Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Small circle

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In terms of private property, the British approach is the same as the US approach.

It seems wrong to say this, it should be said that the US policy follows the British model, so that it is "pro-son".

Since the French Revolution, "natural human rights" have gained popularity in Europe. Although Britain still retains the royal family, the royal family must also conform to people's hearts, so Britain also recognizes "natural human rights".

Unlike socialist public ownership, the core of natural human rights is the inviolability of private property. Li Mu bought Grand Bahama Island, then Grand Bahama Island is Li Mu ’s private property. As long as the British Empire still exists, the British government will recognize the transaction, and Will actively defend Li Mu's interests.

Since there are so many benefits, Li Mu definitely hopes that more personal property is better. Although Li Mu is an American, this does not prevent the transaction between Li Mu and the Bahamian government, as long as Li Mu also recognizes that the Bahamas Island is the territory of the British Empire, Then the British government will not turn its back on Li Mu.

The British government at this time was indeed very rich. For example, the Bahamas, Li Mu sees the Bahamas as a paradise, but in the eyes of the British, the Bahamas has more than 700 islands. Although the area of ​​the Grand Bahama is a bit larger, But the British really didn't see it. After all, after the Civil War, the Bahamas, which had lost the value of smuggling, could not bring benefits to the British government. Therefore, the British government really has no opinion on this transaction.

The original history is exactly the same. Without Li Mu's birth, the Bahamas would not reappear before the world in the name of an international financial center and tourist destination after the end of World War II.

It is understandable for tourist attractions. As for the international financial center, this is not because the Bahamas are good at doing business, but because the Bahamian country can give up even taxation in order to attract investment. Foreign companies and banks engaging in business activities in the Bahamas are not only exempt Personal income tax, corporate income tax, capital gains and benefit income are tax deducted, and any property taxes are exempted, and foreign companies and their assets are not subject to foreign exchange regulations.

Looking at the degree of openness of others, this is also a fight to attract investment.

When signing the contract, Li Mu and Garfield had a tacit understanding without mentioning the pirates on the Grand Bahama Island. From the perspective of Garfield, he did not recognize the existence of pirates on the Grand Bahama Island, and Li Mu most hoped There is no condition attached to Garfield. Those sporadic pirates, Li Mu's guards can wipe them out.

In fact, when Li Mu and Garfield signed the contract, Bai Qizheng's scouts led by his team cleared the hidden dangers on the Grand Bahama Island.

Li Mu gave a death order. He wanted a pure Bahamas island. Except for himself, no other forces on the island were allowed, even if there was no threat.

There is no psychological obstacle in Bai Qi's execution of this order. Li Mu has explained to Bai Qi that the Grand Bahama Island is the future home of the Chinese. How can others sleep on the side of the couch? Even if Li Mu does not emphasize it, Bai Qi will not allow the island. There are other humans living on it.

The situation is better than expected. The pirates on the Grand Bahama Island, or the forgotten humans around the world, live on the same island all year round. There must be a connection between them. Perhaps it was the pirates who attacked them before. Misfortune, Bai Qi did not find anyone on the island, but only found more than a dozen houses in two residential areas. Before Bai Qi arrived, there must be other people living in these houses, because there was arable land near the house with planting inside. corn.

Bai Qi was also welcome, in order to cut off the idea of ​​those people coming back, Bai Qi ordered the soldiers to pull out all the corn, and then burned the house to the ground.

After Li Mu and Garfield signed the contract, he took Chu Xue and Gloria and Sandy to see the famous pink beach.

Pink Beach is located on the island of Hubble in the Bahamas. This is one of the most beautiful spots in the Bahamas. When people mention it, they are always described by beautiful girls who can eat and eat. You can understand how beautiful this beach is by the name. And romance.

It is indeed very beautiful. The beaches in the rest of the world are all white. Only this beach is uniquely pink. Not only is the beach pink, because the area of ​​the beach is relatively large, and the water near the beach looks pink. The crystal clear water is still crystal clear. In the 21st century, it is a world-famous diving resort. In this era without industrial pollution, the clearness of the sea water is even more amazing. A dozen meters of seawater simply does not exist. Even the grit on the sea floor is unobstructed.

