Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Heaven is angry

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The advantage of the traversal is reflected in the information aspect.

No golden fingers, no thick thighs, as long as the traversal can take advantage of information as much as possible, then no matter in any era, the traverser can live like a fish.

It ’s like Li Mu. Even if Li Mu, who has just arrived in the United States, is unknown, but because of information advantages, Li Mu can make the most of it. When Li Mugang knew Carnegie, Carnegie ’s business had not yet opened, but with the future Li Mu knew that Carnegie would eventually fly into the sky, so Li Mu took the initiative to make good friends with Carnegie and used Carnegie to expand his wealth.

When I met Amys, Amys was alive and powerful, but Li Mu knew that Amys would eventually die, so Li Mu acted as a pusher, and after he killed Amys, he successfully obtained the huge wealth of Amys.

As for the inventions of smokeless powder, stainless steel, weapon steel, automobile, telephone, etc., this is the embodiment of Li Mu's full use of information advantages. As long as Li Mu maintains the current situation, Li Mu will have unlimited possibilities.

"The Boston Evening News" is right to give Li Mu the title of "Mr. Richest Man". Even if Li Mu is not the richest man in the United States, one day, sooner or later, this title will be fully deserved.

In the United States, money represents power, and a group of tycoons represent almost unstoppable power.

In the face of this equity trend, even the President of the United States has to retreat, so Ulysses Grant personally greets Li Mu and others in front of the President's palace.

Ulysses Grant was stunned as the "car" made of steel slowly stopped in front of himself.

"Mr. President, in order to ensure the performance of this car, even without your permission, we will help you test it first, I hope you don't mind." Rockefeller sitting in the front passenger seat got out of the car politely, look There was no disrespect.

"Mr. President, this is the first car in the world. Please allow me to give it to you as a respect for the Steed Group." After Li Mu got out of the car, he gave the keys to Ulysses S. Grant.

"Thank you very much, Rim. I'm so proud of you to see your achievements." Ulysses Grant took the initiative to open his arms and gave Li Mu a big hug.

"That's because you have a good leadership. It is under the correct leadership of Mr. President that the United States has the current results. I am just the most inconspicuous one among countless people. This is not a good result." Said When it comes to polite words, no one can say Li Mu.

"Oh, Rim, you are always so humble, that's a good virtue." Ulysses Grant laughed.

"Unfortunately, some people are destroying Riem's ​​virtues, so Mr. President, it's time to do something--" Henry Dupont's character was as flammable and explosive as gunpowder, even in the face of the President. convergence.

"Sit down, I'm about to hear your opinions about the Knights of Labor." Ulysses Grant sat down on the main seat of the living room, his hands in the shape of a pagoda, a gesture of confidence.

Opposite Ulysses Grant, almost all of the most powerful people in the United States are seated. With the support of these people, re-election should not be a problem.

Since 1869, Ulysses S. Grant has served as president for five years. This year is the first year of his second president. Of course Ulysses S. Grant wants to do it again.

"The Knights of Labor, this organization was founded in 1869, and began to carry out public activities three years ago. The scale has expanded rapidly. So far, all 38 states in the United States have divisions of the Knights of Labor. Its members are in all walks of life in the United States. According to incomplete statistics, since the outbreak of the economic crisis, the number of workers' movements related to the Knights of Labor has exceeded 45 times. The purpose of the strike is to reduce working hours, provide work remuneration, and reduce labor intensity. In particular, the railway industry, since entering the economic crisis, railroad workers ’strikes in New York have occurred more than five times, which has seriously interfered with the confrontation between us and the economic crisis. At a time when everyone is eating and drinking, hoping to survive the economic crisis as soon as possible, This organization is inciting workers to strike, asking us to increase our costs. This is an unforgivable act— "William Vanderbilt took the lead and resolutely condemned the Knights of Labor.

Regarding the strike led by the Labor Knights, William Vanderbilt did not add jealousy. In fact, William Vanderbilt was talking about some relatively large-scale strikes, and those small-scale acts that had little effect, William did not mention it at all. In fact, if this part is added, the number of strikes related to the Knights of Labor will exceed 50.

The rejection of the Chinese is just a side effect of the labor knights inciting the strike. The strike that really affects the United States is not the rejection of the Chinese. Therefore, William ’s focus is not on the Chinese, but only on his own stand. State your requirements.

"Yes, the same is true of the oil industry. This organization has now endangered the interests of all of us, so we cannot just ignore it. If we let this organization develop, sooner or later, this organization will become our confidant. "Rockefeller is also welcome. Rockefeller has no psychological pressure against the Knights of Labor.

