Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 304: violence

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Police in New York State are not necessarily afraid of federal soldiers, because New York State has New York State law, and the federal government must be cautious in New York State. Besides, they are not a system. Although they are all state violence agencies, they are not affiliated with each other. Relationship, so this police dare to give Bai Qi trouble.

This "don't be afraid" is relative. Once the system bonus is stripped, specifically to the individual, the policeman with the number 05782 really dare not carry it.

Recently, New York has not been calm. Several big men have suffered misfortunes one after another, and the gangsters have all endangered themselves. At this time, the trouble of finding garrisons is really not wise.

Bai Qi thinks that this is a common thing, but to Chu Wushuang, Bai Qi is arrogant.

Again, the United States is a country built mainly by white people. As a Chinese gangster, Chu Wushuang was born with a short head in front of white policemen. It was really hard to get angry, until he saw Bai Qi's style of work. Chu Wushuang only realized that: Oh, it can be done like this!

Next, Chu Wushuang really saw how arrogant the Chinese in New York were.

It was just a simple episode without having to wait in line. Bai Qi didn't take his mind at all. When he arrived at the square in front of the train station, a dozen horse-drawn carriages and dozens of military horses were waiting at the station entrance. Maintain order.

Walking on the streets of New York, Bai Qi didn't mean to walk next to one another. He just walked slowly in the middle of the road. No matter whether the carriage or pedestrian came across, Bai Qi didn't mean to avoid it.

When walking near Manhattan Central Park, Chu Wushuang noticed that construction was in the Central Park. The workers were white and Chinese, but the supervisors were all Chinese, without exception. A Chinese supervisor was reprimanding a white worker. There is no white arrogance at all, and the Chinese eyes are more cautious, which makes Chu Wushuang feel inexplicably refreshing.

When arriving at Battery Park Pier, Chu Wushuang saw many New York police on the dock.

When seeing Bai coming up, a policeman shouted, "Bai, I need you to assist me in investigating one thing, please cooperate."

"Sorry, I don't have time. The First Division didn't cooperate with your obligations. If you feel uncomfortable, you can complain to the gendarmerie department." Throwing down a sentence, Bai Qi ignored it, and took care of himself on board the ship, regardless of the complexion. Police.

The police did not dare to be rough. There were heavily armed Chinese soldiers on duty at the dock. The number was not less than that of the police. It was even less kind to look at the police. It was like watching prey.

"Baiye, so prestigious!" Chu Wushuang finally couldn't help but admire.

"The majesty is earned by yourself. When you get here, you throw away all your previous habits. I only tell you two words. Do n’t lose Lim ’s face, do n’t lose our Chinese face, no matter what. Whatever happened, with the presence of Lim, you can be sure that you are safe and sound. "For the same root and the same species, Qi Qi said a few words.

"Please rest assured, even if we lose our lives, we will never lose Mr. Riem's ​​face, we will lose our Chinese face." Chu Wushuang was in a very emotional mood. Previously in San Francisco, such words could only be in dreams If you think about it, you never thought you could say it aloud one day.

Bai Qi nodded with satisfaction, and didn't say much any more, and ordered to leave when all the people were on board.

"Mr. Riem-who is he?" Chu Wushuang wanted to increase his understanding of Li Mu.

"Oh, you'll know in the future, anyway, Mr. Riem will never let us lose ourselves anyway-" Bai Qi said little, this must be Chu Wushuang to experience.

Manhattan is only about a kilometer from the Governor's Island, and the engine is barely hot, and the ship leans on the dock of the Governor's Island.

Unlike the pier in Manhattan, the pier on the Governor's Island is unmanned, but Chu Wushuang, a keen martial arts officer, felt that someone was staring at him secretly, and Chu Wushuang kept calm, followed by white, and landed on the shore, bypassing the bushes. On the porch, Chu Wushuang came to a row of barracks.

The exterior of this barracks looks inconspicuous, but there are beddings and quilts on the inside. Although the cold wind and snow are blowing outside the house, the fire is flourishing and warm as spring. Chu Wushuang originally thought that he would sleep in the chase. It was unexpected. There are actually single beds, which is a pleasant surprise.

"Now you rest here, and by the way familiarize yourself with your weapons-yes, what weapons are you used to? Tell me, I'll get them for you." There wasn't much to say, and Chu Chushuang set them up. Want to go.

"Baiye, all of our guys carry it with him, don't worry about Baiye." Chu Wushuang clenched his fists and showed Bai Qi his strong forearm muscles.

"Fist? You don't need weapons?" Bai Qi felt incredible.

"It's not necessary, but the moving guys are too conspicuous, so we generally fight against each other. If necessary, we can make everything with swords, axes, and sticks." Chu Wushuang has confidence in his own skills and does not want to give Bai Qi trouble.

