobey Prince Darantel's order.

Because they are members of the royal family.

If this Legalist mentor were to be put into the arena again today, I don’t know whether Hollandin would agree with it, but he would definitely offend Prince Darantel.

"The Destroyer" Wang Ergulei was indeed powerful, but when this Legalist mentor stood in front of him, it was very rare that he felt unfathomable.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether this person was a monk or a mortal with no power to restrain a chicken.

After much thought, Sehgal finally agreed to Shang Junzi's admission.

This is because among the royal family and the citizens, he ultimately chose to try his best to meet the needs of the citizens.

Citizens are the main body of the kingdom.

The Colosseum opens twice a year, and its fundamental reason is to enrich the spiritual life of Roman citizens. The main body that every gladiator lord served was also the Roman people.

Segal was a humble gladiator. It was the cheers of Roman citizens, over and over again, landslides and tsunamis that brought him from worthlessness to where he is today.

In his world, winning the cheers of the people is far more important than pleasing a prince.

Letting the audience raise their hands and cheer is their most noble mission.

The popular player Red Blood Pigeon, who was an upset, plus two subordinates of Rocky Starago, the "King of Paris".

Adding the Confucian Assassin Sehgal to this lineup, it can be concluded that this will be the highest-equipped gladiatorial match in the Colosseum in the past 20 years.

none of them.


After seeing off the two Legalist mentors, Sehgal tapped his wrist, took off his brocade silk and satin, and put on a low-key black cloth robe.

Carefully attaching the two short knives to the back of his calves, and after the servant handed him the broad sword, Segal opened the cellar and left the mansion through the secret passage.

Half an hour later, he crawled out along the mouth of a dry well.

The easy work is done, and all that remains is the hard part.

All civilized and prosperous countries must have two sets of order, black and white. One order is promulgated by the king, the Senate and the tribunes to maintain social stability.

The other set is to complete some details that cannot be explained in detail.

Thus, the underworld of Constantinople, hidden among the crowds, was born.

Gambling, human trafficking, the import and export of illegal materials, the acquisition of intelligence, and the purchase of murders, all of these are expressly prohibited by the kingdom. But we have to admit that in many cases even rulers need shady underground forces to provide them with such services.

It ranges from businessmen hiring local gangsters to squeeze out competitors and seize territory, to nobles buying intelligence and hiring murderers to fight for inheritance rights. If there is demand, there will naturally be a market.

There is huge demand and a huge market will be created.

By this era, it was even enough to affect all aspects of Roman citizen life.

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