Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Public opinion war

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Central Park is a completed park. Although the maintenance can't keep up with the overgrown vegetation, it is not the same as a bad tail project like Battery Park. It is still a bit difficult to get Central Park in hand.

What's more, now that the New York City administration has focused on Li Mu, Li Mu will definitely have to pay more for Central Park.

"Tweed——" When talking about this person, Arthur is also a big head. As a New Yorker, he can hate Tweed and can like Tweed. No matter what, he will never ignore Tweed: "If You can wait for a few years, then maybe there will be a solution at that time. "

"God, dear Arthur, I can wait, but my company can't wait. The steed investment company is in a period of rapid development, the same is the steed weapon company, and the" Time ", their value is increasing every day, so I can't put them in Springfield. Only Manhattan is worthy of the value of these companies. "Li Mu insisted that people sigh for breath and Buddha swell for incense. At this time, we must not counsel.

Li Mu still thinks it is better to use "Arthur" to call Arthur, rather than the "Chester" around the mouth.

"In this case, Rimm, you can try to set up a shell company, and then go to the New York City to get the management right of Central Park. This management right is now a hot potato for the New York City. They do n’t want to go to Central Park anymore. Invest, but you do n’t want to be scolded for it, so you have a great chance. ”Arthur gave Li Mu an idea, this guy is also a New York's land snake.

"It is estimated that my name has been blacklisted in New York City, so they probably would not give me management rights." Li Mu felt unreliable.

The reason why Henderson was looking for Li Mu was nothing more than to ask for bribes. If Li Mu was still the Li Mu before going to Cuba, maybe Li Mu would use the money to relieve the disaster. Now Li Mu does not want to do that. Li Mu is used to the feeling of dominating others. Do not want to be dominated by others.

"God, where's your ingenuity? I didn't say that the registered company must use your name. You can use Leo's name, Mason's, or anyone else's." Arthur really It was speechless. Li Mu went to Cuba. It seemed to be infected by the stupidity of the Spaniards, and now his head was a little unturned.

This is no wonder Li Mu, as long as he is accustomed to using violent means to solve problems, then he will fall in love with this method. The straight and straightforwardness is in line with the character of the straight man. It is the habit of the weak to hide in the shadows.

Of course, here is New York and not Cuba. Here, Li Mu still has to use a method acceptable to everyone, that is, to follow the accepted rules of the game, so that Li Mu can integrate into New York, otherwise Li Mu will only pass Jiang Long for New York.

"Understand, this is okay, then what?" Li Mu immediately reflected and began to enter the belly black mode.

"Then you register another, transfer management rights to the second, and then transfer the second to the third, completely disrupting the property rights relationship, and then you can start construction and build whatever you want." Se's method is a bit complicated, and he has almost stunned Li Mu.

"Direct construction-what if the New York City intervenes?" Li Mu's impression of the government is still the omnipotent **** of harmony.

"How to intervene? The management power is no longer in the hands of the New York City. As long as you have backed up enough times and then throw all the shell companies to the Bahamas, even if the New York City wants to intervene, they can do very little." Arthur is not worried, this guy used to be a lawyer and is best at using these unseen tricks.

"Yeah, why did I forget, I am a legendary taxpayer!" Li Mu suddenly opened up. The status of taxpayer is still very useful in the United States. Of course, you must pay enough taxes to make the government pay attention to you.

This is common throughout the world. Many people say that the rich in the dynasty are fat pigs in pigsty. In fact, it is because they are not rich enough. If they become the richest man in the dynasty, they will become guests of national leaders. Qualification, a local official, to be honest, people really don't look at it.

"Yes, you are a taxpayer, so you should have a taxpayer's awareness. It is one of the duties of a taxpayer to supervise the operation of the government." Arthur is good at singing high-profile, and will become the president of the United States in the future. One of those people: "The only thing Tweed can do is to take your company to court, and the court needs time to clarify the property rights relationship. All you have to do is to get Tweed ahead of the court decision. Germany got down from the mayor, and I know what you are doing in Springfield and San Diego, it should not be difficult for you. "

Arthur thought a lot, unconsciously revealing his true purpose.

Arthur was right. Looking at Li Mu ’s family history, it ’s really a inspirational drama with a counterattack. In Springfield, Amys is the ultimate Boss, and then Amys loses his name. Springfield becomes Li Mu. Back garden.

