Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 299: Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

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After eating, Ulysses S. Grant invited Li Mu and others to sit in the small garden, which was considered to be relaxing after the meal.

In the small garden, William Vanderbilt and Rockefeller asked Ulysses S. Grant to limit the transition to duplicate construction.

In fact, this is the real purpose of William Vanderbilt. They came to Ulysses S. Grant, but compared to the Knights of Labor, if the construction of railways, oil, and other industries is restricted, it will require congressional review before forming a resolution. Ulysses S. Grant cannot rely on executive orders to achieve his purpose, so this seems to be a temporary topic.

This also fully shows that the Knights of Labor is not in a good climate. For Li Mu and them, the Knights of Labor is not a big deal, and they are not attentive.

Perhaps Li Mu did not mention the request, and Grant felt abnormal, so Grant joked to Li Mu: "Rim, don't you have any requirements? For example, in the military industry, do you feel that there is duplicate construction in the military industry?"

This question is not easy to answer. The current military industry in the United States. The old military manufacturers are Springfield, Colt, and Winchester. Li Mu's Steed Weapons Company is a rising star. According to Grant's words, there are duplicate constructions in the U.S. military industry, so it seems that the Steed Weapon Company that was set up last is the one that should not be added.

So Li Mu wanted to fool over after a haha.

Henry Dupont did not want to be so vague: "There are indeed duplicate constructions, especially Springfield and Winchester. These two factories are not aggressive and do not want to upgrade their machines to produce the latest weapons. Factories should be eliminated. Promoting product upgrading is the core of maintaining competitiveness. "

After listening to Henry Dupont's words, Li Mu suddenly became angry.

Henry Dupont roasted Li Mujia on fire. Everyone knows that smokeless gunpowder was developed by Li Mu. Now only the Junma Weapons Company is producing new weapons based on smokeless gunpowder. Others, whether it is Chuntian or Winches Special and Colt are still on the sidelines. Originally, if this problem continued, then maybe Li Mu would merge one or two of them in ten years. He was the only one in the U.S. military industry. Now Henry · DuPont put this issue on the table, and Li Mu's "hiding clumsiness" completely lost its meaning.

"Oh, Rem, what do you think?" Ulysses Glenn asked Li Mu for advice.

"What can I say-in the military industry, Steed Weapons is just a toddler, Chuntian, Colt, and Winchester are the three with the largest weights, so Steed Weapons I do n’t intend to target anyone. Now, Junma Weapons Company has reached a cooperation agreement with Enfield, and cooperation with Krupp is under discussion. So I do n’t want to eliminate anyone. I welcome competition, but if a company ca n’t keep up with the times, He can only blame him for being out of fashion. "Li Mu does not hide his ambitions. If the United States only has Steed Weapons Company, an arms company, then Li Mu will have greater influence than Rockefeller and William Vanderbilt. Will have greater influence.

"The cooperation between Steed Weapons Company and Krupp-is it limited to smokeless gunpowder?" Grant was the most successful soldier in the United States before he became president. Military matters cannot be hidden from Grant.

"Of course not only smokeless gunpowder. In fact, the cooperation between Steed Weapons Company and Krupp focuses on artillery technology. Krupp has several technologies that are very good, such as the artillery tube self-tightening technology and the bolt-type locking machine. Technology, we hope to get these technologies. In this way, in conjunction with the hydraulic retreat technology being developed by Steed Lab, we can produce artillery with larger caliber, longer range and more powerful force. This is not only important for the army being demonstrated. Significance is equally significant for the navy. Alfred wrote a book on Sea Power. I do n’t know if Mr. President has seen it. There is a detailed discussion of the meaning and value of the navy, so I think, and Krupp ’s Cooperation is very important. Even if we suffer a little, as long as we can get Krupp's technology, this is worth it. "Li Mu told the truth, by the way, he also advertised Ma Han.

"Hahahaha-you do n’t say I will forget it, my friends, maybe you do n’t know yet, our Rim is still a great strategist, Alfred is in the first chapter of" On Sea Power " He focused on the inspiration that Lim had inspired him, saying that Lim was the leader of Alfred in some respects, hehe, Lim, maybe one day the Naval Academy invited you to give a speech. Do n’t be stage frightened at that time. "Grant seems to have read" Theory of Sea Power "and is highly esteemed by this book.

