Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 303: rough

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Everyone knows that the battle between Li Mu and Tweed has heated up.

If the public opinion offensive two months ago was just a prelude, then with the emergence of assassinations and large-scale crossfire, this symphony has now reached its climax.

It is indeed a large-scale exchange of fire. Mahoney is not completely defenseless. There are more than a dozen gunmen in his villa, equipped with powerful grenades and shotguns. However, in the face of the opponent's powerful advance, Mahoney's men There was almost no resistance. The New York City Police Department surveyed the scene afterwards and found that the offensive side was also equipped with grenades and shotguns, but they cooperated with each other and were very skilled in using various weapons. Although the gunners under Mahoney could do it in New York Mighty, but in the face of war machines such as the army, it was a miserable loss.

The New York City Police Department estimates that there were no more than three casualties on the offensive side, and that no one was likely to have died at all.

To say that in New York, there are many people who can hire hotspots. There are so many tycoons on Wall Street. They can hire a large number of gunners casually. It is not a problem to even build an army-like scale, but to say that they can hire An army, there are really few people.

Unfortunately, Li Mu is one of these few people, and there is an army stationed on the Governor's Island. Others do not know the details of Li Mu. Will definitely knows, so Will came to Li Mu immediately and asked Li Mu to keep it. Restraint, at least, cannot turn New York into a battlefield like San Diego.

"What is dead is nothing more than a hooligan boss. What does it matter? If he tried Mahoney, he would have committed a hundred deaths, so this is not the point. The point is which person blatantly murdered Mr. MP. The blatant provocation of order. "Li Mu did not care about those mixed lives, this attitude made Situ Lei feel cold.

This matter has nothing to do with Hongmen. Although Hong Men ’s West Court punishment Chu Wushuang just brought people to New York, they did not have such a strong fighting force.

Obviously, Situ Lei misunderstood Li Mu's meaning. Although Li Men's Hongmen was also confusing, Li Mu's attitude towards the Chinese was definitely not the same as that of western whites. Li Mu always treated himself very well.

"It's a pity that the man who murdered MPs on the street was instructed by Mahoney, and he has been given the punishment he deserves." Will said that even if Will knew that this was done in vain, Will Li Mu will not be affected.

"Then it's over. Say you're going to Montana. What about Gloria and Sandy? Will you go with you?" Li Mu also didn't take it seriously, only concerned about how Will settle Gloria and Sandy.

Gloria and Sandy are still attending school. I have followed Will to Cuba some time ago. I must have pulled down my studies. If I followed Will to Montana, I would simply join the army.

"No, Gloria and Sandy are with you. I asked them for a tutor, and you will be responsible for their custody." Will is going to be a housekeeper.

"How is this possible? I still need the age of guardianship—" Li Mu was dissatisfied, and he didn't want to bring the two towing bottles.

Although Chu Xue already works with Li Mu, Gloria is different from Sandy and Chu Xue. Li Mu can trust Chu Xue and Sandy without reservation, but will not treat Gloria the same.

At least not now.

Chu Xue has no cousin like Adrian.

"You need guardianship? That's fine. You're going to Montana with me." Will lied.

"No, it is said that the Indians and the Chinese have a blood relationship, so I can't be so cruel to you." Li Mu's excuses are a little clumsy.

"Go away, when you haven't seen the history of your Chinese people, you have no problem in killing yourself-" Will has completed his homework and is no stranger to the Chinese history.

This is still Li Mu's recommendation. Since Will intends to develop in the army, Li Mu will provide Will with all the help he can, so Li Mu recommends some military books to Will, such as: "Sun Tzu's Art of War"-

No, just one, Li Mu gave the translation.

Watching Li Mu and Will quarrel with each other, Situ Lei standing behind Li Mu was inexplicably shocked.

Before contacting Li Mu, Hongmen had always wanted to find a backing in the United States, but was unable to do so.

American politicians still love feathers. Guys like Tweed, although he will support gang leaders such as Mahoney, he will not really include people like Mahoney in his core camp, regardless of Who is it, as long as it is related to the gangster, that is tantamount to self-destruction.

Situ Lei knew who Will was. The first division commander and the first major general in the United States Army had a promising future. Such a person could talk and laugh with Li Muzhuang unbridledly, which shows that Li Mu's power is huge.

It felt more than just Situ Lei, Chu Wushuang who just got off the bus felt stronger.

Chu Wushuang is a Chinese American born in the United States. At least from the grandpa's grandfather generation, Chu Wushuang came to the United States and then thrived in the United States. For so many years, in order to survive in the United States, Chu Wushuang's family has always kept in mind Although these low-key, tolerant, and other survival philosophies, as the West Court in Hongmen's punishment, is similar to Xingtangtang, Chu Wushuang's behavior is not publicity, especially in the face of white people, Chu There is no two to be cautious.

