Chapter 669 93

After galloping to the top of the city wall, Loki saw a neat queue standing under the city wall.

12 moa knights are arranged in a circle, with three slender flying dragons with golden scales clustered in the middle. The dragon knight turned over and jumped off the back of the flying dragon. Facing the blazing afternoon sun, he showed the Crusader King's flag behind him.

This is the emblem of the Mikhail family.

In front of Loki and all the city defense troops, the dragon knight forcefully inserted the king's flag into the ground. This move was to declare to the Yi people that the land under their feet now belonged to the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Episcopal Church.

Loki had never seen such provocation before.

He narrowed his eyes and subconsciously stretched his right hand to his back. That's where the blood ax often hangs.

It wasn't until his right hand was empty that he recalled that he hadn't carried the ax on his back for a long time.

"Loki Starago, King of Normandy, is at his command."

After finishing speaking, the dragon knight looked up at Loki on the city wall.

He was waiting for the Norman King to come down from the city walls and kneel before him.

However, after a long time, Loki could not think of anything.

The dragon knight knew that this matter was destined not to happen, so he could only continue to read the imperial edict in his hand.

"Normandy citizens Sartre, Graul, and Red blew up the Colosseum and destroyed half of the royal city during my king's birthday celebration."

"This move was defined by the Senate as 'contempt of imperial power and invasion of royal territory'"

"After accurate calculations by the Senate, it was the first time that the Normans committed evil. As long as the Norman King Loki Starago can enter the Senate, speak out the compensation plan in front of 220 senators and get 60% approval, my king will Mikhail III agreed to let bygones be bygones.”

"Otherwise, I, the Byzantine Kingdom, will become an enemy of all Norman merchants and refuse you the use of our ships, entry into our territory, or any purchase of goods from us."

There was no sound under the imperial city, and all the caravans and caravans preparing to enter the city retreated to a relatively safe distance. All the merchants and civilians looked at the Viking King on the top of the city wall.

They wanted to see if the hero in everyone's eyes could remain as tough as ever when facing the Byzantine envoy.

After all, all the countries in the Western Continent have bowed their heads to them.

Loki chuckled twice and nodded slightly.

No kingdom is powerful without reason. There are a total of 220 members in the Senate, which is equivalent to gathering 220 blood-thirsty capitalists together.

For slave owners, the value a healthy slave can create is much higher than that of a weak, sick man.

It would never be a wise move to suck the newly established Kingdom of Normandy dry in one gulp.

But once you start negotiating, the possibilities are endless.

The businessman did not add specific clauses to the imperial edict, but kicked the ball back to Loki's feet. Whatever compensation Loki offers, the solution.

When he came to Constantinople, he had already lost.

But thinking about it on the other hand, could he not go?

Not to mention that the Skylark Chamber of Commerce that Mohlantin had worked so hard to establish would soon collapse. His two brothers were still in Constantinople at this time and must have been controlled by the Byzantine King.

"Haha, that's really interesting."

Looking up at the sky above, a group of dark clouds was gathering in the distant mountains. This is a sign that heavy rain is coming. Ecbert was very familiar with this expression.

He immediately took hold of Loki's arm.

"My king, no."

For many years since Loki went to the Northern Continent, the Kingdom of Normandy has been under the management of Ecbert. As the actual ruler of a huge kingdom, he deeply understood the dominance of the Byzantine Kingdom in the Western Continent.

That was far beyond what the young Normandy could match at this time.

The Byzantine Kingdom was located on the dividing line between the eastern and western continents. In the field of trade, this is a unique geographical location. Whether by water or land, all merchants coming to the Western Continent must pass through Constantinople.

In layman's terms, Byzantium is the holy land for merchants all over the world.

Their allies span all of human civilization.

No country, no matter how big it is, will not be able to shake the important position of the Romans in human civilization for the time being.

Once regarded as an enemy by the Romans, under the dual pressure of the Holy Bishop's Church and the Senate, even the Eastern Tang Dynasty may not be able to withstand huge trade losses.

Not to mention the Kingdom of Normandy, which had just been established at this time, and everyone in the kingdom needed to make money.

"Your Majesty, I understand the anger in your heart."

"But we must never do such a thing by killing him! To say the least, Sartre, Gulaul, Mohlantin, and all our allies in Constantinople will be buried with him.

On a grander scale, what our people pursue is nothing more than living and working in peace and contentment.

