Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 256: Block gun

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Facts have proved that even the regular army composed of the Spaniards was vulnerable to the severe offensive of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment.

The tactics that transcended the times and the weapons that transcended the times brought about the result of all-round suppression on the battlefield. No matter in which aspect the generation difference has formed, the Spaniards simply cannot resist.

In fact, the fighting method in this era is relatively simple. When the sun comes out, it will do it. When the sun goes down, it will rest. It is the same as the sunrise when the people planted the land. The sunset is almost the same.

It is not that the chief of the army is unwilling to fight the night, but that there is widespread night blindness in this era. Malnourished soldiers cannot even see everything at night, and it is unlikely that they want to march and fight. The curfew, when the organizational ability is weak, a sentry fire may cause a camp tsunami, and it is impossible to organize a large-scale military operation. During the World War decades later, there were troops marching in the wrong direction at night. Needless to say now the nineteenth century.

Night blindness is indeed a common problem. The Guantanamo Infantry Regiment was no exception. This is due to Li Mu's logistical supply at three months without cost. The physical fitness of Chinese soldiers has been greatly improved. Under the premise of balanced nutrition, night blindness The reaction was not so obvious. Coupled with Li Mu's previous emphasis on military training at night, he sometimes had to make emergency gatherings and long-distance training at night, so this problem is not serious for the current Guantanamo Infantry Regiment.

The Spanish is not optimistic. Although the supply of the regular Spanish army is good, there is no awareness of night military training. The servants are unconditional. They simply add a lot of vitamin A. Even if they want to conduct night military training, it is impossible. Talking.

The offensive of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment was launched at night.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Yuelang is sparse and peaceful, and the earth shrouded in darkness is mysterious and quiet. It is completely different from the enthusiasm of the daytime. There are countless dangers hidden in the undeveloped subtropical jungle. The mountains in the distance are like It is a silent ancient monster, and no one knows how it will welcome strangers who rush into it.

Because it is in the rainy season, the evaporated water vapor can't be completely dispersed, and there is a layer of thin and light gauze between heaven and earth. If a romantic poet sees this situation, it may be a poem, but for the For troops operating at night, the added difficulty is geometric progression.

Li Mu personally saw off the soldiers at the entrance of the makeshift camp, watching a team of soldiers ready to go, looking at the enthusiastic faces, Li Mu's mood was mixed.

Tonight, the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment will be a blockbuster, proving their powerful fighting power in this era, but at the same time many people will always say goodbye to the world, and can no longer enjoy the glory that should belong to them.

"Just rest assured, the reconnaissance company is definitely our most experienced troop trainer at night in the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment. During this time, we have actually been walking around El Cristo and even we went to Parmasoriano. However, it is estimated that Willi Nikolau didn't know that someone had once greeted him— "Bai Qi was trembling with spirits, and he seemed to be more energetic than during the day. This guy has become an out-of-the-box night owl.

"Go, give them some color and tell them who we are!" Li Mu didn't hesitate, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and at this time, the children couldn't be longer.

"Victory!" Bai growled and gave an American military salute to Li Mu, and then struck his chest. He turned around and cast himself into the boundless darkness.

Li Mu maintained a saluting posture and watched the last soldier leave the makeshift camp.

"We should trust them. I believe in their combat effectiveness. They will give the Spaniards a surprise!" Ayia Grant, the battalion commander of the engineering battalion, stood beside Li Mu, keeping the saluting posture to see off the soldiers.

"Of course I believe in them. In fact, I think they are the best soldiers, none of them." Li Mu knows more about the potential of the Chinese, and it is no exaggeration to say that if the full potential of the Chinese has exploded, they can devour the entire world.

Waiting to see Will off was another style.

In order to keep the march silent, all the horses were carrying chews, and the horseshoes were covered with thick cotton cloth. Will, still in a uniform, looked relaxed and relaxed when saluting.

With the exception of Will, all other cavalrymen were covered with grenades. This was their main weapon tonight. Their mission was to storm the Spanish barracks to create enough chaos to prevent the Spanish from organizing effectively. Resistance, as far as possible to create favorable conditions for the infantry's attack.

During the preparation period of up to three months, Li Mu still did enough work. In addition to grenades, Li Mu prepared a breastplate that could be inserted into a curved steel plate for the soldiers in the Tanana Infantry Regiment and a M56 steel helmet that can cover most of the head.

