Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Tacit understanding

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The United States is very large, and although it has not reached 9.3 million kilometers, it is not much worse.

The United States is also very small, and when almost all the rich are crowded in New York, individuals have little secret.

As soon as Li Mu's car has been successfully developed, it has attracted the attention of many people. This is an emerging industry and will definitely generate a lot of profits. Many people want to take a share.

Unconsciously, Li Mu has become the top part of the pyramid, and few are eligible to talk to Li Mu. Henry DuPont is definitely one of them.

In fact, the DuPont family at this time is not yet the cross-industry giant of the 21st century. Before the World War, the DuPont family, like the United States, did not show all their capabilities. After the Second World War, after two World Wars, Baptism, the DuPont family will become that unshakable giant.

In fact, Henry Dupont is not as rich as Li Mu, but Li Mu will never despise Henry Dupont. Henry Dupont is Li Mu's partner. Li Mu's Steed Weapons Company purchases a large amount from DuPont family factories every month Smokeless powder is used to produce bullets and grenades, so Li Mu and Henry Dupont have a very good relationship.

"Cars are a big business. If you look down on it now, you will regret it in the future." Li Mu is straightforward, not convinced that Henry cannot see the prospect of cars.

"Hum--I know it's a big business, but I'm not as energetic as you are, gunpowder is my hometown." Henry DuPont has a clear business philosophy and will not easily get involved in unfamiliar industries.

"Well, do your gunpowder well. I have to increase the purchase recently. You can't keep up." Li Muxian gave Henry DuPont a shot.

With the way of the Qing Empire, Li Mu ’s factory must be expanded, and more smokeless gunpowder will be needed. Although Li Mu decided to set up a factory in the Qing Empire, he will definitely not be able to start work in a short time. Therefore, Li Mu still wanted to buy from Henry DuPont. gunpowder.

"No problem, just how many words are needed." Henry DuPont promised happily, of course, the more such things, the better.

"Andrew, aren't you lobbying Congress to raise tariffs? How is it going?" Li Mu has more concerns, which is also very beneficial to Li Mu.

The United States levies heavy taxes on all imported goods in order to protect domestic industries, but this is far from enough for Andrew Carnegie, so it is not just Andrew Carnegie that is pushing Congress to raise import taxes. Entrepreneurs across the United States There are similar demands.

"It's not bad. It will be brought to Congress next month. If everything goes well, the tax rate will be increased to 100%." ​​Andrew Carnegie is proud to push Congress to pass such a bill, although it is not Andrew Carnegie alone. , But it also shows that Andrew Carnegie's influence is increasing.

"This is a great thing. One hundred percent is not enough." Henry DuPont had a similar appeal, which sounded more radical than Carnegie.

hundred percent!

In fact, this tax rate is unprecedented. According to this tax rate, if Britain and Germany and other countries import industrial products into the United States, they will have to pay the same tax as the value of the product itself. This will definitely increase the product costs of British and German companies and increase the domestic industry. Product competitiveness.

"Step by step, now it is 100%. If we continue to work hard, it may be 150%, or even 200%. At that time, only our own products will appear in the US market." Carnegie was not in a hurry, and he always ate bite by bite.

During the talk, Rockefeller and William Vanderbilt also joined together, and the anti- "Labour Knights" quintet finally came together.

"It's rare we got together so much, if it's just for a small labor knight, isn't it a bit too wasteful--" Rockefeller looked at the five people in the conference room and sighed unconsciously.

This lineup is a bit too powerful. A small conference room brings together giants in the military, steel, oil, railway and other industries. Together, these people can almost control the US market, so if only for the sake of A labor knighthood is really a bit wasteful.

"Oh, it's a bit wasteful, so I would like to suggest that the President issue a ban prohibiting the repeated construction of the railway. Look at the current New York to Washington, there are already the Pennsylvania Railway and the Baltimore-Ohio Railway. This was originally a redundant construction. But as far as I know, at least three railways are still being applied for, which is simply nonsense. If there are five railways between New York and Washington, no one can make money. "William Vanderbilt was the first to speak, Sure enough, this guy has impure motivation.

If we say that the motivation is impure, then in this meeting room, everyone's motivation is impure.

