Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 296: wealth

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That night, Li Mu and Rockefeller went to the presidential palace as scheduled and had dinner with Ulysses S. Grant.

Li Mu was burning and driving the "BMW" with the "Benz" logo on the road, but unfortunately only Li Mu understood this stalk, which did not reflect the due effect.

Yes, when choosing a car logo for "BMW", Li Mu did not use "blue sky and white clouds", but instead used the "Mercedes" triangular star, which is one of Li Mu's few bad tastes.

Sitting in the driver's seat of the car, Li Mu laughed all the way and was very satisfied with the effect of this mashup.

Although the explosion-proof glass has not been successfully researched, a thicker glass can be used instead. In order to protect the safety of passengers and drivers, a protective net is installed inside the glass. Although it looks a bit nondescript, it can actually serve passengers. Provide effective protection to the driver without affecting the sight, and the effect is fair.

Franklin's work is still very good. The researched engine is powerful. Five people are in the car and it can still start.

Except for Li Mu and Rockefeller, everyone else saw the car for the first time. Since Li Mu and Rockefeller both dared to sit, Carnegie did not hesitate. Li Mu took the driver's seat as the driver. Rockefeller robbed the co-pilot. Carnegie and Henry DuPont and William Vanderbilt could only squeeze into the back seat.

Carnegie and Henry are better. William Vanderbilt, who is squeezed in the middle, is more pitiful. Fortunately, William's body is not fat, and he can persist.

Li Mu looked at the crowded back seat with a lingering fear. This may be the most expensive car in history. If there is a car accident on the road, the US economy will immediately collapse.

There is also no possibility of a car accident. Several people in Li Mu have a large number of bodyguards and assistants. When they go to the President's Palace, they follow a large group, which is almost the same as the army. Because there are many horse-drawn carriages in the convoy, the speed is basically It's not easy to think of a car accident.

Besides, only Li Mu, a car on the street this year, is an iron shell. Even if there is a car accident, it will only be the other party who suffers.

When he got into the car, Henry Dupont also complained: "Really, I'm also a tycoon. It's really out of shape with you guys in the backseat. Lim, you're so thin. Should we change? a bit."

"Hahahaha-Henry, Rimme made this place called a driver's seat, like the driver of a carriage. So it's hard to get Rimmel to be a driver for us, so you can save it." Li Mu has not spoken yet, Rockefeller first Grab the talk.

"Speaking-this is a car for Mr. President, let's use it first, Mr. President will not be angry-" Carnegie is still a bit less energy than others, and he still has concerns about Grant.

"Don't worry, we are not taking advantage of Mr. President. We are helping Mr. President to test the performance of this car. Mr. President will certainly not be angry." William Vanderbilt was a treacherous and cunning speaker.

"I said, we should record this moment, and there will be no more five billionaires crowded in a car in the future. This is a monumental thing, so please laugh brightly- — "Li Mu will not let go of such a good opportunity. He has long found a photographer and wants to keep this scene forever.

"Cut, you just want to advertise your product." Rockefeller exposed the plot of Li Mu.

"Guess right, but there are no prizes." Li Mu raised his hand and greeted the camera.

The camera is a bit big these days, and it looks like a big box. When taking pictures, the cameraman has to drill into a black cloth to look at the scene. There is also a huge magnesium flash next to the camera to increase the brightness. The film cannot be bent, just like A metal disk is as sturdy as possible, and it must be taken out and stored immediately after taking one, otherwise the photo will be invalid.

Such a humble camera is not affordable for ordinary people. A photo costs about five dollars, and only a rich man like Li Mu can qualify for a photographer.

"Come on, let's say cheers together-" Li Mu shouted the slogan, Rockefeller and Henry Dupont gave them face, everyone smiled and waved to the camera, leaving this extremely precious picture.

It is indeed precious. This is not to say that the value of the photo, but that the people in the photo are too rich. Many people want to figure out how much money Rockefeller and Carnegie had when they were richest. In fact, they were in different periods. They were once the world's richest people. Including the infamous Vanderbilt family in the 21st century, if their wealth is enlarged according to actual value, they will also be eligible to be the world's richest person in the 21st century. It's the kind that Bill Gates has a lot of money for.

If you use the federal income tax rebate of 1918 to calculate, Rockefeller ’s net worth is about 1.5 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 2% of US GDP at that time, calculated in 2014 US dollar value, which is equivalent to the 21st century $ 341 billion.

