Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 258: immoral

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War is really a cruel thing. The cruelest part is that there is no second chance to return to it. Only the lucky ones can sum up the experience and return to it after failure. More people die with failure. Second chance.

Willi Nikolau is not a famous general. At least under the superior force, Willi Nikolau's army cannot capture El Cristo.

If you can't prevail in the attack state, then generally it will not be easy to retreat.

It is not three months ago, when George Dewey did not have enough troops in his hands, so he can only watch the Spaniards retreat to Bayamo. This time it is different, although the soldiers under George Dewey are more powerful. Le Nicolaus is still small, but the gap is no longer out of reach.

George Dewey did not give Willi Nicolaus a chance to retreat.

In fact, compared to offense, the retreat tests the quality of military officers.

Can't beat but want to run?

That also has to run away.

Almost the Spanish servants had just retreated, and El Christo's garrison launched an attack like a shadow. The attack came so fast that the Spaniards had a somewhat chaotic retreat order that was even more chaotic.

Willai Nikolau was wrong to cover the retreat of other troops after he had not arranged a troop break, or was based on the experience of the last battle of El Cristo, which brought a great deal to Willai Nikolau disaster.

In fact, Willi Nikolau was not to blame, because Willi Nikolau could not find a unit to withstand George Dewey's attack.

Almost immediately after the withdrawal order was issued, nearly 50,000 troops in the El Christo Valley began a large and coercive retreat. The generals at the front already knew that a force had occupied Ramaya, and no one wanted to stay and wait for death, so As soon as the retreat began, it became a scramble to flee.

George Dewey did not miss this good opportunity, and El Christo's garrison finally left their strong positions that had been entrenched for a long time, launching an attack on the Spanish servants who were fleeing.

It is actually inappropriate to use "attack" to describe it. It should be more suitable to use chase-receive captives.

The Spanish servants have lost their will to fight. They are fleeing and disrupting the establishment. The officer cannot find his soldier. The soldier cannot find the officer. Even if someone wants to resist, it will not hinder the footsteps of the soldiers of the United States of Cuba, especially After the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment joined, when seeing cavalry wearing breastplates and steel helmets swarming in a neat queue, even fleeing became a luxury, surrendering on knees was the best choice.

"General, the reconnaissance company captured some of the captives and asked for support from the base camp." Just one hour after the attack began, Libora found Will with a strange expression.

"Let them bring them back, or let them handle it on their own." Will casually instructed Zheng and Yan Hu to study whether they should directly attack Palma Soriano.

Palma Soriano is the old nest of Willi Nikolau, and it is El Cristo's throat link to Bayamo. If you capture Palma Soriano at this time, you want to catch You can catch as many prisoners as you want.

After learning about the progress of the front, Green Giles and Sylvester found Li Mu at the same time and wanted to get more labor from Li Mu. Now in the Republic of Cuba, Santiago needs more workers, and Guantanamo needs more. Li Mu, who is also working on a port area and a steel plant, has more gaps with workers, so as long as there are captives, how many are required, this is all free labor.

Of course, this free is only for Li Mu, whether it is Green or Sylvester, want to ask someone from Li Mu to give money.

It's also worth giving money. After all, prisoners of war and workers are different. Workers can pick and choose when they are working. Too dangerous jobs can be rejected. In the end, they can earn a lot of money. The daily working hours must be controlled within a certain range and exceed a certain time. The labor efficiency must be reduced, and it is necessary to eat, drink, and rest well, or it will definitely be a foreign laborer.

Prisoners of war are different. Although the Geneva Convention has been in existence these years, the United States of Cuba is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, so no one can guarantee the rights of prisoners of war in the United States of Cuba, let alone use men as livestock, even if they are men. No one cares about death.

Li Mu's benefits will not be swallowed alone. Ordinary soldiers on the front line may not get much benefit. At most, this month's bonus is a little bit. When eating, you can get an extra two or two rums. But for front line officers, Li Mu Profits from the sale of prisoners of war are eligible for profit sharing.

Well, please forgive the use of the word "sell" here, but in Cuba in the nineteenth century, these prisoners of war were indeed clearly marked.

This is normal, after all, slavery is still widespread in the Spanish-controlled areas of Cuba, and buying and selling people is legal there.

"I'm afraid--the reconnaissance company couldn't handle it. They captured about five acres of captives--" Ai Ai, Li Bora, felt a little incredible about this description.