"Yes, the repeated construction of the railway is really to stop, and the oil industry is the same. Now in Pennsylvania, there are more and more oil refineries. Some people only have one or two derricks. It is ridiculous to build an oil refinery. Extremely, and their technology is not good, not only inefficient when smelting petroleum, but also cause severe environmental pollution, this behavior should also be curbed. "Rockefeller followed the speech, seeing the situation Rockefeller wanted to dominate the US oil industry.

"The same is true for the steel industry. In Pittsburgh, some steel mills are simply overcharging. The steel they produce has not been wasted much. This situation must be curbed. We should know that resources are limited, so we should focus on In the hands of powerful large enterprises, those small workshops with small doors and small households have no effect except for disruption, so we should eliminate all small workshops and tilt resources towards large enterprises so that our industry can develop healthily. "Card Neki said brightly, but still had a meaning.

"The National Gunpowder Association has no opinion. We have completed internal integration and will fully cooperate with you to achieve our goals." Henry DuPont has the confidence. He acquired two gunpowder companies last month and now has completely controlled the national gunpowder industry. Association, so Henry DuPont is very full of energy, his words are the opinions of the National Powder Association.

"I really envy you, and I should also have a National Petroleum Association-" Rockefeller sighed sighing. If there is a National Petroleum Association, Rockefeller will be the undisputed chairman.

"Haha, then I should establish a National Steel Association-" Carnegie also has ideals.

"National Railroad Association of America? Haha, forget it, Jay Gould will be mad." William Vanderbilt laughed at himself. Only the Vanderbilt family is not the only one in the railroad industry. And Jay Gould is a strong contender.

"Fortunately, I don't need to establish the National Automobile Association." Li Mu is happy. In the current United States, only Li Mu, who has a car, has no semicolon, so there is no need for the National Automobile Association.

"Rim, if I also set up a car laboratory, then you wouldn't have any opinion." William Vanderbilt wanted to jokingly explore Li Mu's bottom line like a joke.

The railroad industry in which the Vanderbilt family belongs is also the transportation industry, so it is normal for the Vanderbilt family to get involved in the automobile industry. Of course, if the Vanderbilt family wants to build a car, they must get the consent of Li Mu because Li Mu's steed Automobile companies have applied for hundreds of patents on automobiles. Without Li Mu's authorization, the Vanderbilt family could not get around Li Mu's patent wall.

"Of course not. In fact, I welcome everyone in the automotive industry. I am going to set up a racing competition, just like the current horse racing, using different cars for racing. Think about it, the deafening roar of the engine, and the figure of fire. The hot car babe, the speed of the gallop, which will become a fanatic hobby for all men, how about it? Any ideas? "Li Muyuan is broader than William Vanderbilt's imagination. Li Mu is welcoming to competition.

It is good to have competition, and to make progress when there is competition. Li Mu will definitely not refuse, but there will be victory and defeat. If the victory and defeat have been divided, Li Mu's merger and acquisition will not be softened. At that time, the loser must admit defeat. The game must be prepared to accept failure.

"Great idea!" William Vanderbilt agreed first.

"Really-I want to build a car to participate in the race." Rockefeller also moved. Rockefeller had seen the car in person and had taken it in person, so Rockefeller thought that Li Mu's idea was likely to be a great success.

From previous history, almost all the things that Li Mu wants to do are successful. This is incredible. In Rockefeller's view, one cannot always be correct, but this criterion does not seem to apply to Li Mu.

"I'll sign up now!" Carnegie icing on the cake.

The automobile industry and the steel industry are closely related. If the automobile industry has made great progress, the promotion of the steel industry will be obvious, so Carnegie will definitely not make a side-view.

"Come on, let's create a big scene together." Li Mu sent an invitation to everyone.

"Oh, okay, you build cars to participate in the competition, and I will serve you. Since it is a competition, there will definitely be wins and losses. We can set up a betting company to open the competition for cars. Winning a place in the competition will receive a bonus provided by the bookmaker. What's the idea? "Henry Dupont had a vision and immediately discovered a new profit point.

"You sly guy, that was the business of the organizing committee-" Li Mu laughed, even if Henry DuPont did not open the market, Li Mu would not let go of this profit point.

Since Henry Dupont deliberately, then Li Mu will not blend in. This is the tacit understanding between the giants.

They are indeed giants. A few people came to Washington for the Knights of Labor in name, but no one really took the Knights of Labor seriously. If it was only to deal with such a trade union organization, they would send so many giants. They are out.

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