Bai Qi was speechless, and Chu Wushuang asked several people to follow Bai Qi away.

When he came to the basement of a bunker, he opened the door whitely, and said sideways: "Go and pick it yourself, let alone I didn't remind you, it's okay to keep fit and fit, but it's not enough to get ahead in New York."

Chu Wushuang walked into the basement and was stunned by the sight.

This is an arsenal. The rows of gun racks are neatly lined with various weapons. Chu Wushuang can recognize some of them as rifles. More guns cannot be named. He has never seen it before. By the wall The size of the box is a revolver, and the box is filled with grenades. There are also some strange and stout weapons on the table in the middle. Although they are not named, they do not prevent Chu Wushuang from understanding the killing of such weapons. force.

Look at this maggot, it should be extremely powerful.

"This is a storm-type light machine gun produced by Junma Weapons Company. Compared with heavy machine guns, the weight is greatly reduced. Although the range is short, it is sufficient in the city. Be careful when using this weapon and do not leave a handle to those police officers. ——It's not necessarily, wait for a while to see, who might be the New York police chief. "Bai Qi picked up the light machine gun on the table, woke up, pulled the bolt, checked it, and put it on the table again. .

"Here, Baiye--" Chu Wushuang was incredible, but he did not dare to take it, and cold sweat had leaked from his forehead.

"These weapons are all produced by Junma Weapons Company. Do you know what Mr. Riem is doing? Mr. Riem is the owner of Junma Weapons Company, so do n’t feel bad about bullets, and do n’t feel bad about guns. Only to help Mr. Lim. "Bai Qi looked at Chu Wushuang, the boss with his mouth open, his eyes were dim.

"Bai, Baiye, let's do this-this has never been used before." Chu Wushuang said a little bit hard and wanted to swallow and moisten his throat, only to find his mouth dry.

Bai Qi suddenly understood.

Not everyone has a backstage like Li Mu. The Chinese in San Francisco may be crowded, but in San Francisco, the Chinese gangs do n’t have much power. They do n’t even dare to have weapons to avoid being attacked by the San Francisco authorities. The "enemy" sounds very bloody. In fact, a gun can solve the problem, and the fool will go up and fight with others.

Therefore, it is not that Chu Wushuang is incompetent. It is because there was no background like Li Mu before, and he did not dare to touch these too violent things, so he did not seem to be on the stage.

"It's no wonder you, but from now on, you must first be familiar with these weapons, and then you can better help Mr. Rem-come on, I help you choose weapons." Bai Qi took the initiative to help Chu Chushuang them Revolvers, shotguns, and grenades were selected.

"Here, Baiye, you ca n’t use so much." Chu Wushuang's head was stunned by happiness. Although holding a dozen shotguns was a bit difficult, he couldn't bear to let go.

"I'm afraid you don't feel enough in the future." Bai Qi has a deep understanding. This thing is easy to use, it is really easy to use, but it will cause serious dependence.

When the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment did not have a machine gun, it never required fire protection during training. When they heard the order, they rushed, and everyone didn't know what to fear.

By the time the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment was equipped with a light machine gun, when they were training again, without the cover of the machine gun, many people already felt that they would not be able to fight, and there was always a feeling of no bottom.

Wait until the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is equipped with mortars, and psychological dependence will become more serious. If you do not put a few guns in each attack, you will not be excited.

This situation was already evident in the second Battle of El Christo, when Will led the cavalry battalion to pursue the Spaniards, several times because he had to wait for the artillery to delay the offensive time, which led to Willi Nee. Gourau was able to escape to Havana.

"No, no, Bai Ye, let's use these guys in the future in New York?" Chu Wushuang has not returned.

"Of course it can be used, can't it be used as a burning stick for you?" Bai Qi was surprised that Chu Wushuang could actually ask such a question.

"That's good, that's good--" Chu Wushuang seemed to remember something sad, and unconsciously reddened his eyes.

"Okay, you can take the weapons back and get familiar with them, and tomorrow there will be instructors to teach you to use these weapons, and use them as soon as possible-" Bai Qi patted Chu Wushuang's shoulders without asking.

What are you asking? They are all men who lick their blood with their blades. They are doing business with their heads tied to their belts. Maybe they will fall out of mold someday. This kind of thing is normal. When there is conflict with the enemy, there are guns and No gun is two different things.

In fact, mixed gangsters are not necessarily just killing, but Chu Wushuang is the West Court of Hongmen. He has always been on the edge of life and death, so he must have experienced more blood than ordinary people. If there were guns at that time, then Hongmen is certainly not what it is now.

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