In Cuba, Li Mu was originally a guest, but he was actually a guest to take up the bird's nest, and even the president changed it at will. Such behavior can no longer be described by evil spirits.

Compared to Springfield and Cuba, Li Mu has no foundation in New York. The only acquaintance is Arthur. If Li Muzhen steps down Tweedela, then Arthur's superiority is logical.

"The court-do you have any acquaintances in the court?" Li Mu was willing to fight.

Li Mu is not opposed to helping Arthur take office. Arthur's future cap is the US President and he is now the New York Customs Chief, so Arthur is sufficiently qualified to be the mayor of New York. If Arthur can succeed, then Arthur will definitely not treat Li Mu By that time, New York will also be the world of Li Mu.

"Haha, you may have forgotten, Lim. I used to be a lawyer." Arthur was content with himself.

This is because the lawyer and the court are a perfect match. Although Arthur had a low winning rate when he represented the case before, Arthur has earned a good reputation for his rhetoric. He must have an acquaintance. Previously, because Arthur was a lawyer with little power , So it is not necessarily popular, it is different now, even if Arthur is not the mayor of New York, no one dares to despise Arthur in New York.

The General Director of Customs is still very powerful. New York is the largest port on the west coast of the United States. Every day, thousands of ships enter and leave New York Port. In a sense, Arthur's power is greater than Bidwell.

"Well, so respected lawyer, that's it. I'll apply for a company first, Leo, you can get it, and use Mason's name." Li Mu said, just do it, just pull whatever you want. .

Yan Shun and Mason are now Li Mu's close followers. Yan Shun has begun to develop into Li Mu's personal assistant, and Mason is the bodyguard leader next to Li Mu.

"Oh, oh, so I'm going to be the boss?" Mason couldn't help it, his big bald head was shining, his eyes narrowed into a seam.

"Yes, you are the boss, and your salary will increase by one dollar each month." Li Mu joked casually.

As the closest people to Li Mu, Yan Shun and Mason can get about three hundred dollars a month, and the salary of the editor of Time Magazine Samuel, this money is enough for a family in New York. Pinjin Cave maintains a decent life, of course, there is still a certain gap with the upper class of the rich class.

Hearing that Li Mu said it was only one dollar, Mason was not disappointed. In fact, Li Mu gave Mason more than three hundred dollars a month. After Mason was injured last time, Li Mu took Mason's family to Springfield and gave Mason's family allocated a house, and Mason's family was assigned a 100-acre farm in the Kuobin Reservoir. Although the area of ​​the farm is a bit small, it is quite different from previous life.

Li Mu ’s farms are concentrated in Indiana and Illinois. In these two states, Li Mu ’s farms are as many as millions of acres. To be precise, they are nearly 7 million acres. Even in the United States, Li Mu is now the most For top ranchers, perhaps only the ranches in the hands of the major shareholders of United Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad can rival Li Mu.

After talking with Arthur, Li Mu's next stop was the headquarters of Time Magazine.

Compared with the last time I saw Samuel, Samuel's mental state is much better. After all, more than a year has passed, and time can dilute everything.

"Time Magazine has a record circulation. Each issue is higher than the previous issue. We have set up communication stations in the ten largest cities in the United States. They will send back the latest news every day. One hundred journalists and editors collected all the latest news for Time Magazine. We reached a cooperation agreement with several newspapers with a relatively large circulation and notified each other of the latest news. There were more than 50 contributors for Time Magazine. "Writing, there are thousands of various letters received every day-" Speaking of "Time", Samuel torrents immediately, it seems that he has no shadow at all, compared with the Springfield period Maybe Samuel has fallen in love with the job now.

Indeed, all journalists cannot reject the platform of Time Magazine. Compared with other newspapers at this time, the coverage of Time Magazine is more in-depth, more lively and interesting. High-level cultural people can be found in Time Magazine. Find the latest news and events on the Internet. Businessmen can find the best business information for them in Time Magazine. Even if you are illiterate, you can read the comics of Time Magazine. All these are impacting all the time. Other traditional newspapers also contributed to the circulation of Time Magazine.

"Be prepared, we need to give the New York City a little trouble." Li Mu decided to launch a public opinion offensive and put pressure on the New York City.

Opinion war!

This is a meeting gift from Li Mu to Tweed.

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