"Strategist-aren't you a businessman?" Rockefeller felt a bit big.

"He's a **** war monger--" William Vanderbilt was upset.

"Hey hey, pay attention to the way you speak. There are people here from the National Gunpowder Association-" Henry Dupont said. If you talk about warmongers, everyone in the National Gunpowder Association can be counted.

Carnegie smiled and said nothing. Li Mu wanted to produce artillery, and he would definitely order steel from Carnegie-Rime Steel, so Carnegie just looked and didn't speak.

"I just discussed this issue with Alfred. The term" leader "is too much, and I dare not admit it." Li Mu did not respond to Rockefeller and William's provocations, even though these jokes were well-intentioned.

"Since Alfred said yes, it must be." Grant believed Mahan.

"In fact, with regard to trust, I think that the emergence of such organizations in a certain period of time is not a bad thing. We should see that the world is not calm, so we need companies to have greater ability to fight risks, such as this time's economic crisis, Larger companies obviously have more survival advantages than small companies. If those small companies can't withstand this economic crisis, they will also be unable to survive the next economic crisis. In this crisis-filled world, the United States needs more and stronger Companies, such as the National Association of Gunpowder Industries, in fact, in my opinion, there is no need for this association to exist. We only need a certain factory to produce gunpowder. In key areas, we only need a voice to be more efficient. He mobilized all his strength to serve the United States. "Li Mu expressed his kindness to the DuPont family and repaid Henry's words of justice.

In fact, in the United States, monopoly is not an unacceptable thing. For example, Standard Oil. When it encountered a monopoly investigation, Standard Oil was split into more than a dozen companies overnight. It's in the hands of the Rockefellers.

Another example is the DuPont family. The DuPont family has also faced the opposition of the federal congressmen and senators. They unanimously requested a monopoly investigation of the DuPont family. After listening to DuPont's speech, university professors agreed that in an extraordinary period, the monopoly of gunpowder manufacturing by DuPont would be beneficial to the security of the United States.

The president finally ruled: DuPont reorganized into three companies. In fact, this is a deceiving practice. By doing so, it not only violates the "Sharman Monopoly Prohibition Law", but also protects DuPont. DuPont is divided into three, and the real power is still firmly in the hands of DuPont cousins.

"Ah, Rimm, why don't you compare the oil industry?" Rockefeller was very dissatisfied. If Li Mu took the oil industry just now, then Standard Oil should undoubtedly occupy the dominant position.

"The railway industry should be compared. Think about it. In a few years, there will be more than five railway lines between New York and Washington. In order to get enough land, they will have to detour long distances in order to get enough. If you abolish the land subsidy program now, Mr. President, I really want to see how good those people look in the face. "William Vanderbilt knew that it was unrealistic to have a big deal in the railway field, so he talked. Come without scruples.

"Okay gentlemen, we should be realistic and complain about not solving any problems. If you want to do something, please let it go. The Washington government will provide you with a strong backing. If you make a loss in the process, then Do n’t worry, for example, as mentioned by Riem, in order to acquire Krupp's technology, it is worthwhile to lose even a little. This spirit is worth promoting, and the Washington government will never let you suffer, so Riem, Go to General Bernap tomorrow. He has a good project to talk to you about. "Ulysses Grant reassures him that this issue is beyond the scope of Grant's ability, and Grant cannot say everything.

"Thank you very much, Mr. President—" Li Mu knew that there was another business coming to his door, so he thanked him wholeheartedly.

Hearings have been held on several occasions regarding the establishment of a standing army. If there are no accidents, it should be a matter of course.

Grant asked Li Mu to go to the Minister of War, Bernard. It must be to discuss the order of Army equipment. This is a good project. If the United States wants to establish a standing army, the order of the Ministry of War cannot be limited to conventional weapons. It should be on the purchase list of the Ministry of War. In the current United States, except for the Steed Weapons Company, other Springfield, Colt, and Winchester are all light weapons producers. They do not have the technical reserves of heavy weapons, nor do they have With signs of moving towards heavy weapons, the Steed Weapons Company became the only option for the Ministry of War.

What that sentence says: Opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared.

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