War and violence cannot bring them to submission. But if there is a well-functioning trade channel, all provinces can sell the goods in the hands of farmers at a relatively reasonable price, and at the same time exchange as much as possible for the daily necessities they need.

We must rely on the Skylark Chamber of Commerce and Constantinople under the rule of the Mikhail family!

"Haha, my dear Prime Minister."

"You're worrying too much."

Loki took the blood ax from the guard's hand and touched the generous back of the ax like an old friend.

As a time traveler, how could Loki not understand the power of the Byzantine Empire? Even though this country's land area is not as large as that of the Tang Dynasty, its army is also not as good as the Norman border defense force composed of Viking and Slavic men.

But Byzantium was the end of the East-West trade route.

The traveling merchants who toiled on the East-West Continental Bridge looked forward to arriving in Constantinople day and night, because they knew that once they entered Roman territory, it would mean warm beds, military protection, and fair and just sales. goods price.

There are also plenty of gold and silver that can be safely put in your pocket.

All roads lead to Rome, that’s what it means.

Traveling on the trade road in the Middle Ages was by no means smooth sailing. For the caravans from all over the world, their life goal is to eventually live in this city.

The 72 seats belonging to businessmen among the 220 parliamentary seats are their highest dream.

That is the crown jewel.

When England was subject to commercial sanctions by France, Loki only had to fight against one French principality.

But now if Normandy is sanctioned by Byzantium, they will have to fight against the entire Western Continent.

Not just businessmen.

But don't forget that behind the Byzantine Empire there is a Holy Episcopal Church with believers throughout human civilization.

At this time, Normandy was far from being similar to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, which had a vast territory and could exist in a closed manner. All countries in the Western Continent cannot develop without trade and religion.


The moment he saw the king's envoy, Loki immediately knew that this person was the same as the rogue politicians from the Lighthouse Country before traveling through time.

They come up to you and taunt you, just to anger the ungrateful lord.

As long as the king's envoy is harmed in the slightest, this group of cannibal councilors will immediately confiscate all the properties of the Skylark Chamber of Commerce tomorrow morning. All the hard work that Mohrantin put in for more than ten years will be in vain.

Not to mention that it is still completely unclear why Sartre and Gulaul fell into the hands of the Byzantine royal family.

Jumping down from the high wall, he slowly walked to the king's envoy.

It is not difficult to see that under the pretended calm face of Wang Shi, he was actually so nervous that he almost peed his pants. Almost all the residents of the Western Continent already know who Loki is, and legends about him are spread even in the most remote Northern Continent.

In all the legends, this person has never been an obedient person.

All Roman citizens knew clearly that the explosion in the Colosseum and the unprovoked melee in the city were definitely not arranged by the Normans. However, the Byzantine king and the Senate jointly negotiated such a result, and as a subordinate, he could only implement it unconditionally. .

Loki slowly walked to his side and gently took the thin imperial decree from the king's envoy's hand. A group of Roman soldiers surrounded him, and no one dared to approach him in a short period of time.

Putting the Holy Lord into his arms, Loki gently patted the King's envoy on the back.

However, the next second he suddenly grabbed him by the back collar and lifted him up from the ground.

"Since I'm apologizing, of course I have to be well prepared. How could you be so careless and careless about setting off?"

"You Roman brothers have flown all the way from the Mediterranean. You must be very tired now after all the journey. Why don't you enter my castle first and let us show our friendship as landlords for a while."

The king, who was pulled into the air by Loki with one hand, tried his best to struggle, but it was all in vain when his feet were off the ground. Throwing the unfortunate guy up the city wall with all his strength, Loki pulled out the bloody ax with his backhand and threw it backwards.

The heavy blood ax whizzed and smashed the head of the flying dragon the king was riding.

The sudden killing immediately alerted the Romans. Just as the captain of the guard was about to raise his spear, he suddenly remembered that he was under the walls of Paris.

If he dares to take action, he will definitely die today.

"As a distinguished Byzantine envoy, how come you have the nerve to ride such a thin subspecies flying dragon when you come to our Kingdom of Normandy?"

"You are all here as guests, why don't you let me give you some real dragons."

"It can be considered that I have shown my kindness to all the friends who have come from afar."

Loki opened his arms.

A large dark cloud flew from the sky, and the giant dragon with a length of more than thirty meters opened its mouth and swallowed all the moas and guards who fled in terror.

There is only a piece of blood red between heaven and earth

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