"Five acres of land? How many people are they supposed to be?" Will narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, not having any idea of ​​the description.

"Suppose there are 3,000 people in an acre, then 5 acres-15,000." Thanks to Mrs. Henry for his guidance, Yan Hu quickly gave the answer.

Oh, this acre refers to the acre-

As far as Will knows, the Spanish minions in the El Christo Valley do not exceed 50,000, so in other words, they captured a third of them.

It's only been an hour.

"Hurry up, send someone to reinforce, we need to send people back to Guantanamo as soon as possible, hoping that Lim can sell them for a good price." Will could no longer afford to attack Palma Soriano, even if it was laid down It was also for these captives.

Dos Camios, near the exit of the El Christo Valley, looked up at the five-acre Spanish prisoner captive sitting in front of him with a smile on his face.

It started at 10 o'clock last night and arrived at the ambush point at 2 am. It was bitten by a mosquito in the middle of the night and there was no chance of firing. Instead, two people were bitten by the mosquito. Bai Qi was originally extremely bent, but because of this feast in the morning Bai Qi finally tasted the fruits of victory.

Destiny is so wonderful. After the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment captured Ramaya, before Bai Qi led the reconnaissance company to withdraw Ramaya, the Spaniard launched an attack on Ramaya, and Bai Qi was therefore ordered near the Spanish position. Lurking, waiting to contain the Spaniard's attack.

I'm afraid Will didn't expect that this was the order that gave Bai Qi such a big credit. When the Spanish servants retreated, Bai Qi watched nearly 10,000 people pass by the position, and finally couldn't help it. As a result, Bai Qi caught the tens of thousands of captives.

"Campmaster, I think it's better to separate the officers and the soldiers to prevent them from colluding with each other." A long line of Mike offered advice in his ears.

Bai Qi is the deputy battalion of the engineering battalion and concurrently the commander of the reconnaissance company. The Chinese call the leader always the one with the largest title, and if there is a "deputy" in the title, it must be erased in private. This is almost all The Chinese are all self-taught.

"No, just like that." Bai Qi disagreed.

Bai Qi is not stupid. He wants to separate officers and soldiers, and Bai Qi needs to be screened. Because of lack of manpower, Bai Qi really does not have the ability to screen now. Although the firepower of the reconnaissance company seems to be more crowded, it is actually the same At midnight, the Spanish minions could not figure out the details of the reconnaissance company, so they arrested them. If they were made aware of the fact that the reconnaissance company was such a hundred people, they would probably flee and flee.

"But it's not a matter of this--" Mike couldn't rest assured that the hundredth person was guarding more than ten thousand people, and he was a little panicked when he thought about it.

"It's okay, Tiger has definitely received our report there, and there will be someone to reinforce him after a while." Bai Qi was also worried, but as long as this time passed, nothing will happen.

The two were muttering, and there was a sudden quarrel below the position.

"What's going on?" Bai Qixin's throat was mentioned instantly, which might cause an accident.

Fortunately, it is not the captive trouble, but a group of soldiers of the United States of Cuba, which is estimated to be the defender of El Christo.

"Report to the sir, these people came to capture the captives, and they said that they had just deposited the captives here with us just now-" The corporal came to report with constipation.


It did happen. About an hour ago, the reconnaissance company caught the captives there, and then set up a simple prisoner of war camp. Then, the guards of El Christo kept sending the captives. Several thousands.

If it weren't for this, the hundred-thousand people from Bai Qi would not have caught so many.

"What captive? Nothing!" Bai Qi's face didn't confess his account, joking, how could he spit out what was in his mouth--

"Why not? We sent you at least a thousand people back and forth. Don't you dare say no?" The American instructor led by the other side was anxious.

Everyone knows that prisoners of war are valuable. George Dewey also held a meeting before the attack. Compared with the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, El Christo's garrison was even more ugly. For each captured prisoner, the headquarters awarded five dollars and cashed out the same day. .

George Dewey did not lose this business. Silvester was at George Dewey Command in El Christo. For every Detroit sold to Silvester by Captive, Silvestro would pay George Dewey fifty dollars.

Sylvester was purchased in the name of an individual, not the United States of Cuba. The "Slavery" has now been abolished in the United States, and the president of Sylvester cannot know the law.

Hmm, it's immoral to buy and sell people.

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