"Rim, what do you think?" Ulysses Grant nodded his head after listening to William and Rockefeller's request and listened to Li Mu's opinions.

"My opinion, you must know, just two months-no, three months ago, there was a violent incident against Chinese workers in San Francisco. I don't want to target anyone, but I still want to say that this kind of thing violates the representative. The American spirit of fairness and justice has hurt the feelings of all of us. As far as I am concerned, I cannot feel the tolerance and greatness of the United States in this matter. Only the selfishness and shamelessness, they only see Entrepreneurs welcome Chinese laborers, but they do n’t see the laborious work of Chinese laborers; they only see that entrepreneurs are not willing to compromise with them, but they do n’t realize how difficult it is for companies to survive in the economic crisis, they only see that their pay is not enough Rich, but did not see the real reason for becoming a loser-many times I wonder, what is the spirit of the United States? Is it all for the benefit of money worship? Is it a land of losers abandoned by the European continent? Hegemonism blessed by boat guns? No! None. The American spirit should be democracy, freedom, and equality. It should be self-reliance and self-reliance. Violence against any nation should be condemned resolutely. Whether it is a time of economic crisis or not, we must have a sense of anxiety, so that we can build a better and stronger United States of America! ”Li Mu's generous submission successfully won fierce applause. .

"Rim, you should be a speaker—" Carnegie applauded as he lamented, feeling sad for Li Mu's wrongdoing.

"That's great, Lim, I invite you to come to my business to give a speech to my employees." William Vanderbilt, a victim of the strike, was ashamed.

"Come as a politician, Rim, you have the most important quality of a politician, you must have a sloppy mouth." Rockefeller is still unconcerned.

"Rim, you're ashamed of me." Henry Dupont, who didn't talk much, was heartily convinced. He realized his weakness from Li Mu's words.

As for Arthur, who had already arrived at the President's Palace, he looked at Li Mu with brilliant eyes, and it was obvious that this unwilling guy was planning something.

The most clever part of Li Mu is that he did not quarrel with Chinese workers much, but connected this matter with the "American spirit", which stood on the right and wrong, and it was impossible to refute.

Just like Li Mu said, the United States is a country of abandoned children abandoned by the European continent. Such a country emphasizes its spiritual strength. They are eager to succeed, eager to prove themselves, and eager to build a country that is more important than all the countries in the old continent. Advanced countries, so Li Mu particularly emphasizes the "American spirit". Even if this is not in the slightest connection with Li Mu's daily behavior, Li Mu also has to sing high-profile. This is a routine with future Hollywood blockbusters. No matter what you do, you must Speaks very well.

"It seems that the labor knights have reached the level of anger." Ulysses Grant did not hesitate.

The rights of the President of the United States are indeed very large. The United States Constitution gives the President the right to "defend the United States Federal Constitution and implement the laws enacted by Congress." The President has the power to appoint personnel and the United States military. He has the right to wage war and can veto Congress. The President also enjoys entrusted legislative powers for any bill passed, allowing full or conditional pardon for anyone who is sentenced to violate federal law, except for those who are impeached.

It sounds very powerful, but the President of the United States is the president voted by the Americans, and because the President has a term of office, the President ’s rights cannot be infinitely enlarged, and the President cannot act arrogantly. In order to ensure the execution of the President ’s rights, the President Know the art of compromise at the right time.

Obviously, when facing Li Mu and their group of capitalists, even Ulysses Grant as the President of the United States cannot ignore their opinions.

"That's right, so on behalf of the 50,000 workers and their families of the Steed Group, I hope that Mr. President will declare this organization an illegal organization, ban all activities of this organization, dissolve all the branches of this organization, and hold the legal responsibility of those responsible." Li Mu was determined to make the Knights of Labor unable to turn over completely.

"Yes, on behalf of the Vanderbilt family, I hope Mr. President will ban this organization-" William Vanderbilt maintained the team.

"I represent Mobil Oil--" Rockefeller followed.

"I represent the American Gunpowder Association-" Henry DuPont resigned.

"I represent the Pittsburgh Steel Association--" Carnegie threw the last straw.

The "representatives" they call Li Mu are not the "represented" ones. As the owners of various enterprises, they have the right to represent the companies they belong to, such as the "50,000 people" Li Mu said. It is 50,000 people who are real, without any adulteration. If someone is unwilling to let Li Mu represent, then please resign and leave. Some people are willing to let Li Mu represent.

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