Regarding the breastplate, all officers and soldiers said that it was acceptable. Although it was a bit bulky, it could provide the greatest degree of protection for the body. It was worth sacrificing maneuverability. There were breastplate cavalry from Europe to World War I. So all No one resists breastplates.

The problem is the helmet. Although history has proven that the M56 helmet is the helmet with the best protection, the shape of the M56 helmet is really ugly. According to Will, it is like holding a night pot on his head, so officers and men We really don't have a cold on M56 helmets, and some even claim that they would rather wear a cowboy hat at the expense of protection rather than wear M56 helmets.

For this reason, Li Mu became furious, and put a helmet on the military regulations as a ban, which only suppressed the controversy.

It seems that Will accepted Li Mu's suggestion and was not ready to charge himself. This made Li Mu very satisfied and offered Will a big hug: "I am now beginning to believe that your last name is worthy."

Will's full name is Will Barron. Barron means "brave warrior" or "baron". In terms of "brave", Will is worthy of the name.

"Haha, Rim, what if you renamed Rim Barron, and it's worthy of your name." Will looked relaxed and had enough confidence in his cavalry.

"Thank you, I have a surname, that is my respect for ancestors, so I am not going to change my name." Li Mu refused without thinking, joking, his nationality can be changed arbitrarily, no matter how it is changed, the fact that Li Mu is Chinese, but the name is absolutely It cannot be changed, which contains the sustenance of the ancestors. If Li Mu's family name is changed to "Balun", the ancestors of the Li family will make Li Mu's life unsafe.

"Oh, by the way, did I tell you that in another three months, maybe you will have an extra brother-" Will suddenly told Li Mu a news that surprised Li Mu.

"You mean Claudia?" Li Mu immediately understood.

Claudia Nell was a lottery girl who Will met during his time in Washington. He was hot and had a good-looking face. He was a few years older than Gloria. After Will returned to Springfield from Washington, Claudia Nell went to Springfield with Will. Li Mu knew that Claudia Nell had a close relationship with Will, but did not know that she was intimately involved.

Will smiled and nodded again and again, and was very proud of the old cow who had stabbed a delicate rose with prickles.

"That's really congratulations, uh, Gloria and Sandy have no opinion?" Li Mu was not kind.

"Hum--" Will still didn't answer, but a grimace on his face showed that Will was in a bad mood, and the rough movement of his horse made Prometheus extremely dissatisfied.

"Wait for my good news--Tiger, I will keep up with me in the future. I won't wait for you." Will ignored Li Mu and was quite partial to Yan Hu.

Yan Hu is responsible for leading the infantry unit to attack after the cavalry unit. As long as the cavalry can create enough chaos, Yan Hu can lead the infantry to flatten the Spanish camp.

"Don't expect me to save you—" Yan Hu disdain, winning the applause of the infantry instructors behind him.

In fact, from the perspective of integrating into American society, Yan Hu has done more successfully than Li Mu. The national shooting competition has brought enough personal honor to Yan Hu. In the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, Yan Hu has a special status. The US military instructor is responsible for training the Chinese Soldiers, but Yan Hu can instruct US military instructors to improve their firing levels, which requires everyone to maintain sufficient respect for Yan Hu.

"Tiger, do your best, you have a bright future." Li Mu finally sent farewell to Yan Hu.

"Rim, if I have an accident, help me take care of Chu Xue-" Yan Hu hugged Li Mu and said gently in Li Mu's ear.

"Don't even think about it—" Li Muyan refused, and a lot of dog blood plots about the war came to mind, which made Li Mu nervous: "You do your own thing, and of course I will take care of Chu Xue, but you You haven't fulfilled your responsibility for opening up your Yan family. There are things you can only do in person. "

It ’s true that there are many dog ​​blood plots. For example, if someone says that this is their last fight before the fight begins, then this guy will definitely receive a box lunch. If he takes out someone ’s photo and takes a look, then, Photos will definitely be scattered around you when you pick up the box lunch.

Li Mu shook his head, kicking all the dog blood plots out of his mind. He wanted to be harmonious and resolutely rejected the dog blood.

"Leo, take good care of Rimm, remember your commitment to me." Yan Hu stepped back, saluting Li Mu and Yan Shun properly.

"Relax Tiger, I will." Yan Shun looked serious. When he needed it, Yan Shun believed that, like Yan Hu, he would block the gun for Li Mu.

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