It is in the evening when the fiery red setting sun is set against the pink sandy beach and sea water. It is like a fairy tale world. There is nothing more immersive than the gift of nature. This kind of scenery is only suitable for visiting. If you live here for a long time, No matter how ambitious you are, it will pass you away.

To Li Mu's regret, although Chu Xue and Gloria also felt beautiful, they did not feel how shocked.

The three buns have seen too few sandy beaches, and so far have only a few experiences. It is estimated that Chu Xue thinks that pink sandy beaches are very common and uncertain.

Since it's late, you must rest for a night before leaving. The Bahamas is also a strange sea for Captain Benson. During the day, you can sail in the Bahamas. Because the visibility of the sea is high, you can avoid the reef. At night No, just a reef can make the Sea Cavalry aground.

Hubble Island is a bit stronger than the Grand Bahama Island. Although the area is much smaller, but because the scenery here is really lingering, there are some fishermen living on the island. Li Mu did not disturb the fishermen's leisure life, just on the beach Just raise the tent and continue grilling.

Hmm, in fact, barbecue is not healthy. Eating too much is bad for your health, but if you can enjoy such a beautiful view, even if you live a few days, it is already worth the money.

Chu Xue didn't understand the value of the pink sand beach, which did not mean that Green Giles didn't understand it. Everyone was looking forward to the beautiful things. Green Giles came to the pink sand beach, obviously also moved.

"Rim, I think there is something wrong with your choice. You should buy this island, and then you can have this beach forever." Drinking mellow rum, watching the starry night sky, feeling kind The warm sea breeze, Green Giles was unconsciously intoxicated.

"Don't worry, we already have the Grand Bahama Island. Take your time. After a few more years, you can slowly develop to Akbar Island, and then Eleuthera Island. By the time, the pink beach is naturally ours. What's in the bag. "Li Mu can't worry, just in the current situation of the Bahamas, when Li Muteng will come out, he can eat him a little bit.

The Bahamas, as a country, has only 300,000 people by the 21st century. It was still after the vigorous development of tourism. In this era, the Bahamas without any economic value can not retain people, or that sentence No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you ca n’t eat it without tourists. Li Mu feels like a paradise in the Bahamas. To the Bahamians, they are tired of the beautiful scenery, and they yearn for the fast-paced life in big cities.

In the 19th century, the Bahamas only had more than 10,000 people, and they were basically concentrated in Nassau, the seat of the Governor's Mansion. The fourth largest island, similar to the Grand Bahamas, covers an area of ​​1,373 square kilometers, and the total population is less than 100 Personally, such a population density does not have any competitiveness compared to the Chinese. As long as Li Mu is willing, the Chinese can become a dominant population here in a minute. At that time, the Bahamas may not be sure.

"It sounds like your plan will take a hundred years to realize." Green Giles laments, and at this rate, it is estimated that Green Giles will not see that day.

No, I definitely can't see it.

"How can it be, up to ten years-no, five years is all right." Li Muke couldn't wait a hundred years, and after a hundred years he wanted to buy an island of more than 1,000 square kilometers?

Dream it.

"Well, when you realize it, remember to leave a place for me on the pink sand beach. I'm going to build a villa here." Green Giles abacus played well.

"Okay, we will be neighbors by then." Li Mu readily agreed, and Greene Giles is also a rising political star of the Republican Party. It doesn't hurt to have a good relationship with such people.

Green Giles and Burnside are similar. They are not the same as Ebble. Although they also have a close relationship with President Grant, they have reached their status today because they rely more on their own efforts. Such people are more Worth investing, even if Grant stepped down, Green Giles and Burnside still have enough influence, and what Li Mu needs now is to find enough influential partners so that Li Mu will have greater influence force.

"Oh, I guess this beach will not be enough by then." Green Giles is a little bit first-come-first-served.

The total length of the pink sand beach is only about three miles, less than five kilometers. According to the habits of Americans, the area of ​​each villa is more than 100 meters. In this calculation, few people are indeed qualified to build pink sand beaches. villa.

Li Mu's communication circle is not small now, and he knows more and more powerful people. To be sure, there will be more in the future. If everyone wants to build a villa, these few kilometers of coastline will not be enough.

"Haha, let's talk about this problem later. At that time, we can start a club. Only people who have all the members' consent are eligible to join this club, and this beach is one of the benefits of the club." Li Mu felt it was time to start a small Circle.

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