Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 257: frenzied

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In fact, Li Mu doesn't need to worry about Will. He can't do such things as Will.

The batch of Prometheus that Will rode was a Sharma. This kind of horse is tall and strong, and it is the best to pull the horse to pull the car, but the running ability is not good because the size is too large. The heart is overloaded, and once you run faster, there is often a risk of sudden death.

So Will certainly couldn't go to the camp himself.

What the battalion wanted was fast. Before the Spaniards had calmed down, the cavalry had to pierce the Spaniard's camp like a sharp sword, then divided and surrounded, and waited for the infantry to come and siege.

It is because of this understanding that Li Mu will let Will lead the team.

The temporary camp is about two kilometers away from Ramaya. Li Mu sent away all the attacking troops and returned to his tent without any drowsiness. The night here is very important for the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, and Li Mu still feels a little hesitant.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with it. The victory was won. The Guantanamo Infantry Regiment will be a blockbuster this time, and it will be valued by all parties as a matter of course. It may even be compiled by the United States Department of the Army, which will greatly improve the social status of the Chinese. It does n’t matter if you do n’t win. Li Mu originally wanted to find a stable living space for the Chinese. This goal has now been achieved. Whether it ’s Pine Island, Guantanamo, or even San Diego, no matter what the outcome of this battle, the Chinese will never return. Are second-class citizens.

If you think about it that way, Li Mu feels more comfortable. There are many reasons why Chinese people do not mix well in another world. One reason is that the Chinese people do not have a strong leader.

The Chinese are actually very suitable for a centralized group. In another world, the Chinese world has experienced dictatorship, democracy, and colonial rule, but it turned out that only centralized power is the most suitable form of organization for the Chinese. It became more and more obvious after entering the 21st century.

What kind of scene would it be if the Chinese system of the 21st century was transplanted to Cuba of the 19th century?

Li Mu was curious about this answer.

It is not bad to say that Li Mu has contributed a lot to the existence of the United States of Cuba until now, but Li Mu did not want to be the king and was not willing to give up the influence on Cuba's political situation, so he supported a Cuban government according to his own intentions , May be the best choice.

Uh-huh, speaking of this, Silvester is no longer a president. The elders of the Presbyterian Church may be Silvestre's next identity, so Nelson may not be able to get over it, maybe For a few years, Nelson could also have had an elder addiction.

Li Mu is definitely not going to compete for the position of elder, but Li Mu can support spokespersons. Nearly 1,000 Chinese children are being educated in Springfield's school. God knows that in ten or twenty years, there will be a Tianzong. Talent.

Oh, I almost forgot that in a system of democratic centralism, it is not important whether individuals are strong or not. The key is whether everyone can think in one place and work in one place. So many party systems are definitely not working. One-party dictatorship-

Strangely, Li Mu finally went to sleep on the chair. Chu Xue sat on the bench next to the chair and slumbered. Some fans gave Li Mu a fan. Yan Shun and Mason outside the tent were full of energy. Ramaya in the distance was already burning. In the fire, the grenade that exploded in the dark was like a splendid firework. There was a faint sound of explosions, half of which was sea water and half was a flame—

When Li Mu woke up, it was already 4:30 in the morning. Looking at the pocket watch in her arms, Li Mu got up and accidentally awakened the early snow next to him.

"Is anyone here to report?" Li Mu was worried about something wrong. Just now in a dream, he dreamed that Will was carried back, leaving only half his head—

"No--" Chu Xue was so sleepy that she clearly didn't return.

Li Mu grabbed the tent, and as soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Ramayas, which was gradually decreasing in fire.

"Rim, we won--" Yan Shun was ecstatic to see Li Mu.

"Are there any battle reports?" Li Mu was concerned about the latest progress.

"Tig sent someone back ten minutes ago to report that the cavalry battalion had completed its mission and overwhelmed the Spaniard's camp. The infantry battalion launched an attack as planned and has now occupied Ramaya-" Yan Shun said quickly and urgently. Even at night, it's not bad.

Subsequently, the battle report was sent over by Liushui.

The cavalry battalion really lived up to expectations. At the cost of more than ten casualties, the task of piercing the Spanish barracks was completed. Most of these casualties occurred in stalemate battles after the first attack. Under the shock of the cavalry barracks, Without effective resistance, most casualties in the cavalry battalions were injured by stray bullets.

Will did not participate in the battalion operation, and completed the command task well. No matter how the Spaniards worked hard to gather the soldiers, Will was always able to command the cavalry to disperse them, which gave the Spaniards an advantage in numbers but scattered the sand.

