Chapter 670 94

Loki sat on the dragon's back, feeling the warm breeze blowing across his cheeks. Google search reading

Leaving Paris again reminded him of the time he led the Vikings to England 14 years ago.

It was an era of hard work.

He fought with all his subordinates in Scandinavia, and under the encirclement and suppression of the three forces of Ivar, Ekobert and the Illuminati, he fought for his subordinates to win two provinces in a manner that was almost like pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth.

Just one year later, when he learned that he had become the target of the Principality of France, he felt quite uneasy on the way to Paris.

At that time, Loki had just sat on the throne. He had a pregnant wife at home and subordinates who were building the city-state. The small land was surrounded by powerful enemies.

He couldn't see the future of the kingdom at all.

Today, 13 years later, even though he needs to face Byzantium, which is far stronger than the Principality of France, his heart is like a pool of stagnant water, and he is not at all panicked.

On the one hand, there is no longer a province behind him, but nearly a hundred large and small ones. As long as a recruitment order is issued, each province can provide at least several thousand soldiers.

He can summon a sufficient number of high-quality troops at any time, which is his confidence as a king.

On the other hand, he actually felt bored.

The most exciting part of life is the process of struggling from nothing to having everything.

This was true in the last life, and it is true in this life as well.

When he was young, he lived in a cold castle. Every day when he opened his eyes, he had to put on animal skins and follow his adults into the mountains to hunt. If you kill the prey, you will have food to eat. If you return with empty hands, you can only boil a large pot of hot water and fill yourself up before falling asleep, hoping to gain something tomorrow.

This kind of life is extremely difficult, but the pressure of survival forces him to have a clear goal every day.

From having food on the table, to having gold and silver in his hands, to becoming a lord, and gaining territory step by step through solid struggle, he relied on the brothers around him and his own hands to successfully build a huge empire.

He successfully sat on the throne, and the whole continent was praising his achievements.

Now Loki no longer knows how much gold and silver he has in his treasury, because he can't count it at all.

He had more than a dozen beautiful concubines, but after losing his memory, he could not remember the process of getting acquainted with them.

After a long half year, most of them had been given enough gold and silver by him and sent home.

He didn't know most of the people's names until he got home.

He now has two more sons, but both sons live with their mother. The memory loss of 13 years made it impossible for him to recall any details of getting along with his children.

This is a pretty scary thing.

The scarier thing is that he no longer has an obvious goal in life.

Loki knew in his heart that the Kingdom of Normandy, which was themed by Vikings, Slavs, and English, included the North Sea and was already the limit of its territory.

You must know that this is an era where the illiteracy rate is as high as 90%.

While in Cold Water Village, Loki managed a separate village by himself, using many advanced experiences from later generations. But when he took the position of king and ruled the world, he was destined to be unable to supervise every household in the kingdom.

No lord could understand the advanced policies of 1,500 years later, which destined this country to continue to use the decadent and backward governance methods of the Middle Ages.

The territory of the kingdom has been expanded to its limit. If it continues to expand, it will inevitably fall into a situation of division.

By that time, I'm afraid that my former friends will immediately turn against each other and become enemies.

He cannot wage war, does not need to fight, does not need to make money, and does not know his own children. All his old friends around him are performing their tasks in various places. In the overcrowded Grand Palais in Paris, everyone is his subordinate.

You have to kneel down before seeing him

In this majestic building, he experienced an "emptiness of everything."

Experiencing this kind of life is by no means a pleasant thing.

Because of this, when he saw the Byzantine envoy coming from afar, he unexpectedly felt a sense of excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

The powerful enemy finally surfaced again.

All the vassals under his command strongly recommended that he not leave the royal city and walk into the opponent's trap, but Loki did not adopt their advice.

In the end, he only carried a long and narrow package, and led all the royal envoys to sit on the back of the dragon alone.

During the entire process, he did not discuss follow-up plans with anyone, but continued to hand over all work to the Kingdom's Prime Minister Ecbert before leaving.

Thirteen years of meticulous management have already demonstrated his ability.

This man is indeed a qualified emperor as recorded in the history books.

Sitting on the back of the dragon, Loki reflected on the more than thirty years since he traveled through time, and felt that he didn't seem to have many regrets. He had enjoyed all the things in the Middle Ages that he should have enjoyed, and had borne all the responsibilities that he should have borne.

Maybe it's time for him, an alien who shouldn't exist in this plane, to leave.


The dragon glides at high speed above the clouds.

The dragons currently owned by the Kingdom of Normandy are not the subspecies that Ecbert once cultivated. Loki deeply understands the power of Darwin's law. Only by throwing living things into a crisis-ridden environment can the weak be eliminated quickly, while the strong survive and give birth to stronger offspring.

Only then can the entire ethnic group make a qualitative leap.

The cold and desolate northern part of Scandinavia is now a paradise for dragons and frost giants. The result of fighting each other was that after just a dozen years, the giant dragon crossing the sky was able to grow to a size of nearly 30 meters.

If a lone frost giant is targeted by three or five giant dragons, it is also possible to die.

Beneath the clouds, the fields disappear. A bustling city gradually appeared at the end of the sea.

The dragons moved across the sky uniformly, and Loki lowered his head to look down.

When you see a majestic ring-shaped building.

Haha, dear Mr. Wang, we are here!

He grabbed the king's envoy beside him and jumped up.

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