Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 300: phone

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When he returned to New York, Li Mu brought a military purchase order totaling $ 2.7 million.

This order includes light weapons such as pistols, rifles and light machine guns, as well as heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns and mortars.

Since the Steed Weapons Company has not developed a heavy artillery, the order does not include artillery, but War Minister Bernap promised Li Mu that once the Steed Weapons Company develops a heavy artillery, the Ministry of War will add additional orders.

If according to the ten-percent principle, for this order from Steed Weapon Company and the Ministry of War, Li Mu should pay Bernap at least 270,000 dollars, but this number is obviously too large, Bernap did not dare to ask, so Li Mu gave Bernap a check for $ 50,000 and invited Bernap to serve as a consultant to Steed Weapon Company after his retirement.

The meaning of "advisor" is the same as Grant's "honorary director". It is a false title without any rights, but Steed Weapon Company will pay Bernap for this, which is also a bribe in disguise.

American bribery is still in its infancy this year. When Gould offered a bribe to Grant's wife, Julia, he gave a pocket of dollars. This bribery was too technical and Li Mu was dismissive. "Advisor "This method is good. No one can pick out the fault and achieve the same goal. At the same time, it can also make effective use of the connections left by Bernap after his retirement. There are really many benefits.

Bernard was very satisfied with Li Mu's arrangement, so Li Mu received an order of US $ 2.7 million. According to the budget of the Ministry of War, this order would not have exceeded US $ 2 million.

This is a typical example of someone who is easy to handle.

In addition to the order, Li Mu harvested the Governor's Island in the New York Bay. The Governor's Island is the property of the United States Department of War. However, when Li Mu mentioned this to Bernapp, Bernap had no impression at all, so Li Mu simply For $ 85, he obtained permanent ownership of the Governor's Island.

That's right, it's $ 85, and there isn't one less "10,000".

One hectare is about 2.5 acres. The Governor's Island occupies about 33 acres. It is actually less than $ 85 per dollar, but Li Mu takes no account and simply takes a whole number. It is cheap to take advantage of the loss-

This is also an inscrutable transaction. The reason why Li Mu bought Governor's Island was to set up a landfill to handle the construction waste generated from the construction of Battery Park and the renovation of Central Park. Since it is a landfill, the price is Certainly it will not be high. As for what Li Mu will do on the Governor's Island in the future, it has nothing to do with Bernapp. No one can control it. After the contract is signed, the Governor's Island is already Li Mu's private territory.

On the day of returning to New York, good news came from Boston. Antonio Meucci finally perfected his phone design, met Li Mu's requirements, and could enter the actual production stage.

Compared to cars, the importance of the phone is also unquestionable. Li Mu took a special train to Boston that night to prepare a check for Antonio Meucci.

William Vanderbilt and Li Mu, who originally wanted to invest in cars, went with Li Mu.

"Telephone-what's that?" After hearing the purpose of Li Mu's trip, William Vanderbilt was confused.

"You know the telegraph. The principle of the telephone is the same as that of the telegram, except that the wire of the telegram transmits text, and the wire of the telephone transmits sound." Li Mu is a teacher, and now he advertises for the telephone.

"Voice! How is it possible!" William looked shocked.

"Why isn't it possible? If even air can spread sound one day, would you be even more shocked?" Li Mu dropped another bombshell.

"Air? This is simply ridiculous." William was not shocked this time, but opened a face of sarcasm.

"Oh, I'm talking to you right now. If the air can't spread the sound, what do you hear?" Li Mu played a concept of stealing.

"It's not the same thing at all. It can't be confused." William couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, you can not believe it, but I will make you believe it, just as you don't believe that wires can spread sound." Li Mu was so confident that even without Li Mu's "pumping seedlings", German scientist Hertz would find radio in 1888 The presence of waves.

This time William stopped ridiculing Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with complicated eyes.

Anyone who sees such an evil spirit will feel complicated.

In fact, Li Mu is not an inventor now. Li Mu's current image in the field of science and technology is a wealthy gold master. Unlike the great inventors, many of the things Li Mu has done are based on the inventions of his predecessors. Research, such as smokeless gunpowder, is an improvement based on black gunpowder. Another example is electric light. Li Mu first bought the patent of Henry Gobert who had no money to continue research, and then used the full financial resources in his hand to conduct research. Only Junma Electric Co., Ltd., as for stainless steel and weapon steel, it is only the investment results of Li Mu, so even if Li Mu has made great achievements now, he still cannot get the approval of the people in the scientific and technological circles.

