Chapter 686 110

"Your Majesty, I think we can wait a little longer."

Seeing that something was wrong, the king's brother "Prince Dorantel" immediately put his head to the king's ear.

"The three sect masters are indeed violating the rules, but I can be sure that Loki will open the portal at the same time to summon reinforcements. We are still some distance away from the outside.

At this time, all the people sitting in the ruins were a group of ignorant pariahs. We delayed it for a while, and no one knew who was the first to call for reinforcements. "

Prince Dorantel is a peripheral member of the Illuminati, which can be said to be an open secret in Constantinople. As an absolute confidant around Bertug, he knew that the three sect masters were determined to win the Xuanyuan Sword.

If the king declares Loki the winner, even if they can obtain the Xuanyuan Sword again through other means, it will definitely take a lot of trouble.

Before Mikhail III could speak, the Chamber of Commerce President "Maxima Crassus" sitting not far from him immediately snorted coldly.

"Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate."

"What's wrong!"

In the eyes of ordinary nobles, the old Crassus had always lived a rather low-key life. On weekdays, he always puts on a smiling face when meeting guests. Even if there is a dispute over certain business activities, he never scolds the other party loudly.

This was the first time in the past ten years that he had lost his temper in front of a noble.

But the target is the most noble king in the city.

The eyes of all the nobles on the roof of the church turned around at the same time, but Old Crassus obviously had no intention of letting it go.

"Your Majesty the King, have you forgotten our experience of going to sea together when we were young?"

"If you have forgotten, I haven't forgotten yet!"

"You were only 18 that year. You were not yet the crown prince, and you were not outstanding among the seven brothers. Seeing that there was no hope of ascending to the throne, you and I went to sea, hoping to learn a survival skill."

"It turned out that year at sea, we encountered a terrible storm."

"Our fleet was blown away by the storm. After a terrible night, when we opened our eyes again, we drifted to an uninhabited desert island. All water and food were exhausted, and all the crew were hungry."

"But we have a large shipment of cheese and wine in our cabin that is about to be shipped to Duke Harkonnen!"

"My rule for Byzantine merchants when going to sea is that they would rather starve to death than misappropriate merchants' goods without authorization. After 12 days, a large number of crew members died on the beach. Even the merchants were wondering whether they should take some of the goods and eat them to save their lives."

"But you firmly disagree!"

It wasn't until three days later that the search fleet showed up that we barely managed to save a life.

Have you forgotten all this?

The reason why our country is great is precisely because all businessmen who fly the double-headed eagle king flag and go to sea have iron discipline.

The Romans could die, but the goods the Romans promised to trade would not be lost.

Our integrity is higher than our lives!

Your Majesty the King, do you think you were able to successfully be elected our king because of the gold and silver the Illuminati provided you?

Big mistake!

You can become our king because every citizen in this city sees what you do!

Your fellow brothers live in spacious palaces and live a life of fine clothing and food every day. They drink wine, race horses, raise slaves, and play with women. But you, like the most ordinary Roman compatriots in all cities, carry goods on your shoulders and personally Driving a sailboat.

All the citizens who go to sea with you admire you as a person. Every time they return from the sea, they will praise your decisions and hope that this country can be governed by an upright and wise king like you.

His Majesty

You did not rise to power relying on the support of the Illuminati. What you really rely on is the belief in upholding business justice in your heart, and the quality of being willing to bend rather than bend.

But don't forget that today is still your birthday.

A considerable number of noble merchants from various kingdoms are still stranded in the royal city at this time. If we cannot do it with a clear conscience, why will they trust us in the future? !

Who will continue to praise the contractual spirit of Roman merchants?

Duke Maxima did nothing but become a blockbuster. All the nobles around him nodded in agreement, except Prince Darantel who subconsciously clenched his fists.

Just because others don't know what's going on here doesn't mean he doesn't know either.

He has been among businessmen since he was a child, and he simply doesn't know much about businessmen as a group of creatures.

Regardless of this guy's brilliant boast, the real reason is not that the "Skylark Chamber of Commerce" controlled by Mohlantin is now Crassus's largest trading partner.

If Loki can win this century war, the biggest beneficiary in the city will be Duke Maxima Crassus.

As long as he sees half a point that can help Rocky win, of course this old guy will try his best to fight for it.

Prince Darantel frowned and looked at Mikhail III.

According to Roman tradition, the final decision on winning or losing a gladiatorial performance ultimately fell into the hands of the king.


Ransev Mikhail has been king for more than forty years.

As time passed, he was no longer the spearhead young man he was when he first ascended the throne. At his age, simply trying to brainwash him through a few words of "warm-blooded encouragement" or "heart-warming encouragement"

This is completely impossible to happen.

During the time when Prince Darantel was chatting with Duke Maxima Crassus, his eyes were still looking at Gregory III.

The two seem to be close on the surface, but in fact they have been in a relationship of checks and balances for a long time.

The reason why Holy Bishop Pope Gregory III can still sit at the same table with him is 90% because he has a powerful force called the "Holy Holy Army" in his hands.

The Pope was quite eager to kill the leader of the Holy Crusaders. This was completely illogical.

Is it simply because the true identity of "Griffith Flame of the Sky" is the leader of the Lizardmen?

This may be a big problem for the pedantic people in the Eastern Land and the Tang Dynasty, but it is not a question in principle for the Holy Bishop Church.

(Perhaps he removed the commander-in-chief to monopolize military power?)

(This is also unreasonable, because Griffith has never acted beyond his authority during these long hundreds of years. He faithfully performed the papal mission, and the relationship between the two was as close as a father and son.)


The real battle can't begin until I announce the results?

The Byzantine king looked into the Pope's eyes and nodded secretly.

From the beginning, he had no illusions that these two groups of thugs could perform their duties like slaves and then leave peacefully.

They are definitely not here to perform.

The two groups had only one purpose in entering the city, and that was to kill each other using the most direct and cruel means.

Neither the Illuminati leader nor the "God-Killer" Loki had any respect for the king in their hearts. Mikhail III could even assert that the two parties had no intention of abiding by the agreement from the moment they entered the field.

Both parties are fully aware of this.

No matter what means are used, as long as the final result is to kill the opponent.

You can win this battle yourself.

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