When getting out of the car, Chu Wushuang did not think that someone would wait for him on the platform. Although rumored that Li Mu's power in New York was huge, Li Mu's power had not yet expanded to San Francisco, so Chu Wushuang didn't have much about the word "huge" concept.

From now on, Chu Wushuang will gradually feel the meaning of the word.

"Mr. Chu?" A Chinese man in a suit came to Chu Wushuang, holding a police badge in his hand, and greeted Chu Wushuang on his own initiative.

Although it was the first time to meet, Chu Wushuang was very sure. The Chinese in front of him had seen blood and had good skills. This can be seen from his steady pace.

"Exactly, Your Excellency?" Chu Wushuang's fists clenched his hands, his words were full of vigilance.

The gangster is just foolish. It is naturally opposite to the state machine, so Chu Wushuang does not like to deal with the military and police. Generally, it is nothing good.

"Bai Qi, thank goodness you have finally arrived, let's go, can you ride a horse?" Bai Qi did not answer Chu Wushuang's question and walked towards the exit.

"It will be a little--" Chu Wushuang quickly followed, not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble.

"They're all yours?" Bai Qi looked back at the boys behind Chu Wushuang, his satisfaction flashed.

Hongmen attaches great importance to this opportunity, so the people brought by Chu Wushuang are all good hands. They can fight and kill. Although there are only about a hundred people, Chu Wushuang believes that if they just fight, these people will be enough to sweep the New York gangs. .

"Yes!" Chu Wushuang said concisely, and his vigilance was stronger.

"Don't worry, you are absolutely safe here. This is New York. How does nobody dare to deal with the Chinese?" It seemed as if he saw the vigilance in Chu Wushuang's heart, and he took the initiative to explain.

"I don't know where your Excellency is taking us?" Chu Wushuang relaxed a little, all Chinese, and there was kindness in his bones.

"Governor's Island, Mr. Riem is waiting for you there." Bai Qi went straight to the exit without talking nonsense.

New York is a big city. Coupled with the arrival of a train just now, there are still a lot of people at the exit. Policemen holding batons are maintaining order. They have fierce eyes and scold them. If someone does not follow the order, they will immediately raise The baton went headless and smashed.

San Francisco is also an immigration city. In this case, Chu Wushuang saw more in San Francisco, so it is not surprising that Chu Wushuang walked quietly to the end of the line and was preparing to leave in line.

"Hey, hey, you don't need to be so careful. You are Mr. Riem's ​​guest. This is New York, not San Francisco." Bai Qi reminded again, Shi Shiran bypassed the team preparing to leave the station and walked towards the gate.

In order to facilitate the maintenance of order, the gate of the exit is not opened, and everyone must leave through a small door next to it. This is a small means of maintaining order and is very effective.

Seeing someone cut in, the policeman who was maintaining order looked impatient. A policeman put his truncheon in his hand and scolded him over.

Chu Wushuang stood still and watched how Bai Qi dealt with it. This was a good opportunity to observe that "Li Ye" force.

Although Li Mu was on the Governor's Island, Chu Wushuang would not think that Li Mu was the Governor. This is the United States. As a native American, Chu Wushuang knows how difficult it is for a Chinese to want to get out.

With no expression on his face, before the police drunk and scolded, he displayed the badge in his hand: "The first division handles matters, please cooperate."

"First Division-" The policeman saw the badge in Bai Qi's hand clearly, but his expression was still suspicious.

"Thank you to open the door-" Bai Qi was too lazy to make nonsense, and made his request directly.

"No, this door cannot be opened in accordance with the rules, so please go in line, everyone is equal before the law-" The police kind of insisted on the principle, and did not open the door according to Bai Qi's request, with a look of official business.

"Where's your sheriff? Call him over." Bai Qi rolled his eyes and wasn't prepared to talk nonsense to the guy in front of him.

"The sheriff isn't here, so please line up!" The policeman insisted, his pride erupted, and he was not scared by Bai Qi.

"Do you know what the first division did?" Bai Qi's patience was about to run out.

"Well, the Guantanamo infantry division--" The policeman suddenly laughed, without much respect.

"Then you just open the door for me, don't let me talk nonsense to you, otherwise I will go to you when you get off work, the gentleman with the number 05782, I hope you will not regret it then!" Bai Qi no longer talked nonsense, Directly snapped.

The corner of the policeman's mouth twitched, looking at Bai Qi's eyes with anger and unwillingness, but after all, he didn't dare to scold him back.

The door opened soon, and to Chu Wushuang, it was like opening a new world.

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