Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 263: Private territory

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Although the Bahamas is a British colony, do n’t expect the British to pay more attention to law and order here. For the British, the Bahamas is just the most inconspicuous of the British colonies. Except for smuggling to the United States, the Bahamas seems to be There is no value in existence.

After the end of the American Civil War, this only value became a chicken rib, so it is not difficult to understand why the Bahamas are beautifully landscaped, but no one wants to settle here.

No matter how beautiful the scenery can't be eaten, just talking about feelings and not about benefits is a hooligan.

Li Mu wants to turn the Bahamas into a tourist destination, not just talking about it. As an American in New England, although he has only spent one winter in Springfield, it does not prevent Li Mu from understanding how horrible winter is in New England. Last year The winter is better. The snow is not that big. Will said that there was a full six months of snow in Springfield in one year. The snow on the ground was more than one person high, and the entire Springfield froze to death. Hundreds of people.

Springfield and New York are at the same latitude. Basically, how cold it is in Winter in Springfield and how cold it is in New York. The future of Miami opposite the Grand Bahama Island is known as the sun and the beach. If Li Mu takes the Grand Bahama Island Turned into a tourist attraction, the house that was built was really anxious to sell.

As for security matters, there is really no need to worry. American tycoons are almost as afraid of death as Li Mu these years. The gunners supported by their families are dozens or hundreds of people, and they can be used as military forces at critical moments.

Green Giles believed Li Mu ’s words, or Green Giles had no intention of delving into it, and reminded that people who have fulfilled their obligations will not be treated in a normal way, even if they are Washington must also consider Li Mu's influence.

The dinner was very rich in the evening. Li Mu brought a variety of foods and held a barbecue party on the beach. The white people got a few giant bird creatures. After they were cooked, the aroma was four. Yi, but no one dared to eat it because they couldn't name it.

In the end, a warrior summoned his courage and tasted it. Then he found that the meat was abnormally delicious, and everyone immediately put his concerns behind them. These birds became the most popular food.

It's still good for Will to be away. Gloria started to sing with a drink. It was still "Katyusa". She led a dozen shirtless soldiers to dance in tandem. Li Mu found that their dances were very similar. The Maori hula dance, I later learned that this is a Cuban traditional dance, and it is an individual dance.

Well, this dance is not very tuned to Katyusha, but who cares.

I had a great time this evening, with beautiful beaches, gentle and gentle sea breeze, pure and deep night sky, melodious singing and impassioned dance all became part of Li Mu's memory. The soldiers were finally able to escape from the battlefield filled with smoke. Come out and enjoy a rare moment of peace.

Early the next morning, Li Mu asked Bai Qi to take people to find the legendary lake of fire, and asked Green Giles to go to Nassau to test the possibility of buying the Grand Bahama Island. He himself stayed on this beach to build a A wooden house that can live.

Hmmm, no matter whether you can buy it or not, Li Mu intends to stay first and say, like this deserted desert island, as long as you live, you can take care of it. The ownership of the island is really uncertain after a long time.

"Build a wooden house here-Riem, do you plan to live here often?" Gloria has doubts about Li Mu's plan, mainly because Will is not here. If Will is also here, it is estimated that Gloria will Le Bu Si Shu.

"I plan to build a villa here, and we can come here for vacation in the winter." Li Muhe asked.

"What a great idea!" Gloria shuddered subconsciously, remembering Springfield's winter.

It is too cold. There is no collective heating these years. In Springfield, heating in the winter depends on the fireplace, and things like fireplaces are really not good.

"Have you seen the sea water there? Go get your goggles and you can play diving." Li Mu continued to seduce Gloria, hiding her real purpose in eating, drinking, and having fun.

Li Mu has been testing paragliders, so now the third version has been tested. Although it can't really fly, it is getting closer and closer.

When ordering goggles at the beginning, Li Mu considered the problem of manpower. Basically, there was only one person in the family. This goggle uses natural rubber. The sealing effect is good, and it has a certain waterproof effect in water.

In fact, the sea water has not been polluted by any industry. The Bahamas in the 21st century are diving sites. Not to mention in the 19th century, when Li Mu took a boat ashore, they all felt floating in the air. In the offshore waters, The sea is crystal clear, and you can easily see corals on the bottom of the sea, as well as swimming fish among the corals. This kind of water quality is not a big problem even without glasses.

