Chapter 685 109

When she was young, Gelin once drank the rotten potion created by the Storm Acolytes on the Holy Mountain. Although this low-quality magic potion made from dilapidated raw materials can stimulate the power of divine choice in mortals, the effort is indeed an infinite overdraft of life force.

No one can drink this potion and live past 35.

Unless you are baptized by the "Water of God" and become a mortal again.

Ge Lin, who refused to return to the Kingdom of Normandy, naturally had no way to obtain the potion that only existed in Loki's hands. In order to extend her life, Mo Kui, an abandoned disciple of the Yin and Yang School, could only use the soul refining technique that he had learned from Master XX. .

Capture powerful dead souls, make them into "soul guides", and force the ghosts to reside in mortal bodies.

The mortal body can only generate spiritual energy to maintain life by bathing in sunlight and eating food during the day when there is sufficient sunlight. However, the yin and yang secret technique can seal ghost spirits into the body, allowing the ghost spirits to continuously absorb the ethereal energy of the void and use it in the human body at night.

Mo Kui used a secret technique to seal the undead souls of the Nicholson family to the weight of Ge Lin, in order to have twice the energy flush.

But he obviously didn't expect that the evil spirits that feed on psionic energy in the dark would become Gelin's most powerful amulet in the duel field.

All attack spells from Myra, the "Lord of Shadows", were swallowed up by evil spirits.

On the other side, Fitzroy, who had almost no offensive ability, could only be beaten passively.

The blows of Loki's ax struck wildly on all the scales on his body,

The heavy ax fell like a heavy hammer. Although it did not open any wounds on his body surface, the huge force of the bombardment still made him unable to maintain his balance. Seeing that his attack could not cause any damage to Gelin, Fitzroy was about to be smashed into the ground by the axe.

At this time, Ge Lin had already taken out the second arrow from the quiver, and aimed the bow at Betug, the "Lord of Disaster" behind Myra.

Myra turned her head.

In the Illuminati, Betug has always been a mysterious person. Unlike other companions who have their own special skills, this sect leader has deliberately kept a distance from his companions since his birth.

He would often disappear for decades or hundreds of years inexplicably, and when everyone thought he might have died, he would quietly return to the tribe.

No one knows where he went.

He also has no desire to communicate with other sect leaders. Even the head of the 12 sect masters has no control over this mysterious companion.

Because of this, Myra did not have much interaction with Bertug. Until today when he entered the duel field, he didn't know whether his companion had any means of attack when he fell to the ground.

If he were the same as "Lord of Twilight" Fitzroy, he would not know any combat skills at all.

The invisible evil spirit that lives on the runewood arrows will cause him considerable trouble.

Myra looked at the "Lord of Disaster" Bertug behind them. Sure enough, he didn't make any dodge moves.

He stretched out his right hand and pointed to the sky, and a thick white flash appeared.

Four condensed white figures immediately appeared in the Colosseum.


On the other side of the square, the top of Hagia Sophia.

Holy Bishop Pope "Gregory III" silently put down the telescope in his hand.

"My dear Lord Ransef"

"If I remember correctly, the rules of the gladiatorial battle clearly state that 'when the battle officially begins, any party that adds members without authorization will be immediately declared a loser.'"

"I remember this rule correctly."

Mikhail III, who was sitting next to the Pope, also put down his telescope and nodded slightly.

"Things are already very clear. After the battle began, the lizard man leader who was standing at the end of the battle line used the summoning spell that can only be used by the commander of the Holy Army without permission to summon 6 silver knights to the center of the duel field."

"This behavior has resulted in a violation."

"Now can we let go of Loki's men and declare him the winner of this gladiatorial battle?"

In the entire Byzantine Kingdom, there is only one person who is qualified to call the Byzantine King by his real name "Ransef", the Holy Lord Pope Gregory III.

Mikhail III turned his head and looked intently into his eyes.

At this moment, he couldn't see what was going on in his old friend's mind.

You must know that the important subordinate beside him at this time, the Crusader Commander "Griffith Skyfire" is still fighting in the duel field.

This man can be called the number one enemy of the Byzantine king.

The Holy Episcopal Church, which exists dependent on the Byzantine Kingdom, wants to develop its own independent armed forces. This kind of thing will certainly arouse the dissatisfaction of the Senate.

One can imagine how many hardships the Crusader Army went through in the early stages of its establishment.

After entering the city, they faced no supplies, no housing, and a boycott from all the merchants in the city.

After leaving the city, all the lords loyal to the king would come with their armies to encircle and suppress him, causing this small army to be disturbed day and night, without any peace for a moment.

However, Griffiths, the leader of the Crusaders, is destined to be a man of extraordinary talent.

There is no shortage of mortals in the world who want to become stronger. The various Holy Light spells pioneered by Griffith can allow mortals to immediately gain a huge increase in combat power after joining the Crusaders.

Amidst the encirclement and suppression by the city defense army, gendarmerie and major lords, he used his personal strength to support this army.

With a powerful armed force in hand, the pope has more and more say. Among the 220 seats in the Senate, the Holy Episcopal Church was guaranteed from the initial 10 to 42. This army under Griffith played a crucial role.

According to common sense, Gregory III would definitely try his best to preserve such outstanding talents.

However, as soon as the three sect masters in the field violated the rules, the Pope immediately demanded that Loki be declared the winner in front of all the nobles on the management desk.

This is definitely not a normal choice

Could there be some other conspiracy hidden here?

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