After the infantry joined the battle, the Spaniards finally collapsed. Many dropped their guns and fled. More people surrendered with their hands raised on their knees. The Spaniard's commander was an earl with a major general. Unfortunately, the earl was in the first Grenades were killed in a wave, and the Spaniards were no longer able to resist. The surrenders included two Viscounts, six Barons, and nearly 1,500 soldiers.

Very good. After this battle, Li Mu's "capturing captives" plan has completed nearly one-third.

Li Mu still overestimated the Spaniard's action. The Spaniards in St. Louis did not mean to send troops to rescue Ramaya from beginning to end, so Bai Qi took his people to feed mosquitoes outside the town of St. Louis in vain.

What is most speechless is that although Bai Qi's troops did not participate in the battle, there were two non-combat attritions. Both of them had a high fever and were unable to fight because they were bitten by mosquitoes.

At dawn, the infantry had extinguished the fire in the Ramaya barracks. Fortunately, the tents in the barracks were not burned out, and some of them could be used. The infantry forced the captured Spaniards to build simple fortifications in Ramaya. During the entire construction process, nearly ten Spaniards died from various accidents.

Oh by the way, there were no wounded soldiers in the captives of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, and those wounded soldiers were sent to St. Louis near Yan Lu and let them die.

Li Mu did not go to Ramaya to watch the sunrise. Almost from the time the gunfire subsided, Li Mu organized manpower to deliver materials to Ramaya. Bullets and mortars are the top priority. Food is not much needed. Ramaya Barracks There is a large amount of food inside. Although the Spaniards had a problem with the supply of materials, this problem had nothing to do with the regular army. No one dared to shortage the regular army's supplies, just like in the United States of Cuba, no one dared to detain the supplies of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment.

On the morning of July 26th, Li Mu returned to Guantanamo, informing George Dewey of the latest developments, and urged George Dewey to immediately launch an attack on Spanish servants in the El Christo Valley.

George Dewey originally wanted to take the shelf and let Li Mu taste the begging taste, but Li Mu threatened to cut off the quartermaster and demanded that George Dewey attack immediately.

In the face of Li Mu ’s obscene power, George Dewey had to give in. There was no way. He had a short mouth and a short hand. Li Mu was the big boss. All the material distribution directions were determined by Li Mu. George Dewey and Li Mu were in this respect. In contrast, there is no slightest ability to compete.

On July 27, George Dewey ordered his army to launch a full counterattack against the Spanish minions in El Christo.

In fact, from July 26th, Willi Nicolaou organized troops and wanted to return to Ramaya.

What Willai Nicolaus did not expect is that the firepower density possessed by the Ramaya garrison is much stronger than that of El Cristo's Cuban army.

In El Cristo, an "storm" heavy machine gun was placed on an average of about 50 meters of defense. In Ramaya, no matter which direction the Spaniards attacked, the fire density they faced was about one every ten meters. Quite a "storm" heavy machine gun. If a light machine gun is added, this number will be shortened to five meters.

One machine gun every five meters, which means that there are almost no individual guard posts on the defense line of the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment. In addition to machine guns, soldiers carrying bullets, let alone in the nineteenth century, even in the twentieth century, such a fire density Is also heartbroken.

Not to mention, there are mortars involved in the defense.

The main advantage of the mortar as the best companion for future infantry is that it has no dead corners in all directions. At the same time, the mortar position can be arranged on the reverse **** to prevent the enemy's artillery units from conducting firepower countermeasures. This is equivalent to cheating. I can hit you the same, but you ca n’t hit me. Where did the Spanish servants equipped with rifle muskets go through this scene? All day, the Spaniard launched four offensives, leaving the starting position with the best performance. Two hundred meters.

Yes, it is 200 meters. You must know that the starting position of the Spaniards is 500 meters from Ramaya, which means that the Spaniards worked for a day, and they were not close to the 300 meters of Ramaya.

This result is really shocking.

Forget that the range of the mortar is 50 to 400 meters. If the range of the mortar can reach 500 meters, it is estimated that the Spaniards could not even hold their starting positions.

Is this still offensive?

Willi Nikolau stabbed three commanders in one breath, and was unable to change this reality. He had to accept it sadly and ordered the troops to withdraw from the El Cristo Valley overnight.

What to do if you do n’t withdraw, if the United Nations of Cuba in El Christo comes back, the servants in the valley will be wiped out. By that time, Wille Nicolaou would want to keep the underwear, the best way. Withdraw directly to Havana and return to Spain on the most recent passenger ship.

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