"What is diving?" Gloria, the big loli, didn't understand.

This is also normal. There is no computer or TV in this year. Gloria, a clay bun, came to Cuba this time. He saw the sea for the first time in his life. When it comes to diving, only Li Mu knew about the sport. Yes, I do n’t think of this as a game.

"Never mind, you can go to the captain and let him get you a boat." Li Mu suddenly thought that there were sharks in the sea. Dancing with the sharks in the Bahamas in the 21st century is an amusement project, but now it is ten In the ninth century, these sharks have not been domesticated. God knows whether they would like to taste the little girls.

"Cut, then I might as well pick up the shells." Gloria rejected Li Mu's proposal, and she was more in love with those colorful things.

"Just don't go any farther—" Li Mu didn't force it. Now the Grand Bahama Island hasn't determined its safety, so be careful.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mu heard fierce gunfire in the distant jungle.

"Quickly, retreat to the boat." Li Mu immediately abandoned half of the wooden house that was built. The people from Bai Qi were scouts. Since they used weapons, they must have encountered danger.

"There are other people on this island. These gunshots are not all Winchester thirteen bursts and pythons--" Yan Shun did not pull his gun, and looked close to Li Mu with an ugly face.

Li Mu has a lot of things during this time. He has n’t practiced the gun-drawing one day, but Yan Shun has never relaxed. Now the speed and accuracy of the gun-drawing are above Li Mu, and his familiarity with firearms is even earlier. More than Li Mu.

"Hanke, take someone to support Bai Qi." Li Mu ordered the deputy company commander of the reconnaissance company.

"Yes, General—" Hank was ready, and a platoon of soldiers stalked in the direction of the gunfire.

The result was an hour. Bai Qi and Hank returned to the ship with the soldiers an hour later.

"There are more than 20 people in the other party. They are estimated to be pirates or smugglers. They are wearing messy clothes, their weapons are torn, and the rifles of several guns have been smoothed. I do n’t know where they have the courage to attack us. We had two soldiers wounded. After the emergency dressing, it did n’t matter. All of the other people were killed. I wanted to stay alive, but I stopped them. ”“ Bai Qi looked annoyed and was attacked by a group of indigenous people. Bai Qi felt uncomfortable. .

"Tomorrow you will bring someone and wash this island for me. This is our place in the future and we can't leave any hidden dangers." Li Mu is fierce. Since it is a pirate, then it is not polite. The right is to act for the sky. Maybe a small fortune.

This cannot be said that Li Mu has no humanity. In this world, truth is weak and strong. When Columbus came to the Bahamas, there were about 40,000 Lucais living in the Bahamas. Then European explorers flocked in. Lucais Sold as slaves to plantations across South America, they all became extinct within a short time.

If Li Mu's current approach is inhumane, it can only be blamed on this era. Li Mu is no longer the young man who has been in the country for the first time.

"No problem, General, you can take good care of it. For a maximum of three days, I guarantee that we are the only people left on this island." Bai Qi was murderous. After fighting a battle, Bai Qi became more and more like That history was "white up."

Later, Green Giles brought another good news. The Governor of the Bahamas agreed to sell the Grand Bahama Island to Li Mu. Li Mu had two options. One was to pay a one-time payment of $ 500,000 for the Grand Bahama Island. One was that Li Mu paid $ 50,000, but had to pay another $ 200,000 in private.

Oh, that option was obvious. Li Mu immediately wrote two checks and went to Nassau with Greene Giles.

When he arrived in Nassau, Li Mu knew why the British would agree so happily. The Governor is an old British aristocrat who is over 60 years old. The Governor is not in Nassau at all, but is the governor who is the master in London, England. The son Garfield, from the analysis of the information provided by Green Giles to Li Mu, estimates that Garfield can't wait to sell all the Bahamas to Li Mu, and then Garfield can return to the flowery world of London with money.

With the signing of a relevant contract, the Grand Bahama Island has become Li Mu's private territory. Although the Grand Bahama Island is still in the territory of the British Empire in name, the United Kingdom no longer has jurisdiction over the Grand Bahama Island. In short, the Grand Bahama Island has become Private property, even if the British government does not like Li Mu's eyes, must protect Li Mu's rights and interests.

This is the benefit of Western law. Private property is inviolable. If the British government regrets it in the future, it will cause Li Mu to be small and cause a strong backlash in the whole society, which will shake the British government's foundation of governance.

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