Carnegie went even further. In 1901, Carnegie sold his steel company to JP Morgan at a price of 480 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to more than 2.1% of US GDP at that time, although the money was only half It belongs to Carnegie, but Carnegie has more than 200 million US dollars in assets, so in 2014 US dollars, Carnegie's net worth at that time was about 372 billion U.S. dollars.

In 1873, the assets of the Vanderbilt family were not inferior to Rockefeller. Henry DuPont, who had controlled the American Gunpowder Association, was even more invisible. As for Li Mu, no one could estimate how much money Li Mu now has, but according to The Boston Evening Statistics also seem to be no worse than Rockefeller.

It ’s really not that much. Li Mu has little cash in his hands, but Li Mu ’s wealth is really amazing. In the Boston Evening News statistics, the land controlled by Li Mu alone is worth more than 20 million US dollars.

Because the Steed Weapons Company is not a public company, the Boston Evening News cannot estimate the value of Steed Weapons Company, but judging from Steed Weapons Company's consecutive orders from the War Department, the company's current value is probably more than one million dollars .

The higher value is Junma Electric Company. Just a few months after the company was established, its sales have exceeded 10 million US dollars. If it is valued to Junma Electric Company, it will also exceed 20 million US dollars.

Li Mu also has shares in Corbin-Rim Shipping Company, Carnegie-Rim Steel Company, and San Diego Investment Company. These companies are not listed companies now, and the value is inestimable. The Boston Evening News gives a Conservative estimate-$ 10 million.

Equally valuable is Li Mu's patent. Li Mu has granted the U.S. gunpowder industry production rights to smokeless gunpowder. Although this authorization can only bring Li Mu an annual income of more than 100,000 US dollars, this is for the Steed Weapons Company The value of the patent is immeasurable. The Boston Evening News claims that the value of this patent is more than two million US dollars. This is only in the United States. If Europe is included, the value of this patent will be even higher.

The Boston Evening News does not know that Li Mu has decided to set up a factory in the Far East to produce smokeless powder, otherwise the Boston Evening News will give a higher valuation.

What has the same value as smokeless powder is the stainless steel and weapon steel patents. Li Mu licensed these two patents to Carnegie-Rime Steel. The return received by Li Mu is Carnegie-Rime Steel's shares. Also in the United States, the value of these two patents will increase if Europe is included.

In summary, Li Mu's assets have now reached about 60 million US dollars, so the Boston Evening News gave Li Mu a title: the richest man.

Even if it is not the richest man in the United States, at least he should be the richest man in Massachusetts.

Well, when the Boston Evening News gave this statistic, the car hadn't been tested yet, so this part of the car wasn't counted, and the phone was also not counted. Li Mu's bill for Franklin has now Spreading through the Steed Lab, Antonio Meucci, although he didn't say anything, showed his attitude with actual actions.

Li Mu will not be equal to others. The rewards given to the communication team were also limited to Christmas. As long as the research was successful in advance, the bonus was also 10,000 US dollars each day in advance.

It's December, and Antonio Meucci is running out of time, so Antonio Meucci also moved into the laboratory with a quilt.

In fact, even without a car and phone, Li Mu ’s net worth is increasing day by day. The Boston Evening News underestimates the value of Steed Weapon Company. Through the Cuban War, Steed Weapon Company has now received more than one million dollars in orders, so one million dollars. It certainly does not represent the value of Steed Weapons Company.

Also underrated is the Corbin-Rim shipping company. The news that Li Mu owns the Trinidad Asphalt Lake has not yet spread. This asphalt lake alone is worth more than 10 million US dollars. Li Mu in Cuba also has a large area of ​​plantations and mines, let alone the value of the plantations, the value of mines is even more inestimable, such as the iron ore on Mount Puliar, no one except Li Mu, no one knows how much iron ore is stored on this mountain Shi, Li Mu will not release the relevant information, that is a number that will make Carnegie collapse.

Most of the proven mines in the United States are concentrated in the Great Lakes region. Li Mu does not know how many iron ore are in the Great Lakes region, but what Li Mu knows is that all the iron ore in the Great Lakes region adds up, and there is no iron ore on the Pryal mountain. rich.

Li Mu knows a lot about places like Puliar, such as oil in the Gulf, such as Australian mining areas, and East Texas oil fields with reserves of more than 680 million tons. If Li Mu tells Rockefeller of this news, , Then Rockefeller can now pay Li Mu $ 10 million in cash.

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