Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 276: central Park

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The reason Chinese people don't like to vote is because the traditional doctrine of mean doctrines, if they support this, they will offend the other, so the best way is not to say so, so that one will not be guilty.

As everyone knows, Americans don't think so. You don't support both, so which one do you want to support?

No one wants to offend as a result of offending everyone.

With Li Mu, this problem is well solved. Henry is Li Mu's person, and is also the manager of Junma Investment Company, whether it is an employee of Junma Weapons Company, an employee of Junma Construction Company, or an employee of Junma Lab. All are Henry's subordinates, so this issue need not be considered.

With more than 90% of the people voting, the treatment was significantly different. During the Springfield City Council election, almost all candidates would go to Steed Weapons Company to vote in person. They really did go deep into the crowd and listened to the crowd. Voice, promises to help Chinese people solve problems. Although these promises are farting if they are not elected, they always make a gesture, and it is not easy to make this change.

In mid-October, Li Mu returned to New York after a half-year absence.

The spring was just blooming when I left, and it was snowing when I returned to New York. The traffic conditions these years are really speechless.

When you come to New York, of course, you have to go to Battery Park on Manhattan. This is where Li Mu cares most. It is not only related to the headquarters of the beach club, but also to the future of Junma Investment Group.

Uh-huh, with so many companies, we can really deserve the title of "group".

Compared with the last time Li Mu left New York, due to the continuous reclamation, the area of ​​Battery Park has been further expanded, more than double the area in the past, the greening work near the Manhattan side has begun, and the foundations of the three buildings have also been dug OK, it looks like it was temporarily suspended due to weather.

According to Li Mu's idea, the Clinton Castle that was originally used as the New York Immigration Service is to be converted into its own home, so this part was completed at the earliest. After the establishment of the beach club, Li Mu wanted to use the Clinton Castle as the headquarters of the beach club, so when Li Mu arrived At this time, the reconstruction work has entered the final stage.

"According to your requirements, the master bedroom and guest rooms on the second floor will be converted into various event rooms. This part is currently completed. We have prepared small banquet halls and billiard rooms, as well as conference rooms. The shooting range is in the basement. The third floor It is a guest room for guests to rest. The top floor loft is converted into an open balcony. Maybe you can go up and sit there. The goggles above are very good. You can see the Central Park from the farthest place. Nelson followed Li Mu and introduced that Stanley was a bit old, and seemed to be frowning at any time. He looked a bit like the future NBA coach Van Gundy.

"Let's go and take a look." Li Mu followed the good.

Like Stanley said, the scenery in the attic is really good. The edge of the original empty balcony is equipped with glass. Although it is snowy outside, the interior is warm as spring, and the floor is covered with thick Turkish handmade carpets. There is a sense of crime when stepping on it. There are several oil paintings that Li Mu can't name, and a crystal chandelier is hanging in the middle of the roof. Although the visibility is very good, Li Mu let Stanley try it.

Stanley casually instructed a staff member who was walking away. He heard the roar of the generator after a while, and then the crystal chandelier suddenly turned on, and the light was eye-catching. This was actually an electric lamp.

"In August, Runkel sent this set of equipment, and now the entire house is equipped with a total of twenty-one electric lights. Two generators are required to drive them to provide lighting at the same time." Stanley looked over his hands. In the folder, there are snacks not in the introduction.

"What's going on?" Li Mu keenly discovered Stanley's anomaly.

The use of electric lights is definitely an epoch-making invention, so Stanley's response should not be so bland. With Li Mu's "knowledge", he was pleasantly surprised, not to mention Stanley who had never experienced the electrical age.

"We are now in trouble-no, it should be two. One of them is the foundation problem of Battery Park. You should have seen that we have excavated the foundation. The reason why construction has not started is because of MIT. The evaluation team believes that the geology here is not suitable for the construction of skyscrapers, that is, we can build a maximum of fifteen floors instead of the planned thirty floors, so we are currently working on a solution to this problem, Otherwise, what you see will never be what it is now— "Stanley didn't conceal it, telling it in full.

"Why don't I know this?" Li Mu said in a deep voice. After half a year's experience, the power of the superiors suddenly flourished, and the interior, which was originally warm as spring, suddenly became cold.