In the eyes of those scientists, Li Mu is more like a businessman or an arms dealer. They like Li Mu but do not recognize Li Mu's guiding role.

Li Mu also does not intend to change the misunderstanding of those scientists. After all, Li Mu does not have time to stay in the laboratory all day to repeat those boring experiments. Since the profits generated by the inventions have been attributed to Li Mu, the honor is left to others. all.

When he arrived in Boston, Li Mu invited William to participate in the test, and William was glad to accept Li Mu's invitation.

The test site was at the Steed Lab on the Charles River. Li Mu went to the old lab located at MIT. William stayed in the new laboratory area on the other side of the Charles River. The two of them had to make a call to complete the call. Test.

Standing on the window on the second floor of the laboratory, Li Mu waved to the other side of the Charles River. After receiving a response from William, he vigorously shook the handle on the phone, and then picked up the connected handset: "Operator, please take the electrical experiment room."

Without Li Mu's intervention, the phone needs a long process to enter the practical stage. With Li Mu, the practical stage of the phone has greatly accelerated. Magnet telephones, carbon microphones, and operators have all appeared because of these requirements. So Antonio Meucci has finally completed the phone improvement work.

"Okay, please wait--" A voice that was a little vague and trembling came, Li Mu could hear, this was Antonio Meucci's voice.

"Congratulations, Antonio, in fact, you can now confirm that the phone research was successful-you succeeded-" Li Mu sent his blessing.

"Yes, sir, we have succeeded, thank you very much, Mr. Riem—" Antonio Meuchi's voice sobbed, and he could even hear an excited sob.

Without Li Mu's intervention, Antonio Meucci will renounce the landmark invention of the phone this year because of insufficient funds. It is only a ten-dollar patent fee, but Antonio Meucci cannot get it. Seeing that someone who shared the same laboratory with Antonio Meucci had applied for a telephone patent, then Tian shamelessly claimed the great invention of the telephone as his own.

Hmm, what's more interesting is that one hundred years later, the US Congress finally recognized Antonio Meucci as the inventor of the phone, but this caused strong dissatisfaction in Canada because the inventor of the phone in the usual sense was a Canadian, so The Canadian House of Representatives does not recognize the "reversal" of the US Congress.

Antonio Meucci does not know how miserable his future would be without Li Mu's intervention, but this does not prevent Antonio Meucci from being grateful to Li Mu. In fact, he met Antonio Meu before Li Mu. Qi is miserable enough. Antonio Meucci's wife has been ill in bed all year round. Antonio Meucci has been seriously ill because of severe burns. Without Li Mu, Antonio Meucci's family would not be able to maintain.

As the first operator in the world, Antonio Meuchi was qualified for his job. Soon, William's voice came over the phone: "——Can anyone hear someone in here? Is it here? Riem? "

"William, I've seen you look like a ghost with a phone, can't you put your glasses down? Yes, it's me—" Li Mu waved again to William across the Charles River.

"God-" A yelling came from the phone, and then Li Mu saw that William threw away the microphone in his hands.

"Damn it, if you broke me, you have to pay compensation. This is the first phone in the world, and you ca n’t afford to buy it." Li Mu is distressed. If it really breaks, Li Mu will definitely find William settles.

Of course, it ’s just a joke that nothing can be changed after the sale. The Vanderbilt family may now have more money than Li Mu.

"I, I, I-I can't imagine why this is happening?" William picked up the microphone again, stuttering with questions.

"This is the power of technology!" Li Mu put down the microphone and ended the first call in this life.

Soon, Li Mu took the ferry to the laboratory on the other side, and once again expressed his blessing to Antonio Meucci.

"This is the result of all of us working together. The phone would never have been so perfect without you all." Antonio Meucci was modest.

"Well, this is the honor you deserve, of course, you will also get my check, let me count-nineteen days, then it is $ 190,000, Mr. Antonio Meucci Congratulations again. "Li Mu generous, cheque on the spot.

"Long live!" The atmosphere in the laboratory was immediately lit.

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