Stanley shivered and trembled holding the folder: "I sent you a telegram—"

"Well, you sent a telegram, so-what's the other question?" Li Mu held back his anger and asked the second trouble.

"It is Mr. Henderson. After you signed the contract, you went to Cuba. It is estimated that some problems were not resolved. Mr. Henderson came over some time ago and said that our procedures are not complete. If we want to build a skyscraper in Battery Park, The building must have the approval of the mayor's office, not a contract with the city government, so-"Stanley did not finish, but Li Mu had understood Stanley's meaning.

At this time, the New York City government was still under the control of the Tweed Group. Li Mu originally thought that with the support of Arthur, the Tweed Group should not be a concern. It seems that this is not the case now. Chester in the future. · Allen Arthur is very powerful and will be the 21st president of the United States, but in New York in 1873, Arthur, the chief of customs, did not have enough deterrent power.

"I will arrange a meeting with Mr. Tweed tomorrow. I think there should be enough common topics between us." Li Mu is not afraid of challenges. In the face of the Tweed Group, Li Mu wants to face the difficulties.

Regarding the Tweed Group, in New York in the nineteenth century, this was a similar “BUG”. Tweed Group made its fortune in municipal engineering, and Battery Park was just a part of New York ’s municipality. So for the current situation, Li Mu didn't feel much surprise.

Henderson is Tweed's little sister-in-law, and serves as the director of the New York Municipal Engineering Bureau. Li Mu ’s Battery Park is right under Henderson ’s jurisdiction.

"Okay, I'll try to arrange it for you." Stanley was still frowning, not relieved by Li Mu's return.

Leaving Battery Park, Li Mu went to visit Chester Allen Arthur.

"Fort Battery Park-I heard a little bit. To be honest, I don't think Henderson has the ability to stop the construction of Battery Park." Arthur did not pay enough attention to the Tweed Group.

"Maybe he doesn't have the ability, but what he's doing now has affected my plan." Li Mu's face was gloomy, and Yan Wang could see little ghosts embarrassed, and some people just didn't succeed.

"Rim, don't worry, maybe we can think of it a little bit simpler." Arthur is New York's chief of customs and New York's land snake, so Arthur is far more aware of New York's situation than Li Mu.

"What do you mean?" Li Mu was confused.

"I mean, Henderson may not represent Tweed. Maybe you do n’t know. During your time in Cuba, I received an order from Washington. President Grant asked me to cooperate with you unconditionally, so I believe this. There is definitely more than one order. "Arthur is still more sane. In combination with the information he has received, Arthur does not recommend Li Mu to act rashly.

The resistance movement of the United States of Cuba against the Spanish settlers looks like this is only a unilateral action by the Cubans. In fact, the forces behind it are intricate. Li Mu is only a supporter of the United States of Cuba that floats on the surface. No one has surfaced. do not know.

"There is another problem. The geology of Battery Park is beyond our expectations. The answer given by my engineer is that the area where Battery Park is located cannot build more than 30 floors. How can this be solved?" Li Mu came to Ah Arthur, there is more trouble.

"This problem-we don't want to see it, and it's not something someone can decide, so Rim, I'm sorry about this problem-" Arthur couldn't solve the problem.

"Well, I know you don't blame this question, but what about my investment? For this matter, I have invested millions of dollars. Chester, my investment can't be frustrated." Li Mu felt it was necessary to catch Mad, not only because of investment, but also because of their own plans to be revised.

Due to technical problems at this time, the 30th floor is already the limit of skyscrapers, but this accident caused Li Mu's building to shrink by half, so the original occupancy plan must be modified, and the geological problems are special, and it cannot be expanded in the future. This limits the space for the future.

No wonder the future of Manhattan, despite its rich soil, has never had the idea of ​​playing Battery Park.

"This question--" Although Arthur felt big, he still had to help Li Mu find a way.

Do not want to do nothing, Li Mu originally provided Arthur with half a million dollars in funding for activities.

"Central Park-Rim, maybe you can try Central Park." Arthur finally figured out a way.

"Central Park-how does it work?" Although Li Mu was not satisfied, he could only accept it.

Compared to Battery Park, the location of Central Park is a little bit worse, but the area is large enough and there is enough space. This is the most important.

It would be nice to take this opportunity to take over Central Park. Although it may cost more, who makes this place Manhattan?

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